San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Nah, I clicked on this thread out of curiosity and offered my opinion on it.

I had no idea that she’s so incapable of hearing a different opinion that she would resort to putting me on ignore, nor did I know about her mini support group, that’s on me I suppose.

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Presses X to doubt.


Ah forum personalities

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On a serious note I’ll let void elves answer the claim I can’t see:

“No, we do not drink blood–that’s the San’layn. Totally different emo elf.”

Void Elves = / = Undead. ‘Emo’ isn’t a theme that bars something from being playable. Otherwise void elves wouldn’t be playable at all, given undead exist. Not to mention, no Alliance member should open their mouths at all and say 'The Alliance has this so the Horde should never get this" given void elves can look exactly like Blood Elves.

All that said, ‘emo’ isn’t a theme, it’s a style. Case closed, hopefully we get playable vampire elves, not some allied race with weird backstory/lore that came out of nowhere.


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it has to be more then just closing up loose shadowlands ends thats for sure.

This has never happened before, ever.


I want vampires in any shape or form. Currently the two vampire groups are darkfallen/san’layn which are thallasian and the venthyr which are reincarnated dead. But if it ends up we get vampires gnome, or vampire orcs I’ll live with that. Just we have werewolves we need vampires it’s been too long!!!

If we get San’layn what class will you go with?

Makes sense! I’m very particular. I really like the vampyr elf lore specifically. As for the class, I have quite a few, but my main is a Death Knight so likely that if they end up getting Death Knights (which hopefully they would!) I imagine many would like Blood Mages too.

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void elves are cool but not vampires.

I hope void elves lean more into the void elf theme, especially starcursed hair. I still think night warrior eyes would have made sense for THEM more…


Yes, I want black eyes for Void Elves to match the black hair color, that way when I want to bounce from white and white to black and black I can, plus permanent glowy skintones and also pink hair color. :yum: :yum: :yum:


Also double post but to get back on topic and away from Void Elves, San’layn for the Horde as an Allied Race or as at least customizations for Blood Elves and the Horde, add in Dark Rangers as well and I’ll be a very happy camper. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


tbh I kind of feel like black eyes should be a universal option. Since priests are universal now, so are shadow priests.


I agree entirely. I think it’d be really cool to see, to be honest.


If humans get deep purple eyes, black eyes for everyone aren’t out of the question at all. And what’s worse is that orcs are missing purple eyes, despite, you know,


Agreed, giving one race entire authority over a theme is really degenerative itself to fantasy anyways imho.

Sidenote: I hope they change Xaly’s form whenever we see her again.


who is xaly?

Xalatath. Spriest Legion artifact weapon that tricked the PC into helping N’zoth in BFA and had the form of a void elf when N’zoth released her from the dagger.

I haven’t posted about this because it could be any number of things, and I don’t wanna give people (or myself!) hope based off something so unclear, but I found it interesting, and I’d rather post it in a somewhat small community than else where:

I’ve been messing around with to view some of 9.2.5’s files, and there’s a “death knight eyes glow” effect texture that was added in one of the recent builds. This particular texture file is found numerous times in the game - but only in the playable race folders, because it’s specifically the effect for playable race DKs.

But this recently uploaded one is 1) currently pathless (not tied to any race/etc) 2) uploaded encrypted, but was able to be decrypted due to the exact file already being present in game elsewhere.

This lead me to believe it was a hint at an allied race, but I reached out to someone far more experienced than me for some possible clarification. The answer I got was it’s ‘among the possibilities’ - but it also could be for an NPC, based on the surrounding files (forsaken hair texture + forsaken golden eyes texture). If it’s for an NPC, it’d be the first time they’ve used it for one.

Again, this is all speculation based off one file, but I thought I’d share.


Particularly because they’re not the only ones to use the theme. The Horde had the Cult of the Forgotten Shadows, the Twilight’s Hammer and Shadowmoon Clans long before void elves were even a twinkle in Ion’s beady little eye.