San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

It would, but I would be disappointed nonetheless, unless they explicitly said vampyr elves indeed joined the Horde. It’s gotten really tiresome dealing with roleplay elitists, which just drag the game down. I know I shouldn’t let them get to me, but it’d reinforce that the characters I’m playing are 100% reasonable so even those annoying people couldn’t give me a hard time and btother me in whispers.


Maybe that will be Calia’s purpose to bring the San’layn and Dark Rangers into the Horde or at least into Blood Elves and the Horde as customizations, at least that would be a whole lot nicer than more than likely what they are actually going to write for her or have her doing.


Yeah, maybe. Especially with the direction of Blood Elves. They’ve been downtrending to be uninteresting to me personally for a while with this light stuff. I liked the darker edge they had but now…well, I can’t even find much joy in my former favorite race anymore.


I can’t say I disagree with you because the whole edgy, darker, fun stuff seemed to be pirated from us in addition to everything else pirated from us to another race that I won’t mention because everyone knows what race it is.

I would still like for us to get that aspect back though and I feel like San’layn and Dark Rangers would be perfect way to add a very dark, very edgy and very fun appeal back to Blood Elves and the Horde, unless of course they are separate Allied Races and well then heck yes I would take them over just customizations for Blood Elves and the Horde.


Looks like Blizzard is looking for narrative directors. Pick me >:P I’ll get things back on track.

…If only, though. Sadly I wouldn’t have the qualifications. Sigh.

But yeah, I’d be fine with a Night Warrior like questline for a smidgeon of lore, something I still think they’d go ahead and do if anything given they mentioned it.


I feel like just watched a tiktok of somebody talking about they just w no bartending experience what so ever got a job at a high end restaurant managing the bar lol I laughed bcz she was like “it’s all about attitude sometimes”

Not the same thing obviously but generally I vibe w people like that bcz I’m like that too and I feel like life is just better when you ignore that aspect of people fixating on experience bcz maybe they will and you don’t get an opportunity and maybe they don’t but either way it’s what ever


Fair enough. If an opportunity comes up that feels reasonable in the writing sphere, I’ll give it a shot, at least. That one requires work on a AAA title story-wise though, which I haven’t done, nor have I written in gaming. Just my own self-published stories.

Who knows what the future will bring, though.


Personally I hope they go the nightwarrior route. And hope they include at least some more customizations if they don’t do an allied race.

Especially with the new race/class combos. I could imagine them finally adding the grimtotem warpaints for example with tauren rogues being playable.

The horde didn’t really get a nightwarrior sort of thing yet either.

Well if that does happen I can say confidently that you’ve got this sis, I know you do because you are just amazing and fabulous like that. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Yea, it would be weird thematically. But mechanically speaking, undead players are treated as living.

And is it really any weirder than Forsaken DKs? They’re, what, doubleplusundead? Realistically speaking, they should have probably been able to skip the second rez lol

Well, some of them did join the Horde in BFA. They could just say the Alliance didn’t kill all of them during the quest. Or that they just came back to life because vampire!

And on a tangentially related note, I just found vampire Pepe on my shaman. How did I not know this was a thing?!


I’d be fine if they clarified it that way, yeah. And just said some of them on the ship survived. There were San’layn left channeling on there. Plus, more were being made. We never got confirmation of pass or fail with Dreven’s mission, since we didn’t know the mission. If it was to ‘distract the Alliance while the Horde ‘hero’ gets the body’ then they passed.

Not to mention, there could have been more of the Neophytes lurking around Nazmir we just…never saw. So who knows.

Also your shaman is adorable!! Vulpera are awesome. I didn’t know that either though, that’s actually quite neat. I want that eye effect on my characters :sob: Feelsbadman that the bird got the customization before us.

Though maybe not as bad. Cause it’s adorable as heck!


They did. Blood Elves got gold eyes in BfA, then months later Night Elves got Night Warrior eyes.

Edit: You can even find reddit threads of Alliance players complaining because of Horde getting customization and Alliance not getting any at the time.

2nd edit lol: The pepe customization is from reaching a certain renown with Venthyr I believe. It’s a random chance every time you summon pepe.

I disagree, to be honest, that golden eyes count. Night elves got a skin as well that was unique. Blood elves got their heritage armor with it, yeah, but other races got heritage armor too. Night elves got a TON of customization while what blood elves got was lackluster and…frankly…ruined them even further. (I wouldn’t say this particular thing if there had been other themes emphasized with Blood Elves too, like the fel or phoenix stuff. But… yeah. That isn’t the case lately.)

Night elves are still due for their heritage armor. But yeah, I really don’t see eye color as the same, especially since when Night Elves get their heritage, they’ll also have their whole questline. Meanwhile, Blood Elves were sort of just given their golden eyes. Other races got tons of eye colors too–and far more.

So yeah, Blood elves got the major short end of the stick, and golden eyes that bring them further away from what made them interesting isn’t good enough. Especially since none of what Blood Elf players are asking for have been given yet. Just gaudy, ugly jewelry and a few hairstyles.

Meanwhile Night Elves got scars, leaf decorations for their hair, and more. I’m not saying they should not have–far from it. I just want to see love given to Blood Elves, and those who like darker aspects on elves for Horde.

Also, before someone brings up the ‘quantity’ argument, I’m arguing quality here. I couldn’t care less about some ugly jewelry. Most I talk to also find it lackluster. We asked for scars & runic tattoos. Something distinct. Instead, we got something that would be more fit for a transmog slot. I almost wish the jewelry wasn’t even added given it’s so bad, and people use it as an excuse to say ‘Blood Elves got enough’, but perhaps someone deeply loves it so who knows. I want to see actual requests granted, though.


Well, I don’t think the customization added in Shadowlands really needs to be part of the equation when considering whether Blizzard intended night warrior eyes to be the counterpart to the golden eyes Blood Elves got in Battle for Azeroth.

Yeah, Blood Elves and many races got shafted when Shadowlands customization happened. Not disagreeing there, but it’s a different topic.

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Fair enough, one of my major issues is the questline, really. I’d love quest-customization unlocks more, and I’d hope we’d get it for San’layn/Darkfallen.

I think Wildhammers really got shafted in that respect, unfortunately. Even some minor tidbits of lore would have been fine. It’s a shame. :confused: People could even argue this point for High Elves, where they could have shown some of the Silver Covenant turning to the void and boom, there you go.

It’s just a shame that they slack so hard on the lore aspect of this stuff and it’s really disappointing.


Yup lol. I’d actually be a little bit scared if they did a silvermoon revamp it would be turned into Light Kingdom 100000

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Night warrior customization was a whole ritual sort of thing. Vs blood elves having lore updates to something that happened in BC and reflect the current lore/ Liadrin art from hearthstone. The horde hasn’t gotten a nightwarrior - new customization yet. And the blood elf thing for eye colors is more of a lore update since there eyes are supposed to change with the types of magic they absorb. The fel was overpowering any other magic type but that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. Vs the nightwarrior eyes resulting from a forbidden ritual, one is baseline lore, the other is unique customization that’s accountwide and signifies a significant powerboost in lore. You share the power of the nightwarrior that Tyrande has.

There were some rumours it was supposed to be drust corruption, and they changed the plotline to Shadowlands, probably would have made the night elf player base more furious.

The orc backs, first fix on the male blood elf duckface, and the eyes just kinda… appeared from the ether with very little context.

We got it… on npcs. Literally already in the game since darkshore. Tones of npcs wearing a version of the armor from the vanilla wow cinematic. It looks amazing and I want it. But it’s been what 2 years since then? And we still don’t have it…


Let us have the stripper armor on male and female night elves!