San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

You’d be surprised the amount of people who are adamant that Orcs in D&D should all be stupid and have a negative to int. Not that I am one of them.

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One dimensional is so boring.


It’s those people and folks in general who say ‘this should be default and every race should need to be this way’ I clash with heavily.

Building a character story/personality/aspirations will always win out over restrictive lore to me anyway. Restrictions are something I will continue to strongly be against.


They’d probably not like me lol. I like to break rules as long as something won’t do damage to the campaign.

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Exactly, this is my argument. I simply do not agree that any free-willed race should be a cardboard cutout of the next person.

I would flat out refuse to play with them. They wouldn’t want me in their campaign anyway.

People can already probably tell I detest the alignment system in D&D.


Same unless it’s because a pal wants me there. Then I just try to get under that one person’s skin as much as I can.

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Oh, that sounds like a lot of fun. :stuck_out_tongue:

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The hivemind concept really only works as the villain’s minions, outside of that, it’s got nothing going for it, especially if you the player can play as them. It’s also rather contradictive in a MMO where free choice is the biggest selling point but this one playable race is actually being controlled.


Yeah, it works for villain minions but not an entire race. The exception being something like, maybe, the Mantid. (something I’m unhappy with personally but deal with it as it is an example in nature, and they are also not playable. Likely never will be. Am I opposed to a story where some of them break free of the hive mind, though? Nope. I think it’d be col.)

But yeah, exactly, free choice and building your character the way you want is the point of the game. I personally love antiheroes and making ‘monsters with morals’. Grey morals (you know, done the right way). ‘Do things the living cannot’. Solving issues with violence some might justify, but some might not. All depends.

Meanwhile, some people like playing pure evil characters. My characters will fight theirs, there will be stories, there will be clashings. It’s a good way to make conflict, and I don’t agree that we should have to play [x] race to be good or evil. That should be up to the player if they have free will.


*Chef’s kiss
Couldn’t put it better myself

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Forgot to respond to this but yes this is a really good point. Though it might not apply to Death Knights, could the ‘eye glow’ be given to others in general, or do we know if it was specifically for DKs and locked to them? People might not know at all, but figured I’d poke and see.

Judging an entire group of people based on the actions of a few? Shame on you.


How many times do the Forsaken have to commit crimes against humanity before we start judging them as a faction?

Well they can’t say Sylvanas made them do it anymore so probably soon

stares at the human race in real life & in World of Warcraft

… Pot meet kettle in that case?


I’ve always seen them similar to Bender, going from Vanilla originally in that their need to kill and Blight was a compulsion rather than something they all sat down and agreed on, as they were shown even then interacting fondly with people they cared about, so if it came down to it I bet if called on it that killing everyone would involve killing their friends most outside of the Black Rose would go “oh! Wait… that’s not good…”, like I said, more a compulsion they didn’t really put much thought into outside certain circumstances, and then the writing has been up and down since then.

Loved Chadwick’s hang in BFA for example, and Commander Dreadnaught in Cataclysm sacrificed himself to hold off the Worgen so others could escape if I remember correctly.

And everyone overlooks the majority of Argent Crusade were good undead that died holding off the Legion at Broken Shore as the advance party.

Just the way they growl out “I’m burned, BUT I CAN STILL FIGHT” while they’re healing everyone they can.

Please do judge us as a species, can’t wait for the inevitable extinction from karma.

Blackmore, Admiral Rogers, Benedictus, Arthas, that jerk that Betrayed Kael’thas and Sylvanas kills, Ashvane, the counterpart to Rogers that enslaves the Pandaren at the beginning of MoP.

Did I mention Rogers?

We’re doing a good job of that right now to ourselves, no worries there.

Garithos - one of the most despicable characters that some Alliance players somehow try to justify/worship in a really creepy disgusting way given he’s top tier racist.