San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Oh so this is a pattern for them?

Yeah remember last time they brought up Silvermoon in this thread it was me you and naughtymoon heated up about the stuff they were pushing

They were heavily pushing that “leak” that came to be false


Thanks. Then it’s definitely an Alliance player on their alt. Explains a lot.


Went full “it’s fine to turn Quel’thalas into a combat zone because it’s what alliance fans want and it’s a good story” from what I recall



Vol’dun and Winds’s Redemption

My people have been training. Mastering our abilities.

The whispers speak of many possibilities. We will be ready for whatever comes.

Throughout the Alliance War Campaign

I am grateful for this opportunity to prove the value of the ren’dorei to our cause.

We will do whatever it takes to ensure the Alliance’s success.

Gossip What is your role in this campaign, magister?

As a magister, my duty has always been to Silvermoon and its people. When the mad Arthas devastated our lands, I knew we must harness every power available to ensure our survival.

Prince Kael’thas proposed one way. I sought out another.

Gossip So you sought the power of shadow?

My followers and I felt no loyalty to the Horde. When Grand Magister Rommath forbade our Void research, we did not hesitate to break away and follow our own path.

But hubris got the best of me. I was certain I could master any force we encountered.

I was so wrong…

Gossip The Void nearly claimed you?

I led us right into the ethereals’ trap. If not for Alleria Windrunner’s intervention, we would have been lost.

As it was, the shadow energies transformed us… and opened our minds to the whispers of the Void. Without Alleria’s guidance, we would have fallen into madness.

She has helped us quiet our minds. Dampen the whispers. It is a constant struggle.

Gossip Now you fight for the Alliance.

We do not stand with the Alliance out of convenience. Nor is it a mere gesture of thanks to Alleria.

Our ordeal has taught us the importance of great powers being in the right hands. We could not allow the Horde to know the things we know, or to use us as a weapon in their schemes.

We fight for the Alliance because we believe in its values. And one day, I pray we will bring all of Silvermoon back into the fold.

One of the void elf leaders expresses this during BFA. It is a narrative hint.

Omg… I can be a fan of the races and still predict the story via the stuff in game. I do read the quests and everything the first time through to get a jist of the story.

It’s like predicting what happens in the next season of a show I like, I can talk without the emotional investment of the roles I play in the story.


Very enlightening. I knew they were suspicious. They are just simping too hard.

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Take this bull to a Helfer thread where it belongs.


It’s apparently never dawned on them despite several people pointing it out Quel’thalas can be updated to BE fans and Horde players benefit by making it just an updated questing zone in an old world update.

This is the (third?) time they try to finesse some conflict / BEs losing Quel’thalas into some idea they’re pushing.

Once was suspicious but now it’s a common theme / narrative being pushed :roll_eyes:

Yep, they aren’t even veiled at it.

Well I’m done with this conversation. Always the name calling. Can’t even post speculation on lore based on what is ingame without getting called a name unrelated to what I post…


No you can’t try to troll this thread with Alliance bs.


Horde history has some alliance history. It feels bad but it’s true. Lordaeron headed the first alliance. Those humans and high elves we play now turned into the forsaken and blood elves on horde. That’s just history.


Our history also consists of murdering Alliance. We should do it some more.


This reads to me like they hope they can eventually convince Quel’Thalas to join the Alliance, not that they intend to Void corrupt the Sunwell.


Um, what? Our history does not. Ours consist of fighting over and over against the Amani.

Yes it absolutely does. I fought plenty of Alliance in story, in campaigns and game in general. Belves have been Horde for 14 years.

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It could mean anything. But seeing how they treated us in Zandalar and possessed dinos to attack the Zandalari, I don’t think it was a peaceful gesture. I don’t think them assaulting silvermoon is off the table.

Right now there is a ceasefire and there is some peace, which the ending of the 4th war was enough to justify crossfaction grouping in lore.

But blizz does sow these narrative seeds early and Light vs Void expansions have hinted.

Silvermoon and the sunwell are likely military targets for any invading forces or opposite faction. And the void elves have a desire to take it back one way or another.

And in BFA island expeditions we can see how void elves act when killing enemies/ Zandalar.

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I’m not talking about being Horde or Alliance. I’m talking about the Blood Elf history, fighting against the Amani Troll Tribes, and getting screwed over by Arthas.

“blood elves” for sure have been killing the humans and their ilk for a while now but before that fairly recent transition in name y’all stood rank and file with team blue for a long long time. long enough for your most famous trio of sisters to develop a thirst for “human potential” .

Void elves stand in opposition to the void. They will not willingly enact its will. They have no reason nor desire to destroy their own people for the Void.