San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

that’s the adhd life.


That would explain things, never been formally tested though.


No… but they should be playable. :smiley:


Permanent hulking vengeance demon elves? swoon


Eeeeh I dislike those forms a lot, but the other ones I do like! The Havoc forms.


Awwww, but they swole and can pick you up by the waist with one hand :3

More seriously I really like Havoc too majestic flap

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Yeeeeah, hard pass :stuck_out_tongue: Though having the options available for others is something I fully support! That said, I’d hope for felblood skins or something, not just those forms. Maybe the little wings they have as well.


Yeeee, wings, horns, spikes, leaking fel cracks, that’d be neat.


I’m stealing this.

I have never been tested for it and despite showing all the signs I refuse to accept any criticisms at this time.

They surely should be.

I have the little beginnings of a story for mine.


Yay I’m helping!

Cross faction guilds and removing raiding restrictions on mythics would probably fix it more. Just let race be more of a cosmetic choice. The good players will play together anyway. People already swapped to where there friends are and where there is more is more raiding opputunities.

Them clinging to server wide limitations for mythic raiding probably hurts the alliance more these days.

Crossfaction guilds and sooner cross server mythic grouping would help the issue in the high end.

Casually speaking its about even.

Right now also I mainly play horde because I invested in my horde crafters to make there legendaries, my alliance are in a different server group and are caught off from my horde gold supply and crafters.

So making resources like crafting legendaries have an accountwide feature would help more horde players easier transition to alliance in 9.2.5 for the nuetral group content.

I have neglected my alliance characters but I am a fan of some of the races. Mostly dwarves (wild hammer tattoos and hairstyles are awesome, dark iron, dranei, lightforged with the new customization, and I have a fondness for melee gnomes, feels like a deadly pingball when you gear them up on mobile melee classes lol).

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They sort of are with the Illidari. Both night elves and blood elves technically have felblood customizations as demon hunters.

I also have more investment in my Horde server, and thus play there more. But the main reason I ended up with more investment there was because Horde queues are much faster, and I’m a casual player so I mostly play queued content. Cross-faction play doesn’t alleviate long Alliance queues. If queues were even, it would’ve been a coin flip which server I focused on.

This character used to be a gnome before I race changed her. She was fun and I miss her, but I couldn’t stand my Arms MT weapon clipping through the ground when sheathed, and I wanted a VE Warrior. So, two birds and all that.

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Right now I would love to play my alliance but my horde are generally more geared. And slowy farming the 15s weekly for the mythic transmog sets. At least for the ones I like (shammy paladin, monk, dk, dh so far are the sets I would like to have without mytgic raiding). Some classes are already hard enough to pug with. Started doing 15s on some classes with the 4 set.

I love my gnome warrior. She was fierce. I leveled her doing WoD as a gladiator warrior, that was fun while it lasted. Now she is fury although I would like her back with sword and board as a prot warrior.

If the alliance did get darkfallen skins I would hope gnomes get it lol.

She is venthyr and the closest thing to edgy she can get is the shadow magic execute - condemn with some venthyr transmog.

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I disagree, they aren’t the same. that’s like saying we have San’layn through DK. Two different things. I want actual felblood customization.


Oh same me too, but I think the Illidari sort of are the conduit for that. The Illadari had other elves, like in Black Temple you saw numerous blood elves of different classes and in that other B.C raid the shadowsword felblood. So I think they can come up with a way to add that as a customization option. But I think many of the demon hunter cosmetics would work, personally love the red skin with the scaled on my blood elf. I wouldn’t mind having that on other blood elves if they could use that with the felgreen eyes.


Yeah I’d be fine if they added DH cosmetics to the rest of the classes, though that would make the wings a bit absent. If only we could have DH wings out all the time. D: And yeah, that story avenue sounds reasonable to me. Given there’s other demons there.

Sort of like how I thought the Ebon Blade would bring in San’layn–something that sadly never happened.


Yea, but it’s why we should continue to express our opinions and desires to blizzard.

Like we got so many races on the horde that aren’t playable. Ogres, Hozen, Taunka, Lepergnomes (some help the forsaken), a Centaur Joined the horde in a comic, Kelfin looked like they are still on friendly terms. The forsaken raised Tidesages and those aren’t playable (undead shamans). Just gotta wait for blizzard to eventually put in the stuff we want to see.


That would be one way to get any tattoos on blood elves too, so double bonus.


What they should do here is just make it so you can always send materials and gold between your own account regardless of faction and server.

I’d also like to see them adopt something akin to gw2 resource management and storage.

Basically a separate account wide bank with a dedicated slot for all resources, stacking up to an insane number if limited at all, with a button in your bags you can click to auto-send your resources to it.

And of course you automatically pull from this resource bank or any resources in your inventory when you go to craft.

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