San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

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Oh yeah, I know, I use those all the time. I’m just lazy.


I too am lazy, as I was too lazy to remember whether you used them or not lol.


I would be happy to see Blood Elven Hairstyles in a Trade for Void Elf Hairstyles.

Blood Elves have shared enough.


They can trade if they give maybe undead and nightborne the night elf skin tones and human skin tones/bodytype : P

I really don’t understand why people get upset over “shared” stuff. Ideally, every race would have every other race’s hairstyle for a massive amount of customization. Why demand exclusivity (not counting lore-specific customizations) ?

Sharing is great, taking is not.

Void Elves got a lot of BE customizations, while Blood Elves got jack.


I realized I’ve never actually looked at the male belf customizations since before Shadowlands. Wow, there’s barely anything here. Could’ve at least given them the jewelry options from female belfs.


No, that would hurt the masculinity of everyone playing WoW too much /s

People like me dislike sharing because it’s been a one way street, Blood Elves haven’t gotten anything from Void Elves but they have gotten a lot from us and even the so called Horde Night Elf race didn’t get anything from Night Elves because Nightborne and Night Elves don’t share anything so yeah it’s really annoying actually.


Void elves got the exact same model as belves, so that’s why it’s an issue for void elves to take more of the visual identity.


Yeah, like I entirely support neutral options and have from the beginning despite how people claim I don’t (even though I say it every single time…)

Problem is, void elves indeed have two completely unique flavors. Vanilla and blueberry. They can look exactly like blood elves aside from the green or gold eyes (which, let’s be real, doesn’t actually change their theme or make them unique. At all.) Void elves have tentacle extensions, special skins, unique eyes AS WELL, and all. But they also have normal skins to look exactly like blood elves.

Not only that, but void elves can expand on that void theme for some REALLY neat stuff (if Blizzard ever actually listens to actual void elf fans). Meanwhile, Blood Elves got shortchanged entirely. When customization was said to happen, and they asked communities what they want, we got really ugly, gaudy jewelry no one asked for that clashes with transmog and should have BEEN transmog. Meanwhile, male blood elves got practically nothing.

Blood Elves have the opportunity to expand their themes as well which would be super cool. Where’s the blood elf identity now, anyway? All the other ARs are distinct from one another. Nightborne v. Night elves with their stance. DID and regular dwarves are really distinctly different. Zandalari v. Darkspears, again, super different.

Blood Elves v. Void Elves? You can make them look exactly the same. As far as I’m aware, you can’t do that with any other parent race and AR pair.

This would not be a problem if Blood Elves also got something to make them distinct. Again, they could have their themes expanded, like either phoenix themes (the blood elf lady gets called a little phoenix in 9.2.5…) or fel themes.

Instead, now some people are trying to also get Blood Elves to be a foil void elves by giving them Lightforged Draenei customization, at this point, taking away anything that made them intriguing in the first place. It’s a matter of different opinion for sure, but it’s why I’m also so against light customization. Not only is it overdone and the ‘holier than thou’ attitude is so bloody annoying, but they’d just be something for void elves to bounce off of even further rather than being distinct and actually expanding their historical themes. The light has been a draenei thing. I don’t know why Blood Elves need to be made identical to LFD.

Finally, some high elf fans are demanding San’layn customization to be exclusive to void elves. I don’t need to write several paragraphs as to why that’s bloody ridiculous.

TLDR; Neutral customization would be perfectly fine to me if the exchange was actually equal and Blizzard listened to the request of the fans for once. BEFORE SOMEONE SAYS “BuT ThErE HaS NoT BeEn FeEdBaCk”, stuff it. There’s been thread after thread of detailed customization ideas that have gone entirely ignored.

Edit: Also I’m someone who is against factions or at least as a focus & wants entirely neutral guilds, so it wouldn’t make much sense if I was against shared stuff.


Thanks for the answers all, I definitely see what the problems are now.

I also didn’t even consider the point about blood elves lacking in customization themes. Would love for them to lean into the phoenix thing - lots of potential there.


Gods I’d love that so much. People have shared so many gorgeous ideas of the phoenix theme, from glowing tattoos to ombre hair. They’d need to be careful not to copy DID, but it’d not be too hard to make the two ‘fire’ themes distinct.

And yeah, no problem about the answers! I used to be completely neutral in every way but have leaned toward being frustrated as of late, especially with how some forum-goers act here. (that’s a can of worms though, for sure)


Anything new get leaked yet? I am expecting big things.

I got a feeling, an AR is coming.

But will it shake the foundations?


I poked around in the new build a bit, and have only seen new buildings for the mystery stable/pet areas in Org and SW, plus the string/spell changes shown on mmoc.

The “present” phase in Tirisfal is still missing in-game on PTR. Methinks that-- plus the encrypted stuff --might stay hidden until release.


Spell name changes?

How to Train your Dragon is my all time favorite franchise. I just realized if Darkfallen are added (actual vampyr darkfallen), the next expansion will have two of my all time favorite things.

One of my San’layn will 100% have nickname of Hiccup or something close.


Sorry if I’m retreading old ground here in this thread (only came back to game a couple weeks ago, and forums only a few days ago) but I really do think an AR is coming.

Dark Ranger customizations seem to be locked in at the very least - hunter horde/alliance questline w/ dark rangers on PTR, + Danuser’s answer in the T&E interview, with him ending that with “and let’s not go into any more detail on that.”

But I don’t think there’s a way to do Dark Ranger customization in a satisfactory manner without going full blown allied race into Darkfallen territory.

If it’s just spell effects, then you have to either give it to select races or you end up with the entire playable roster being dark rangers, which isn’t super lore friendly and seems unlike Blizz.

If it’s just red eyes/skin options, then you have to lock it to certain classes and then you either lock it to hunters or you end up with blood elf paladins with red eyes and grey skin.

Allied race allows for a plethora of customization options + flavored racials + alleviates the above issues. You also can knock out other player wishes by providing Sanlayn/vampire type customizations (I’m not too familiar with what players want in terms of Sanlayn, so I could be wrong).

Also, BfA/Shadowlands both gave us ‘playable’ pre-order bonuses (ARs + AR death knights), and I think they’ve found those really successful, so an allied race would be in the same tradition.

The fact that datamined quest is hunter only doesn’t mean much - it could just be a requirement the way other allied races had reputation + achievement requirements.

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