San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I mean, I’ve made one of every allied race and enjoyed leveling it, so there’s me hooked right there.

Though, given the pattern, I’m inclined to think if something IS coming in 9.2.5 besides a few juicy lore-filled quests (and the Dark Iron one, hahah -_-), it’ll be a customization unlock. I remain SUSPICIOUS. Defcon: Slightly Raised Eyebrow.

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I am SUPER picky with Allied Races and think I only have void elves and of course Vulpera (which I want to make more of). HEritage armor isn’t really interesting to me, aside from VE wings, which are somewhat ruined by them NOT BEING A CLOAK but meh. I got the NB armor but race changed my NB, can’t stand the hair options.

Vulpera, I’ll probably make some more when I join again.


I have 1 of each, 2 of a few. Dark Irons and Zandalari, of course. I am really tickled with Zandalari, though they could use a nice juicy customization pass like Nightborn, Lightforged and HMT. I did actually roll another Nightborn and a Lightforged warrior to play with those crunchy little appearance options.

I LOVE the idea behind Kul’tirans, but the execution was so thoroughly mediocre to my eyes (an entire race of monster hunting seafarers with nary a tattoo?!) that I only have the one. Oddly, I only have one Mag’har, but that’s probably because I have a fair amount of baseline orcs.

And I have IDEAS if the character limit loosens up. I am sorta feeling a Warsong warrior gal with an excess of tattoos.


Yeah, I like KT druid forms, but admittedly not their models. Not knocking those who like them, they’re just not my thing. Quite like a few others. It’s a shame because I like those forms but eh.

I think I have a DID but I never leveled her. Still a character idea certainly though.

Their scars are also pretty tame for A RACE OF SEAFARING MONSTER HUNTERS, and it looks like the designer tried to split the difference between “cute attractive sweet innocent flower” and “rawr I am big and will destroy you” and instead tripped and landed face-first on “stunned catfish” for the female Kul’tirans. But that’s my personal opinion.

I love them in theory. In practice, the wide sweet barely-blinking or animated eyes with too much makeup is… Uh… Well. The doll faces are a major issue for me.

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Going to preface this post by saying my allergies are bothering me a lot, making it hard to concentrate. I’ve gone through the post several times and made corrections, but just in case something doesn’t make sense, that would be why.

The leak that mentions a new race, as opposed to customization options, in 9.2.5 is suppose to be tied to early access via preordering Dragonflight and states it isn’t the Dracthyr. This assumes said leak is correct, given they got everything right about the Dragonflight reveal a few days ago.

Which thinking about it, a new race would help increase preorders for Dragonflight while getting people interested in playing the game while giving something for them to do, along with opportunities of level boosts and race changes. It would also make sense for why nothing has been announced and why no Dragonflight preorders have been available yet until a date can be determined and they can announce any preorder incentives.

I don’t see only customization options as a preorder incentive. Quite frankly, having any race being given the Wildhammer treatment and locking it behind an expansion preorder or release is not a good preorder incentive at all. In fact, I see it being quite the backlash, no matter what the customization race is.

The only way I see Darkfallen as a customization race in 9.2.5 specifically is if we did get a new race and it comes with it. Granted, I really would prefer Darkfallen (with San’layn) being their own race slot and not something slapped together haphazardly and given not much thought like with Wildhammers (who deserve much better than what they got). I could go on about my disdain for how customization races are treated, but I’ve done that quite a bit and would be typing another thesis paper of a post if I commented on it again.

Of course, this is assuming this leak is correct and we indeed get at least one playable race. It seems to make sense that we could see at least a new playable race, similar to how the end of Legion was treated with two pairs coming from it. As I said, it gains some marketing buzz, gets people playing, and opens revenue streams with race changes and level boosts. So it could be possible to see a new race of some sort.

It’s up in the air what race or races we could see if we do get at least one. Unfortunately, we’re stuck here twiddling our thumbs until some unspecified date, which causes more worry than hype the longer we go. All we can really do is wait until we get some sort of official confirmation of what is or isn’t to come, along with Dragonflight preorders actually opening up.

I do think Darkfallen would be one of the races that would generate hype and interest in the game, and it isn’t just because I want them. Undead Elves, especially vampiric ones if San’layn get to be involved (and should be involved), would be a pretty good marketing move and likely very popular in general while kinda fitting the whole Shadowlands theme in some ways. I’d still say they’re a contender for being a playable race, being one of the more popular race requests, but again, who knows?

As I said, I do hope for San’layn in a Darkfallen race, but I am hoping any playable race or races we get would come from requests that have been going on as opposed to coming out of nowhere or some asinine concept (Light themed Undead). It’d be a good way to show Blizzard is listening to player feedback, and honestly after Shadowlands and the stuff that went on during it, they need to do quite a bit to get players back and gain some good will long term.

And if nothing Darkfallen/San’layn comes out of all of it, I’ll still continue onward with playable Horde San’layn support. I just hope we’ll find out what is to come sooner than later. :wine_glass::bat:


For the love of god shut down this mega thread. Reposting this over and over on forums has gone on long enough. I don’t want vamp elves.

GOOD DAY SIR! leaves

You’re not my real mom.

Marginally more seriously, people are going to occassionally want things or like things that are not the same things you want and like.

And that’s usually ok.

Obviously not true in the case of short tails on male draenei though


Your reasoning is sound, thought provoking, and original. But allow me to counter.

I do want vamp elves.

Your move, sir.


I want vamp elves, but i don’t want them to be an allied race. They can just be added via customization options for BE and VEs

Oop that’s it folks, one poster is very upset so we have to shut down the thread and leave. That’s it, looks like we’re just not allowed to ask for things we want! (This is sarcasm just in case no one saw it)

As for customization, yeah that’d be okay.

While I would indeed prefer an Allied Race, customization would be cool through a Night Warrior like questline. They did mention that when asked about Dark Rangers so who knows what’s in the plans!


yeah, don’t get me wrong… I’d love a full fledged allied race and city etc etc… but i think the resource budget is better spent on just a lot of customizations and allowing it to be horde/alliance accessible. … At this point I’d settle for red eyes and opening up transmog options

I can make my own San’layn if i could just mix in damned leather and cloth pieces into my plate or mail mogs

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Never understand that. Even for a troll post its remarkably weird logic.


I’d love if they gave tons of customization for it! We have tons of ideas they could implement for sure. I hope they open up neutral guilds soon as well. I still wish we got wing mounts from covenants. They had a huge cool chance there :confused: If we got San’layn customization, we coulda used bat wings and such. Argh.


Maybe you don’t, but others do. If you don’t want “vamp elves” then don’t make one?


Why should a thread be shut down because of your opinion? The thread isn’t being reposted. It’s just existed for years. Maybe learn to mute threads.


uhg… facts!
… or let DHs fly with thier wings they already have :frowning:


Why do people suddenly want Forsaken subraces for the Alliance?

Zandalari moonkin use the arakkoa rig.


letting people have access to a potentially very enticing variant to the most played race in the game… and making it Horde only…

That will just lead to even more class imbalance.

If San’layn were realeased horde only, there would be even more problems for alliance players

Alliance is being propped up by Night Elf racials at the moment… if it wasn’t for that, there would be less than 5 active competitive guilds world wide

Would be correct, they’re a Horde race.