San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

And I’m talking about Horde history. And Belf history isn’t just what happened in the first and second wars.

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At some point you can see what story someone is pushing and actively rooting for in the non existent dots they choose to connect as they reason for that story rooted in bias and existing as a detriment to BE fans.


That would suck. One of the things I like about high elves is their complicated relationship in this regard. They chose the Alliance over the Horde, but they still love their homeland despite it being Horde.

If the void elves don’t share this, and instead are just a generic arrow for the Alliance to point, it makes them a lot less interesting.


Not a long time. Joined them in the second war. Anasterian had Helves leave due to not believing the Alliance had Helf interests at heart. Kael rejoined in the third war and was sentenced to death.


And that was just Kael pledging his forces, not Quel’Thalas actually rejoining the Alliance. So they haven’t been Alliance since WCII.


pretty sure thoradin traded human might for magic training to toss the amani out of the ghostlands back when the humans lived in tribes

They are happy to kill the horde when you engage them in island expeditions… I think that’s a personality thing you can decide for your character. But they do have reasons to kill horde/blood elves. We also behead them as horde in the Zandalar assault. So we have more reasons to hate each other.

I think you can roleplay your character how you see fit, but like the npcs will have there own reasons for joining the military and fighting in the alliance. Not everyone is going to think the same. It just allows for more gaming content. We need reasons to keep fighting even though we might not agree with the rest of our population. Those npcs end up as raid bosses/mobs to fight in dungeons/raids.


Yea, the old leveling version already has a bronze dragon to switch to. The updated map would just replace the burned out version that shows up after doing the BfA intro scenarios.

Since the wrecked version still exists in the scenario itself, there’s no reason the update shouldn’t replace the one in the main world.

And seeing as the new map has Forsaken architecture and the NPC list has a bunch of Deathguards, it’s pretty safe to assume it won’t be Alliance territory.

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But truthfully, even today, the Blood Elves doesn’t go seeking a war. They care more of preserving there culture.

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This person is acting like the Alliance which is extremely exhausted from war, cinematics showing Anduin needed to send farmers out at one point and Anduin doubting the COMBINED Alliance/Horde rebel forces as enough to take Orgrimmar from just Sylvanas’s Horde loyalists.

This war exhausted Alliance is going to reignite a war and choose literally the furthest destination at the top of the Kingdoms that they can only reach marching through Forsaken territory and or Scourge remnant territory.

New BE story is showing how battle ready Blood Elves stay.

But this poster supports a group devs described as a small squad doing all that because (insert alliance fan reasons)

People like to forget what happened to push some narrative. When in truth, Helves were happy to be unaligned. And would have stayed that way if there were no need for survival.

A lot has changed since then and Belves have been in the Horde a lot longer than they were ever with the Alliance.


Well, BfA is over and Warfronts were apparently a flop, so I really don’t see an attack happening anyway. And if it had’ve happened at the time, it would’ve been more interesting if it was lead by the Dwarves anyway. An elf vs dwarf Warfront? Come on, that could’ve been interesting.

I persevered my culture for sure while attacking Alliance in MoP and BFA.


Actually, Blizzard, updated Quel’thalas when? It has been 15 years, time to update Quel’thalas and un-carboard Silvermoon.

Only if there are no Alliance involved.

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And where have I ever suggested Alliance getting involved with Silvermoon or let alone Quel’thalas?

Pretty sure a lot of negative has happened since the troll wars.

Me returning to the thread after being busy with something at work:


You have not. Other posters have though. It’s the current thing Alliance posters are trying for.

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Well, I disagree with the Alliance/Silvermoon BS. Alliance shouldn’t get involved or have anything to do with Quel’thalas getting updated.

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