San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

So, that doesn’t mean some San’layn won’t remaind loyal to Silvermoon. Just like the Death Knights won’t run of and join him just because they’re undead. And that is all speculation anyway, for all we know Bolvar is planning to raising an army to fight the void or something

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Debatable. Raising unwilling enemy troops just to give them a torch while you point at their home and family doesn’t raise questions at all, does it?

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You do realize that he made us do awful things for his revenge beside the actions needed to save Azeroth

Told ya :stuck_out_tongue: Isn’t it sad? (Still not bothering to reply to him)


I wish I had that much free time.

Luun, he’s trying to troll and bringing issues from another thread. It’s best to ignore him. He’s trying to get the thread shut down via trolling and being toxic. If we had the ignore function, things would be much easier. But we just have to kinda… not respond for now. It stinks, but some people have nothing better to do with their time.

Going back to arguing San’layn on Horde or Alliance is more productive than responding to that.


Says people are bad at lore, is apparently oblivious (is actually ignoring, I know) that this is far from the case even as recently as BFA…

Says the guy who plays an orc. Dost thou even hoist?


Just going to leave this here for reasonable people to go back to the first thread and give it a read, considering BfA is currently being ignored in multiple arguments.


Like I said:

Let’s not get this thread locked because of some troll.

Back to the actual topic, San’layn work for the Horde way more than the do Alliance, as we’ve seen in BfA. They connect to the forsaken and can easily be integrated in with similar stories to both of them and DK.


Advice to everyone here:

  1. Responding to personal attacks is an unwise decision. People try to slander all the time, and it shows more about them than the person they are attacking.
  2. Firing back sparks arguments and can lock a thread, so be careful. Be the bigger person, shake your head, and move on.
  3. Focus at the topic at hand.
  4. Many people make up lies that slander others, which is the case here.

More San’layn can be created, however, as we’ve seen with the Neophytes.


plural noun: neophytes
1. a person who is new to a subject, skill, or belief.

They where recently turned. Meaning they can make more.


I’m all in favor of Darkfallen being playable. Hell that might be the only reason to get me to play and rp on Horde side once again.


Yeah, I hope we also learn the process of Neophyte >> Marquis/Marquess >> Prince/Princess >> Queen/King?

Thanks very much for supporting the ideas :smiley:


Again, again, and again… Today is the day of my “dark rebirth”! (Today’s my Birthday!) I would definitely roll a San’layn, if they were made into a playable race. Let them start at level 1…I’m tired of the Allied Race kind of stuff. Give them a starting area of their own, and like what they did with Draenei, Worgen, Goblin, and Blood Elves, once you’re out of the second zone, you get sent to the general public areas. Orgrimmar for Horde, and Darnassus for Alliance. I would also like to see the Alliance actually get real High Elves, as the one post had a photo of.


Hope they would have wings like the blood queen with the chains and green glowy bits.


Sign me up to ether be a Hollow Vampire Knight or Blood Mage! XD

My support for the True Dark Elf Race on the Horde.


Was this also before Talanji had a death loa tied to her without her approval?
Things change =]

Eh…her whole plan revolves around getting to Stormwind, taking it over, and raising everyone as Forsaken.


Thank you, Fallynn! I’m watching it right now.