San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Me, while waiting for some news.

ANY news.


Driving you batty, eh?


your update is kept in the same folder as my desire to see glad stance brought back … :grimacing:

I dunno if that’s a good or bad thing, I will admit :s

Ugh, I just went through there on my HMT Druid. Does it ever! XD

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bellular did a little video on 9.2.5 stuff coming and apparently theres a updated lamanant of the highborne theme with similar length to a allied race intro.
idk if thats increasing my hope or not but at this stage i just want answers dangit.

The Bellular video mentioned can be shown here, though it’s mostly an overview of known 9.2.5 stuff with speculation mixed in:

He mentioned the updated Lament of the Highborne theme being the length of an allied race intro around the 12:24 mark, though it’s very brief and he seems apathetic about it. You’d think the possibility of a new playable race of some sort would be a bit more exciting to discuss than just be that “Welp, that’s a thing! Moving on…” Maybe if there are more hints, we’ll start seeing speculation videos in general.

It seems like even without that one “leak,” we would’ve started the speculation of a potential playable Darkfallen race because of all the hints and such. We still have more questions than answers, and hopefully we’ll see something sooner than later. An announcement would be great, as we can wait for the patch itself to come. Though I suspect if playable Darkfallen were announced, we’d still have a lot of questions, but at least we’d have it officially confirmed.

Will continue to keep an eye out for anything of interest to report. :wine_glass::bat:

6 Likes I saw this while not vampires :cry: it might explain about allied race. Sorry I needed to let y’all know.

There is no minimap. Just one solid friggin gold coin XD.


Speculation video on that “leak” by Doronsmovies:

Something to point out is that Doronsmovies does a lot of odd speculation videos that tend to miss the mark by a wide margin, such as their video of a possible playable Dreadlord race which noone else has ever talked about to my knowledge. I would take a lot of what he says with a grain of salt for most of their speculation videos. Not to mention that he doesn’t talk at all about San’layn or Darkfallen, focusing more on Dark Rangers and Light themed Undead speculation. The issue here, aside from the abomination that is Light themed Undead of course, is when talking about Darkfallen in general, San’layn are part of that equation and should be apart of a playable faction, thus deserving some speculation talk.

The key word here is speculation. Ultimately, nobody knows what is or isn’t coming up. We could see playable Darkfallen, we might not. If we do, who knows if or how San’layn representation would be implemented. Honestly, it would be annoying to see playable Darkfallen and not see San’layn among them, seeing as San’layn were the original Darkfallen to begin with before a reclassification was created recently.

Hard to say what’ll happen, if we do get a new playable race of course. Best to keep an open mind as we continue to look out for more info to report. Even if it isn’t meant to be for 9.2.5, we’ll still continue to support playable Horde San’layn. :wine_glass::bat:


Sorry I’m trying to keep my eyes out for any hints. I promise I’m taking all of this with a pinch of salt. I’m thinking the undead independents could be a neat idea.


No need to apologize. We’re all anxious for news and getting frustrated the longer time goes on without any sort of announcement. Moreso since it could either be really exciting to see our dreams come true or just turn out to be a damp squib, which is why it has been hard to keep expectations tempered. Not to mention all the questions on how a playable Darkfallen race would be handled if that is what actually happens, which also is a cause for worry.

It’s good to not leave any stone unturned when it comes to finding more info on 9.2.5. Hopefully, we’ll get some actual answers on what is or isn’t coming sooner than later. :wine_glass::bat:


Unfortunately, that seems to be used for this:

The song plays in the Sylvanas audiobook, so it makes sense that its being used for a Lirath (her brother) easter egg song.

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Small video included in this Twitter link from above to show off the easter egg mentioned:

Bit of a shame, but not really a death blow to the whole Darkfallen allied race rumor. A new intro music can always be made if we happen to be getting any new playable races out of it.

Will continue to help keep my eyes open for anything of interest to report. :wine_glass: :bat:


It also doesn’t rule out customizations.


I’ve thought the customization route was more likely since that twitterzoom roundtable thingy either way.

Plus, seeing as how they basically retrofit Wildhammer into the dwarf race, or Sandfury and other tribe skins into trolls, it kinda makes sense. Instead of locking Darkfallen to one type or trying shoehorn every flavor of undead elf into one rep faction, they can just give us the appearances and let us make our own back stories.

It would also save players a lot of money on faction changes lol.


It’s possible they’d give ‘undead’ customization to a race that’s alive, but I dunno. Would be strange.


I know this is a dumb idea and I will probably be called dumb but I feel that there might be a chance that maybe the new allied race could be the forsaken can make a choice of staying with the horde like Lillian Voss or take a chance with the alliance with Derek Proudmoore. Plus at the end night elf dark ranger join Derek to the alliance and Blood Elf Dark Ranger stay with Lillian Voss to the horde. Again this might not happen at all and take a pinch of salt but it could be interesting. Please don’t be upset with my question I just thought it something that forsaken could have a real choice.

Hm, well I think customization is more likely and have for a while, but who knows. My thoughts were especially emphasized though by the mention of a night warrior questline making things relevant. I don’t want to get my hopes up for anything, though. My concern is the customization will be incredibly lackluster and we won’t get a good story for them at all. If they shove it all to customization, I feel they won’t bother to expand the lore. :confused:


Even with just customizations for San’layn and for the Horde and for Blood Elves and for the Horde it could and it would add loads to our race because I have learned that skintones, eye colors, hair colors and hairstyles can add a whole lot of new stuff with very little work when it’s actually added and available for use. :heart: :heart: :heart: