San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

That would kill server economies and replace them with one gamewide economy, so I’m a bit iffy on that.

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Kinda feel like it would fix a lot of server economies.

Fair concern though.

I do wonder what would happen if WoW ever had to merge to one server, or even just a few servers.

I would probably perma-quit as a roleplayer to be completely honest. Just a few would be okay I guess, but I don’t tolerate those that troll RPers.

Technically it would erase them, not fix them. They’d then just have access to the single game-wide economy. That also means if anyone corners a market, they’ve cornered it everywhere. Can’t server hop to escape.

I don’t think it ever will happen nor can happen. Because even games that have far fewer players have servers. It’s more like a curiosity over how they’d handle the sheer chaos of it all.

I’m sure both could be preserved with another approach then.

Perhaps keeping the reagent banks but allowing our toons to pull from any on our account?

That way they don’t have the option to mail it?

What if they merged all rp servers together separately?

That would be fine, if all RP servers were merged separately, yeah. At least in my personal opinion. I just would hate a merge with non-RP servers. Some non-RPers can be respectful and even love to watch stories unfold like it’s some sort of show or novelty, which is an attitude I adore because it’s one of wonder and respect. Those folks deserve major props, and are beyond respectful, typically not purposefully disruptive.

The people who troll roleplays though for the lols can rot, though.


That would be nice. Right now I mainly want an optional reagent that turns legendaries account wide. It would be nice for 9.2.5.

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That still opens mats game wide, killing all server mat markets.

EDIT: Or did you mean you can use from it, but not withdraw?

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I always figured if Blizzard ever went for a combined server concept, they’d combine PvE servers together, PvP servers together (when they were a thing.), and RP servers together.

Three main larger server groups.

I don’t think they’ll do that though.

That would be nice for Leggos at least.

I really just want my account to be the main focus not my toolsets.


Shouldn’t be saleable.

Still affects product economies but thats less of an issue overall I think as its mostly built from the World Drops. (armor and weapons and such markets)

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There was also RPPvP, so it would’ve been four.

Ah, I see. That might still have some effect on the crafting market, though I lack the knowledge to make a proper guess as to how much. Certainly smaller than cross server mail would though, yes.

Weren’t those and regular PvP removed though? Or well the PvP part was.

Yes. There’s just RP and Normal now. But I was talking about before Warmode, since you were (the when they were a thing part I mean).

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I got you now.

I’m sick and my brain isn’t working so great. Lol

I completely forgot I mentioned the pvp literally a post before(it’s even in the part you quoted) … Sorry bout that.

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I don’t know how I’m feeling lately at the probability of getting San’layn. It just feels like the emphasis on Dracthyr makes it unlikely. Nothing new has come out, of course, but… I dunno. One one hand, you’d think they’d want to get a ton of preorders, and frankly a mount & pet won’t cut it. (Wait, aren’t those for the deluxe only? Hmm… just thought of that.)

So has there been something to entice players to preorder every single time an expansion comes out? What was it for Legion? I kinda forget. You’d think they would indeed want an incentive, though. But still, what if it’s just Dracthyr? On the other hand… hm. It’d be odd to see them leave their island early or play one when not having access to it, idk.


I believe that trend started in pre-Legion with early access to Demon Hunters.
Then for BfA it was early access to Allied Races.
Then for Shadowlands it was early access to AR Death Knights.

If history is anything to go by, it will just end up being early access to Drachyr/Evokers, which honestly wouldn’t really be that interesting/enticing.


I can’t see how that would even work, seeing as Evokers start in the Dragon Isles.


Would likely go a similar route to how Tanaan Jungle worked in WoD, only limited to Dracthyr/Evoker characters: you start in this area, but once you finish it, you can’t return there until some time later on.

Certainly after the point in the main campaign quests you’d be on if you weren’t using a Threads of Fate styled leveling system.


But sadly all too likely.