San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Early access to Dracthyr/Evokers should be a given with preorders of Dragonflight. Likely, I expect them to be available a few months or so before Dragonflight comes out so people can get their Dracthyr Evokers situated and ready to quest in Dragonflight when it launches. I’m assuming the starting area is a linear locked area, similar to the starting areas of Worgen, Goblins, Pandaren, Hero Classes, etc, and that it ends up with your Dracthyr arriving in Stormwind/Orgrimmar. The area we go to in Dragonflight would unlock when the expansion goes live.

The rumor of at least one new race coming up was specifically stated for early access to be attached to preorders, so I don’t see why that couldn’t be in addition to early access to Dracthyr/Evokers, who would come at a later date. If this rumor is true, it gives up something to do in 9.2.5 and awhile afterwards (moreso if we have to grind something like rep to unlock this new race) with leveling our new characters, getting people interested in playing again, increasing pre-order numbers of Dragonflight, and opening revenue streams of level boosts and race changes, among other things.

This is assuming we take the rumor at face value, of course. We don’t know what is coming or what it would be if a new race or races are coming. I imagine there would be some preorder incentives for Dragonflight, and without this rumor, I wouldn’t really be expecting new races of any sort for 9.2.5.

As I said, I don’t want to get too excited before we know what is or isn’t coming. A lot of good signs seem to point to Darkfallen, and hopefully San’layn with them, but who knows? I still hope we get an announcement sooner than later. I’m especially hoping we don’t have to wait months for any announcement of some kind, as I really don’t want to be twiddling my thumbs looking at semi-hints being datamined. Moreso if we don’t get playable Darkfallen out of it.

Whatever the reason for the wait, I’m hoping we hear something soon. As I said, I’m more frustrated and worried than hyped the longer we go with the radio silence on 9.2.5’s contents and Dragonflight’s preoder bonuses. :wine_glass::bat:


It’ll work the same way Demon Hunters worked in pre-patch for Legion. You’ll get to the end of the starting experience and you won’t be able to leave the area through any means other than the one Blizzard specifically prepares that sends those new Dracthyr to their chosen faction’s capital.

Basically once Demon Hunters finished their starting scenario, they couldn’t go past a certain boundry. If they tried they got ported back to Khadgar. Had to talk to him to get teleported to Stormwind/Orgrimmar.

This, because at this point it’s kind of annoying given there’s so many of us wanting and hoping for well so many different things it would be nice if they’d just throw it out there so that we know like know finally and I say that as someone that is super patient about pretty much everything usually.


According to MrGM on twitter, the “What’s New” splash screen is encrypted in 9.2.5.

I hope to log on when the patch releases and see an allied race front and center.


Me: logs in to see like 1000+ replies to this thread if it’s relevant to us


I promise it’s all definitely on-topic.

Keep reading.

(why was it so hard to find this exact line as just a clip?)


I imagine it’ll be hard to report info on playable Darkfallen with all the posts. I’d still post findings here, but I’d likely have to send you info on Discord as well.

I imagine the forums would be on fire around us…but what else is new? Least we’d be getting what we wanted if it actually happened.

I feel like it is a bit more frustrating since we usually get info on the next patch when the current patch ends. As I said, it’d be one thing if the current patch recently started and we were starting to get stuff datamined, but with the Jailer having been in LFR for awhile and with many of us exalted with The Enlightened, it would be good to get an announcement.

If a new race or races are coming, I’m assuming part of it would be getting them worked on. Even with reused assets, implementing a new race, even to just show off in a trailer video, would still be a lot of work. That said, I can wait for the patch itself to release. I just want to know what we are or aren’t getting as soon as possible so I can get hyped if we are lucky or less disappointed if we aren’t.

I will say that if we do get playable Darkfallen and San’layn within the group, it would be good to be able to have them available by Halloween. I imagine doing a fun San’layn party in Orgrimmar and photo shoots in other places would make for a great Halloween celebration! :wine_glass::bat:


Stop stop I can only get so excited!!

I have twitter notifications on for a handful of accounts solely so I can know as soon as possible about existence of any allied races. I will be glad when 9.2.5 is finally out lol


Wowhead reported on the encrypted splash screen for 9.2.5. Nothing much really said on it other than brief speculation:

Will continue to keep an eye out for anything of interest to report. :wine_glass::bat:



(body is not unclear silly forum error)


Actually, according to the comments on there, the train image has nothing to do with 9.2.5 and was put it as a hype train of sorts. Of course, I’ll only really be hype if any playable races we get come from requests that have been going on for some time in general.

I wanna say we’re getting closer and closer to a reveal, but who knows? Still hoping for the best for playable Horde San’layn. :wine_glass::bat:


Oh yeah I know! I was just making a joke, haha ^^


I think it has to do with Grimrail being in the dungeon rotation for 9.2.5. Which bleh. I loved Everbloom and Auchindoun better.

Darkfallen Gnome when?

Every time zone should have 2 servers normal and rp.


I support vampire customization for all, to be honest. I know humans can be afflicted now too.

Edit: Woooow I’m a derp and didn’t see their post…


The last expansions have always had something interesting pre order. So Dragonflight has to have something. Even the new class/race combos are a 10.0 thing and probably baseline.

Seems unliekly we’ll get drac’thyr in 9.2.5. Especially as there is nothing to indicate that.

Yeah, this.

I love Michael Emerson.

They don’t usually do this. They’re hiding something, but what???

Imagine if they hide it from datamining all the way until launch. They said they’ve been working on encrypting more things to avoid major spoilers. This could be a huge test run of that. Hiding an entire race on the PTR is no easy feat.

“no more elves” like on one hand I get I want more diversity but we’re literally getting dragons folks can calm down.

It’s because it’s all caps. These forums doesn’t like it. Thinks you’re telling I guess?

Players we want darkfallen, or sethrak something cool. Blizzard: Okay you can lightbound orcs. Everyone wHaT?!?!?!!?

I love that artwork so much I want to play as her!

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Pachinkoing off of that, I wonder if a sharding tech for RP mode (similar to Warmode now) would be helpful or cause too many issues? or just not get used at all

This is probably the biggest and most popular AR thread.

Surely Blizz will do something.


“Ogre fans tears”