San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Yeah, I hope you folks get that soon :confused: I wonder why you never did? I can understand the frustration for sure. And the others who haven’t gotten it yet. Plus you could have a cool story with it. I’m not sure why it’s taking so long…

Oh right, all their energy is going into the Dracthyr. :upside_down_face:


Give me darkfallen or give me death! :muscle:t2:


Just watched “The Bad Guys” (Family movies are my comfort movies, don’t judge) and I loved it.

It reminded me though of my favorite type of arc – the redemption arc. It made a point that just because people brand them as evil, or they look scary, they aren’t by default. I love that sort of story with monsters, to be honest. It’s why the antihero is my FAVORITE type of character!

Also though it made a point about animals branded as ‘evil’ when really they’re not. People are just terrible, honestly. It’s why I have a lot of love for the wolves, tarantulas, sharks, piranhas, and, of course, snakes of the world. Because people brand them as ‘evil’ when… they aren’t.

But yeah! If you’re someone who watches this sort of thing, it’s got a great story & message that is my favorite type of story/message and something I sincerely would love to see with undead-type creatures more in WoW.


Maybe I’m literally weird for this but horror movies are my comfort movies :sob:

I think its because I either A) get scared like I am PAYING to be like or B) its so silly I find it funny and my friends find it funny so its like now its a comedy either way I’m going to get my moneys worth also I think it helps that like I have friends who love the movies too so its like a thing, except for one friend who hates them but for some reason watching them w him is like more fun for me lol

Thats cool it kind of falls in line (thematically I mean) w some of the reason you like San’layn / free willed undead no?


That makes sense! I don’t think you’re weird for it. I find horror movies to be a ton of fun :smiley: If… they can manage to scare me, these days. I admittedly almost only watch animated movies now :sweat_smile:

…which might be REALLY WEIRD in my case because I write graphic gore & horror. And most of the themes of my characters are horror in some way, at least with how they handle battle.

I dunno, it’s like I’m ordering powerful monsters to take down horrifying evils… while holding a plushie and sitting in a comfy chair, watching Disney.

EXACTLY this, yes! This movie is going into my: “Rewatch a thousand times” pile with “How to Train your Dragon”, “Encanto”, and “Turning Red” because of that. It’s just so good! I LOVE the message, and you’re so right, that’s exactly it. And what I really love about the free-willed undead! They have so much potential to have a TON of nuance!


I feel like there is a whole genre of like ones that don’t scare you but are literally so funny but more so because they aren’t a good horror movie like it almost becomes a comedy arguably to me at that point.

Literally opposite from me :sob: I swear we always end up opposite


They are, I don’t bother with trying to get scared with them anymore though. There is only one jumpscare that has actually “gotten” me in recent years and that was from Haunting of Hill House. I’ve been watching a ton of TV show horror. Recently finished Midnight Mass and that was a blast. Hard to talk about that show without spoilers but I really would recommend it to anyone that hasn’t watched it.

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Give me death so I can play a darkfallen!


I just hope they give us info soon. Why are they keeping secrets? just announce us.


Even outside of the 9.2.5 secrets and info drought, they’ve been radio silent on Dragonflight too. They promised a blog post going into Dracthyr customizations a month ago, and nothing. They mentioned wanting to get some talent trees up for feedback ASAP, ahead of the alpha, and nothing. This is despite Ion’s comment that the expansion is “far along”. It’s really odd - just hope it’s leading up to another big PR push with tons of info.


The lack of communication and transparency makes me nervous for DF. Feels like they really have learned nothing as I believe the fundamental issue is like of clear and quality communication with the player base and accessing their needs and wants.


They did? That’s a bummer. Ugh… this is frustrating, I will admit. Even a “Sorry for the delays, we’re working on things but need to delay because of [x] reason.” Like… communication. Even if they didn’t give a date, just acknowledge people are waiting and give us a reason for what’s going on.

FFXIV devs are so much better in that regard. They actually communicate with players.


So I realize the Microsoft acquisition of Activision-Blizzard still has a ways to go (Was halfway done with the deal if I understand correctly), but I did want to note that there is an Xbox & Bethesda Game Showcase on June 12th, 10 AM Pacific:

I wouldn’t really expect anything WoW related, let alone much from Activision in general, but I figured I’d note it just in case. There could be something, but I feel like the chances are quite low. Especially when it comes to WoW.

I imagine once the Activision-Blizzard acquisition goes through, we’ll see some Blizzard announcements potentially in some streams that Microsoft does in general. E3 is normally during June, but was canceled entirely for this year, but I imagine we could start seeing WoW announcements that month along with any time we see any Microsoft gaming streams throughout the year.

I can’t remember if Blizzard has regularly done announcement streams or the like during summer much. The only notable thing I can remember is when they announced the BfA patch showing off Mechagon and Nazjatar coming. I think especially with the pandemic, it’s a bit hard to pinpoint schedule consistency for most gaming companies in general and announcements.

I said it once and I’ll likely continue to say it: I really hope we aren’t going to be waiting months to get an announcement of some kind of 9.2.5’s contents. I really want to put the rumors of getting at least a new playable race to bed, preferably with us getting races that have been requested for quite awhile, and the longer we go without anything but constant “hints” that raise more questions than answers, the more frustrations grow.

Will continue to keep an eye out for anything of interest to report. :wine_glass::bat:


Aren’t they showcasing a vampire game as well?

Sigh I wish with the Merger the wow family can sort of bring back Kameo. I feel like it and wow share so much similar themes xD

As touched on in a post before, I’d be ok if they didn’t really spell it out entirely. A real Azeroth would be many times bigger and more complicated than what’s shown in game, and would surely have lots of smaller groups embedded in factions which aren’t really common knowledge.

For instance, some human pirates joined the Horde in BFA despite the race itself being so core to the Alliance. While we know about it from playing the quests, it would probably be a bit confusing for an average NPC if they showed up in Org one day.

So, in reverse, if San’layn were to suddenly show up, it would be easy for me to imagine they joined off-screen in some NPC’s “quest.” That we know some of them have joined makes it plausible that other groups would be welcome.

If we’re not tied directly to any specific blood prince or what have you, it gives us more space to make our own back stories. If they were to just silently throw customization options at us, my Belf DK will have always been San’layn and didn’t just join Horde after the BFA quests.

And glad you like my murderfloof!


True and good point, though if they get no vampire powers or indication that they drink blood, they’d just be considered undead elves, pretty much. I go off the ‘given’ story anyhow with virtually all of mine, trust me; all of my OCs have their own backstories that carry back to them being vampyr in Wrath! That definitely wouldn’t change regardless of how they were implemented.

If they specify that they’re vampyr elves, and leave it at that, it would be good enough. I love creature lore myself and it’s my favorite thing to world build, but I guess leaving it open ended is also okay given we can fill in gaps ourselves…

…something I did already with my ‘San’layn Headcanon’ post that still oddly gets views every so often.


Or never left.

After the Alliance kills Drevan his acolytes can still be found in the damaged boat still aligned to the Horde.


Lack of vampire powers would be a major downside to customization versus an allied race. Would be cool to have a racial Bite to empower self and friendly target as a throwback to the ICC fight!

Not sure if this would conflict with the ranger banshee type though if it’s meant to encompass Darkfallen as a whole though?

Yea, that works too. My point was just that if they don’t specifically say we’re from Drevan’s unit, we could imagine ourselves to be from anywhere. They’d probably want to keep it open-ended a little either way if the dark rangers are also included.


That brings up a really good point: Who would be the leader of a playable Darkfallen faction?

If we got San’layn as a playable race by themselves, I could say a blood royalty NPC of some kind would be likely, but if for argument’s sake, we got San’layn and Dark Rangers mixed in, how would that work? Not to mention if Darkfallen were Horde and Alliance.

I would still expect San’layn representation among the Darkfallen, be it through neophytes or some blood royalty, but the latter I feel like would still represent the San’layn faction of the Darkfallen while another NPC would represent the Dark Ranger type of Darkfallen. I assume this would be the same on both factions.

It could very well be a Dwarf situation, where the three factions are lead by three people, even if one of them is kinda sorta LARPing as the other in the playable character department. It would make sense for something like a new Desolate Council, which has Forsaken, Darkfallen, San’layn, and any other undead faction on the Horde side. Not sure how Alliance would handle playable Darkfallen in general.

Something to think about with playable Darkfallen. Seems like the concept leaves us with more and more questions and unfortunately, less and less answers. :wine_glass::bat: