San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I am shocked. This is my shocked face. It’s very shooketh.

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I have yet to meet someone worship Garithos genuinely, most of them do it trollingly.


I’m happy to hear that, some people are really convincing and it disturbs me.

Same with the Garrosh worshippers (after MoP. I understand wanting his character to go in a different direction prior to MoP, etc. but the people who say he was ‘the best warchief’ and brought ‘the true Horde’ when he turned full raging racist, just… well let’s just say I do not get along with them.)


On the subject of mercenary races, while the concept is interesting, I’m not really thrilled at how it would likely be implemented in the game.

The last thing I’d want is for a new playable race to just be added without much fanfare and just be there in-game. It is bad enough that customization races get treated fairly badly, but I wouldn’t want full fledged races to just get shoved in without things like lore, racial leaders, capital cities/racial hubs, overall presence in storylines, and other aspects of playable races. I also feel like class selection would be extremely limited for them as well as opposed to being able to being able to choose between several classes. It just strikes me as something that would be treated potentially lazily and unfulfilling and overall would be messy to implement.

For any race that gets added, I’d like to see them treated well, reasons showing why a race would join the Horde/Alliance, and having their own culture and lore reflected in-game. I don’t just want new races haphazardly shoved in without much feeling of what makes that race that race. The whole idea of mercenary races and how they would realistically be implemented really doesn’t sit well with me.

It honestly feels like it would be a monkey’s paw wish, and the last thing I want is for new races to just get the lazy treatment as opposed to getting fully fleshed out. I’m sure I could elaborate more once I’m more awake, but honestly, seeing such a system would fill me with dread and worry about races I want playable getting badly treated.

Just how I honestly feel. I want new races to be treated with love and care as opposed to just being shoved in and being there without much thought or care. :wine_glass::bat:


I mean Thrall never punched out a dragon.

WTF do you call what happened to Deathwing?

Maybe it’s just me and I’m the weird one but I don’t consider laser beams to be the same things as punches.


Yeah that’s a you thing /joking

I used to be someone who was against datamining because of spoilers and would have preferred everything be kept secret until the day of patch.

I am reversing my position. Please unencrypt everything and let us know if an allied race is coming, lmao.

I’ve been collecting transmog and heirlooms on the chance we get Darkfallen.


I mean if you have the time/energy/madness you can try decrypting it yourself through brute forcing… Though there is a good chance 9.2.5 would release before you succeed.


They should expand the lore to have some of the original TH join the modern Horde. It would allow for making ogre shadow priests and pale orcs (now added to the thread) playable and give us potential for a really cool new leader since Horde is lacking in supply of those at the moment.


Best case scenario:

The rumor if the AR is wrong because it’s multiple ARs that people have been asking for :stuck_out_tongue:

(I doubt this would happen but it would still be sweet)


Listen. I’m just angry that they nerfed him so sylvanas could win. That’s right even in WC3 Sylvanas was protected by plot armor

I’m just glad he was butchered, he was a terrible person and I like seeing bad guys get theirs. Granted, could have happened later, but who knows. I didn’t like him at all just like how I hated Garrosh post-MoP.


oh yea I agree it’s just funny considering his stats quite literally could have him wreck Vari and Sylvanas at the same time. he was stacked.

Ah, he would have made a good boss to take down or something then. I never played the RTS games. Wonder what would happen if he was ressurected as a boss. Like the Scarlets or something, the undead ones. Could be an interesting plotline to beat him up again. XD

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no no sorry we can’t have any bad alliance characters. y’all are forced into the villain bat role while we are forced into purity.


Oh yeah that’s right, it would break the rules. D: (I’m glad we’re seemingly both frustrated on that one, lol)


This made me laugh a lot more than it had any right to.

I like this idea.

Ah, that greatest illusion, Hope.


I like to imagine one of the random npcs in the Maw is Garithos so I can kill him over, and over again