San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

It would send a really good and interesting message if Blizzard actually listened to this thread. It would mean the community might have sway, finally, on what’s added to this game. It’s not just here, Twitter talks about it too but not as much (at least from what I’ve seen). It would bring hope that other requests could be met and we would support what we want to see more. Never know.


No tears here. Horde Ogres are still a fairly popular request and I’ll always continue to dream big! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I didn’t want ogres until I met Dagg… lol

I loved seeing him hiding in the Broken Shore on Legion. His skills as a rogue are truely improving.

There are some conspiracies that say Dagg might be a young Dagg’um Ty’gor from the main universe. A ninja ogre. I just find ogre rogues much more appealing after meeting Dagg and I hope to see that happen someday.


Don’t get me wrong, I hope we get something better than that. I’m just not particularly optimistic about it, but I’d love to be proven wrong.

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In defense of blizz, they seemingly have a road map for this stuff and even plan next xpac while already working on one.

I remember reading a dev had a choice to work ln wod or legion and he chose the latter.

MrGM is a pretty trusted source from what I’ve seen, so… hm, if it is indeed true, which I bet it is, it will kill some of my worries. That would imply Allied Race heritage armor…

But would the Allied Race be Darkfallen?

Though one of the speculations was shop armor. So that could also be it. I hope not.


If it is allied race related and we get Darkfallen with Blood Elves on Horde and Night Elves on Alliance, I wonder if they’ll share the same heritage armor. Also makes me wonder if San’layn would still be among them or if it would just be a focus on Dark Rangers.

As for allied race speculation, I would say that Darkfallen is one of the more likely possibilities, in my opinion. They’re fitting for the expansion with events going on in Tirisfal Glades, would be popular as a preorder/resub incentive (despite the NO MORE ELVES kerfuffle fire that would increase on the forums), and if we do get San’layn among them, I see a very unique race in general.

There isn’t many other neutral races I can think of that could cause some really positive marketing buzz. Sethrak come to mind and Tuskarr could be as well, who have off and on been requested despite not a huge following for them. Hard to really say what we’ll be getting if we are getting something.

I don’t really see any of the Covenant Races as well since there seems to be a focus on just one alleged forthcoming race. Could it still happen with just one chosen? Sure. However, given we’re getting events in Tirisfal Glade and so on, it makes me lean more to Darkfallen, even with my yearning for playable Horde San’layn set aside.

As I said before and will keep saying, I’m hoping it would be a playable race that has been requested and not something that comes out of nowhere or is some asinine concept that would go as well as wet flatulence in a courtroom. I can’t write anything off, so the worry that we could end up with something like Light themed Undead. Moreso since Wowhead even used them as an April Fools joke.

Hard to know what will actually happen or not happen. I feel like Darkfallen have a lot going for them, much as I don’t want to get my hopes up. I’ll try to keep an open mind, but we’ll see what happens when it actually happens. :wine_glass::bat:


There was a Dragonflight pricing survey that listed Armor Transmog as a pre-order bonus for the Epic Edition. I’m more inclined that’s the encrypted set. ( ` )

They might not even have everything related to an allied race added, we’re still realistically 2-3 weeks away from release, they could add it all in in a future build.


Ah, disappointing. Shop nonsense again >< Normally I don’t care given cosmetics, but yes, it is getting very annoying how better looking armor is gated like that. Including for delux/epic.

Sigh D:

Not to mention… it’s not going to up people’s playtime at all either. Just being given armor, no point to actually play or work for something. 100% won’t make me preorder or subscribe early, and I’m sure plenty will feel the same.


Edit: Going to link that link posted above:

Nothing specific really shown and I’m not sure if it is finalized, since it is just some basic survey for marketing research. Will look at it more. Original post as follows:

It could just be an extra among several other extras for preordering one of the Dragonflight preorder tiers and not so much the main feature. I can’t imagine “Pre-order now to have this niffty armor transmog!” to be a really big front-and-center main selling point compared to early access to a new race or races, of which would open more revenue streams in a business point-of-view.

However, if we’re starting to datamine pre-order bonuses in general, maybe we’ll be closer to an actual reveal of Dragonflight preorder incentives and possibly 9.2.5 stuff. Would be good to put that one rumor to bed and finally get whatever is coming over with.

Still trying not to get my hopes up with whatever is or isn’t coming, as it isn’t guaranteed we are getting a new race other than Dracthyr, but I’ll continue to keep an eye out for anything else of interest to report. :wine_glass::bat:


I would like a saltwater pool. Given GD, this would help with that.

Well, if it is just armour I’d rather be just given it for paying for it rather than paying for a quest where I have to grind random mobs hoping for drops (looking at you, Shadowlands pre-order).


True, but having an armor set to also earn (AKA Allied race heritage) would be better in my opinion. Or both. Both would be nice :stuck_out_tongue:

I dunno what to expect to be honest. Maybe the big reveal is coming soon, who knows. I do think the rumor will be put to rest soon. Be it good or bad results.

I still get that uneasy feeling that it’ll just be early access to Dracthyr :confused:
Edit: although if it was just them, you’d think they’d just tell us by now… No need for big secrets in that case. Hm.


The suspected preorder mount that’s encrypted on live has stuff which might be armor. If the set MrGM is talking about was just added (or if it uses a different key), it could be unrelated to preorders.

*edit to add- If I’m looking at the item set MrGM is talking about, it’s a different key than the encrypted mount stuff, and was only added to 9.2.5. Although it could all be unencrypted at the same time, so that doesn’t rule anything out.


If there is no new playable race of some kind, I can’t say I’d be disappointed. After all, all this talk of it comes from a rumor and “leak” from somewhere. Granted, said rumor/“leak” got everything right about the Dragonflight reveal presentation a few days before it happened. Not to mention all the signs and potential hints pointing towards Darkfallen. Thus why all the hype talk lately.

And if we did get at least a new race and Darkfallen aren’t part of it, it’s still a possibility in the future. I can’t think of much that could get added that would kill their chances completely. Though there is still a question of San’layn representation with PC’s and NPC’s with playable Darkfallen.

As I said, I hope if we do get at least a new playable race, it’s something that people have asked for. It would be a good sign to show Blizzard is open to such requests and would help if this type of stance was taken long term. It would feel good to know they’re listening and possibly considering our playable race requests.

In my own personal opinion, I do think that Light themed undead would be one of the worst things to add with quite the backlash to go with it. I don’t see the chances very high, but you never know. Especially with Calia involved, even if her circumstances are suppose to be a special case. Can’t rule them out, but I want to say they’re fairly unlikely.

I did take a closer look at that link posted above. It was a generic survey for marketing purposes and isn’t finalized for what to expect for Dragonflight preorder tiers. It could be possible to add in early access for a new race, since it should be a given that Dracthyr would get early access at some point before Dragonflight goes live, which isn’t mentioned on that survey. It wouldn’t be impossible to have another race in 9.2.5 to be released as a preorder incentive to get preorders up and give us something to do.

I also want to reiterate that if we do get Darkfallen as a playable race and they’re treated like allied races with unlock criteria, I’ll help to gather info on what all is needed to unlock them. Should any dungeon and/or raid also be needed for whatever reason, I’ll be happy to help out if people need an extra to do them in Horde or Alliance groups (I have a main in both), though if cross-faction grouping comes in 9.2.5, that’ll make it easier to form things. Can’t say any new race of any kind would have unlock criteria like in BfA, especially in this regard with dungeons/raids needed, but I wanted to mention it so people don’t panic about having to do dungeons or raids with randoms.

Regardless of what does or doesn’t happen, I’ll still support playable Horde San’layn. If nothing comes from it, I’ll continue to march on in support. Hoping for the best, though! :wine_glass::bat:


The leak which mentioned an allied race was posted several hours after Scaleface posted to mmochamp. Unless they also posted it to 4chan, it could just be someone else copypasted the real leak and invented the allied race part.

In that case there probably won’t be an AR at all, given their focus is on Dracthyr.

I’m predicting the preorder bonus will just be early access to Dracthyr, to be honest. Given I’m not head over heels over the idea of a new class, especially either a caster or healer…

…I’ll probably not try out DF until it comes out. Just isn’t worth it, especially given I’m not swapping mains.

I guess those who are itching to play Dracthyr & the new class will have something to do, though, so there’s that. It’ll be something pretty… meh? To tide people over until the expansion comes out. But who knows. 9.2.5 feels a bit bare bones to me anyhow, and given it’ll be here along with 9.2 (a patch I refuse to even touch because it so aesthetically and storywise displeasing to me) it’s a safe bet that’s the content that’ll be in game likely until next year.

Why they’d hide early Dracthyr as a preorder bonus given it’s the obvious path, though, I don’t know.


I think even pre-orders will have to wait for the pre-patch to play Dracthyr. Since they can apparently kindasorta Dragonride with their own wings and use a new type of spell mechanic, there’s likely a bunch of stuff that hooks into 10.0 code that just wouldn’t work with 9.x.

Either way, I still think there’s a decent chance that Darkfallen will be at least be a customization option in 9.2.5. Between that Dark Ranger’s Pupil quest getting updated, the big gap in customization IDs a few builds back, and how evasive Danuser was about it in that Twitter interview (plus Ion cutting him off mid sentence asking him not to go into more detail lol), it seems like they’re up to… something.


I just clicked on the NPC and accepted the quest when someone summoned theirs.

Ha! Get wrecked preorder bonus!


GIVE US VAMPIRES OR GIVE US DEATH! oh wait we already went to the shadowlands…

Shadowlands didn’t even have real vampires. I’m glad to leave that entire nonsense behind. We’re returning to Azeroth where actual vampires are, those who drink blood. San’layn and company.

(Disclaimer: My personal opinion, people will have to accept different opinions)
Venthyr and their entire ‘aesthetic’ were a superficial mock of ‘vampires’. They don’t even drink blood, are not even a real race given they’re just something turned into something else int he afterlife, they ‘soul suck’ or whatever nonsense Shadowlands does with anima, and aren’t remotely interesting. They’re useless and most of them sit around at parties all day doing nothing of value. Meanwhile, San’layn can actually be the brutal monsters in myth that vampires should be.

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