San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I love a happy ending.


Appreciated Prismriver. And what Guzzle said, and I really do wanna comment this so I am but the only times that word has ever been said was literally about me. And it’s really annoying to have to like keep talking about, like yes lets reminisce over the time I was called a slur, when its been resolved, we’re good I would say the person is an ally they just made a mistake at time they didn’t like me.

I do have to be honest, I don’t think you were bringing it up to defend me either idk if you knew it was about me, but I think the person who brought it to your attention isn’t an ally for one, and for two just sits back and watches who we have issues w and then stirs up stuff from there, which is easy to ignore so I really hope people don’t take the bait in the future.

On that note thank you apologizing for bringing it up.

I’m all for a second distinct visual theme for Blood Elves after losing visual uniqueness.


I’m really hoping that if Darkfallen become customization, we’ll get more gothic hairstyles as well. I don’t know how likely that is. I think sharing faction hairstyles would be cool. (like between orcs, blood elves, trolls, etc)

Also facial jewelry would be really cool. Still don’t know why we’re not allowed to have that. :confused:


I’ll take dark hair with crimson hair tips.


Yeah… still so frustrating how they did that with Dracthyr but no one else. Like… do they not expect people to want this stuff on their already-established toons? ><


Yeah I had been requesting ombre hair for months. I hope it still happens for other races.


OmG what if they had the storyline of her becoming a leader but kept the whole thing Alliance only, so when she shows up as a leader they’re like “Here’s the new forsaken leader as we’ve established for awhile now” and all the Forsaken players go “… wat?”

It’s so stupid I love it. I hate it. It has a non-minuscule chance of happening.

It is explicitly established that the Windrunners have horrible taste in men. I say this as someone who actually likes Nathy.

Okay but if you had the current side updated with Blood Elves and the destroyed half of the map that currently no one can use be updated Void Elves and have not-gang wars and glaring matches across from each other I’d find that amusing, buuuuuuut I’m probably alone in that thought.

Can I haz leftover pepperoni?

Again, favourite race.

Could be like the Maghar in BFA and pull a friggin warship out of their pocket… why did we need the Zandalari fleet again? XD

I don’t like that either.

I don’t think they should give one race massively better when it comes to customization options simple because it’s their new toy.

And jewelry.

That (Ombre Hair) was actually one of the biggest request for Blood Elves, to have colored hair tips to make their hairstyles less bland.

Sadly they won’t even give male Pandaren Highlights so I’m not optimistic.


How about the Void Elves take over Deadwind Pass? Could use some work, but I think that zone actually can suit the Void Elves better. Leave Quel’thalas to the Blood Elves.

I’d be cool with that except all the fantasy nukes and curses and who knows what else Medivh has locked up in his tower.

All of this.



Yeah so if the guy who keeps doing this could knock it off, it’d be really great. Like we get it, you have a crush on the Discord but this is bordering on obsession at this point.


It’s 5 AM and I have yet to sleep, up thinking about darkfallen. Send help. Leveling through silverpine and seeing Dark Ranger NPCs all over the place too ;_;

Anyway, I do think its frustrating they’re putting more effort into Dracthyr than any other race before it. I get why, but I’d rather they create a customization standard for all races and bring everyone up to speed first.


I don’t know who pinged me here, cause it has no name on it for some reason and I can’t find your post (maybe you deleted it? Lol).

I mean, personally speaking, it feels like they put more effort into Kul Tirans and Zandalari than Dracthyr. :stuck_out_tongue: Dracthyr uses 3 recycled skeletons, lol. Kul Tirans got a new skeleton and both of them got new unique druid forms, including a new skeleton for Zandalari Boomkin.

Honestly, I’m more frustrated that we keep getting told they’re focusing on Dragonflight so they aren’t considering changing current stuff. Like… we have like a year until Dragonflight. :confused: I understand wanting to focus on the future, but you kinda gotta make sure you retain the players over the next year. Lol.

My favorite part of Mists of Pandaria customization was adding highlights to female Pandaren. And the fact it didn’t get expanded to other races still disappoints me. X_X


Dracthyr have a unique, highly detailed dragon form with a ton of customization on it, and their visage forms have a ton of unique customizations. And they said they’re going to add a ton more to them. Seems like a lot more effort than uncustomizable Druid forms to me.


Fingers crossed for news soon! The datamines (nothing new lately, referring to what we already know) are interesting, so I hope it goes somewhere we’d like…

It seems like Blizzard is possibly listening to the community. So I hope they listen to customization/AR wants too.

I still think it could be like the Night Warrior questline, but at the same time, they’d make a lot more in race changes if it’s an AR.


I hope we hear more about 9.2.5 soon as well. It’s gotta be getting close. They seemed to be ahead of schedule on a lot of things.


Ppl need to stop saying san lynn, etc will be customization or at least should be.

They shouldnt and blizzard has so far not gone down this path unless ppl considered tattooed dwarves wild hammer.

But even then the comparison is extreme as they have unique idle animations and are undead vampires, it wouldnt make sense for them to share racials with belves or even have the same voice.

I haven’t been able to swap alts to be salient to the point I want to make.

…Which, I’m going to be honest, is very annoying. I wanted to show off Ashfall’s mog and looks a few times in this thread lately.

I don’t think anyone’s ideal outcome for the Darkfallen is 10 customization options or less like it was for Wildhammer, but there’s precedent and it’s easy, which is always a major appeal to Blizzard. They’ll always do the minimum if they can (witness: launch nightborne and lightforged, Dark Iron, everything with void elves, “all” the new options the pandaren got during their customization pass, etcetera).


Yeah. I really, really want an Allied Race. I hope we get one, to be honest. Unique racials, dance, voices… it’d be awesome. :confused: Plus again, it’d make logical sense money-wise. It’d up playtime given people would be leveling for heritage & of course they’d cash in on race changes.