San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

So to be clear - I don’t particularly care one way or another about Forsaken on alliance, but I’ve been listening to the “Before the Storm” audiobook recently. One of the subplots is Anduin working to have a meeting of Forsaken (on the horde) and their living relatives (on the Alliance). I haven’t finished the book, so no clue how that goes, but it could be heartwarming (and make sense lore wise) to have some Forsaken join the Alliance to be with their living family.


Do you know why they’re called Forsaken?

Because their living family forsook them.

If their living family wants to reunite let them come to Orgrimmar.


How much you want to bet they think Zandalari use the night elf rig?


High elves didn’t save the Alliance. Why would San’layn? A shiny new race isn’t the answer to the Alliance’s lack of participation in high end content.


I mean they think Dracthyr use the worgen rig and I mean… no it’s so clearly the DH meta rig.


Then they can join the alliance as the Accepted.

Can’t wait to make an Accepted Hunter /s

Lol, I’ll never forget the many times that I read that a copy/paste of Blood Elves on Alliance would save the Alliance, followed by that a copy/paste of our customizations would make people play that side more and it didn’t.


Races are not the reason for the imbalance. No race is going to change that. None at all.

The issue is player made now. Its min/maxxers and the idea that the Horde is the only option for endgame progression. Thus the pool of players tend to go Horde despite there being no actual reason to nowadays beyond there just being more population there because people keep going Horde because theres more there endgame…

So I’d rather not mess up lore by forcing the San’layn where they make no sense for absolutely no point or gain.


I feel like this is similar to people who think tauren mages are going to suddenly mean more people play Horde. As if new class/race combos are all equally played and will provide a longterm boost in players. In reality it’s so much more complex than that, new class/race combos could result in more players. Not all combos are equally appealing.

I mean realistically I’m going to go from being the only Mag’har priest to being the only orc priest.

I know this wasn’t your point, but I’ve been seeing a lot of really surface level analysis of population trends by Alliance players lately and it’s starting to crumple my crumpet.

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Didn’t people say high elf customization would fix everything? What happened to that? I thought people really wanted high elves on the Alliance. Usually they’re turned off by undead. Vampire elves are cool, sure, but a bit darker than Alliance players usually like, I figured. They turned void elves into high elves, after all. Granted, not everyone, but the Alliance tends to attract those who like the softer aesthetics, I thought.


I think the claim now is that when they get all the belf options plus high elf on the name plate that’s what’ll single handedly save the Alliance.


I think cross faction dungeons and raids will be far more effective, but I am crazy so I could be wrong.


I want cross faction GUILDS! For sure.


I could play Avarie with my friends. Though I have been playing belves a lot, when I’ve had time to actually play.


They will not be happy until the racial name plate says High Elf.

i do feel bad about those folks getting void elf instead of what they wanted. down right maddening.

Lorewise high elves are dying out, they arent doing their race any favors by interbreeding with humans.

Blood elves were the ones bei t proactive,making their place in the world and restoring their species.

High elves reduce themselves to a prop in hopes the alliance would restore them.

yea i think maybe if there was a option for blood elves who wanted to purify themselves of the fel corruption and return to the alliance under the high elven rule after the crazy banshee stuff that coulda worked.

What fel corruption? Felblood elves aren’t playable blood elves are.


its a long story but blood elves absorbed fel after the original mana/ sun well they used exploded during the scourge invasion.
the fel magic they absorbed is lingering via the green eyes. now that has dwindled due to sunwell 2.o but only the newest generation is seeing fulll no fel influence.