San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

it ain’t no big thang. just cause we disagree doesn’t mean we can’t get along! i always come here and post that every so often to keep my opinion “valid” lol.

You’re welcome.

Just be mindful that if you truly care about adding more non-elf races to the game, your energy needs to be devoted to asking for the races you want to see. If all you do is tell Blizzard “don’t add elves!” you aren’t telling them anything about what you do want to see added. Dracthyr aren’t elves, but the males do use the Thalassian elf model as a base.


Lol i was being sarcastic, get over yourself. I’m allowed to post my opinion where ever I please. It was short and sweet. Now I have you two on top of me like I was out to get ya’ll or something. It will be ok, I promise!

Very fair. I do mean it when I say you should post ideas/support the threads you want to see added though, and legitimately wish you the best of luck getting it. There’s a lot I hope to see added to the game and I hope these wishes come true, not just for what I want too.

Some threads I just don’t contribute to as much because I don’t have any great ideas, to be honest.


What? I was legit just giving you advice. What do you mean ‘on top of you’? I have been nothing but respectful.

I think it says more about you that you’re getting angry at this legitimate advice at this point than us. But sure, go off. Good luck regardless.


Aren’t Void Elves already filling the Emo Elf role?

Again I never said you weren’t allowed to post your opinion. I am genuinely trying to help you get what you want.

If all you do is say “no elves” you aren’t telling Blizzard what you do want to see. You could end up with another race like Dracthyr that technically aren’t elves, but still use an elf model as their base. I get the impression that’s not what you want to see.


Guys, I posted that we don’t need any more elves and that other races need diversity. You two need to calm down. My lord. Jumped on me as soon as I got in here. We can have a difference of opinions and still get along and not be smug. Seems like you two have a hard time with that. Either way I’m out, I got what I needed to say out. Good luck with your push for more elves!

I honestly don’t understand people sometimes. Not even going to bother replying at this point. Anyone with half a brain will realize we were respectful, meanwhile this poster took personal offense. And that’s on them. Whatever.

Anyway, we’ll see if the splash art leads to anything, same with the preorder stuff. Same with the encrypted armor. They’d want to up playtime somehow for 9.2.5, you’d think, given we’ll be dealing with it for so long.

If it’s Darkfallen as an allied race, that would be lovely.

Edit: Also if I was going off/angry, you’d know it. People have seen it. trust me.


I don’t get them either. It also feels dishonest in a way. It’s one thing to say “don’t add X because I’d rather see Y in that slot instead”. But if all you say is “don’t add X because I’d rather see anything else in that slot but can’t be arsed to specify”, it seems less about adding “anything else” and more about “I’m tired of X so don’t add anymore of that!” to me.

I personally see it as a waste of time to say “no don’t add that option!” if what you truly want to say is “please add this other option!”. Saying “don’t add this” does nothing to tell the devs what it is you do want added.


It’s someone trying to bait and get a rise, then playing victim. That typically happens with people who are hypocritical. “I am just sharing my opinion!” Then someone shares theirs, and they take personal offense like they are being “Attacked”. Okay. Good for you. You have your opinion, we have ours.

Do people just expect us to go “yeah sure let’s stop asking for what we want everyone!” No… It wasn’t a 'I would rather have [x] argument, nor promoting something else they want added.

We said to support what they want added. I said it as nicely as possible, yet they still felt the need to play victim. It says way more about them, and if someone else disagrees, well, I don’t care at this point.

People can try to paint a narrative all they want.




I wanted to do some research on those four allied race ID’s found in the Shadowlands alpha. I found this video with MrGM that was uploaded April 12th, 2020 to explain those four ID’s in more detail:

I remember at the time, people speculated them to end up being the four Covenant races. While some of the models shown are various races, including some of the Covenant races, some of them are odd to see here.

Nothing shown here is guaranteed, of course. They could be placeholders for other future playable races that aren’t shown here, whenever they would be made playable. Still, I wanted to bring this up again since we seem to have a possibility of at least one new playable race.

Again, don’t know if anything will come from these ID’s from the Shadowlands alpha, but still something to consider. :wine_glass::bat:


Nah they are filling the Cringe role. Big difference.


I have no idea what they said since I have them on ignore given they have nothing of value to say. I’m assuming it was praise for the person who was playing victim.


they were just saying that void elves “already filled the emo role” nothing important.

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As so continuing the nonsense expectations from the other thread. Expected. Glad I have them on ignore. :rofl:


I see your ego is still bruised, I know you’re clearly used to having everyone constantly tell you you’re right, I’m sorry I poked a hole in that. Chin up kiddo, the real world isn’t scary

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I think there were quite a few Allied Race IDs that were hidden too, all the way back to BfA. I could be wrong, though. But I remember the number was in the over 10s. I know WoWhead has NPC skins or something on their dressing room.

Maybe they planned to do more a long time ago but never did. Allied Races are enticing and would increase playtime for leveling and going for heritage, so… who knows. Not to mention race changes.

As people have said, they will really want to hook with preorders, so who knows.

I suppose it depends on if they implement the new system in 9.2.5 or 10.0. Would that be enough time for it? Hmm… I dunno. Entire system overhaul…


You came all the way to this thread to cry about it. I think we know who’s ego is really bruised here :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: