San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I will be, FOREVER SALTY, about those lore drops in the Maghar recruitment scenario.

Dragon: yeah, Garrosh was the greatest hero of the Horde in pretty much every other timeline, sucks to be y’all.

Me: … I will [EXPLETIVE] shank you you overgrown salt shaker.


While I wouldn’t be for getting the Ardenweald Satyrs (as much as I adore their design), I wouldn’t mind getting the other Satyrs as playable, the Burning Legion/Old Gods/Xavius have all been dealt with so trying to help them would make for a neat storyline.

(Forums, why are you previewing the images for me if I can’t actually post them?)

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All of this.


Yeah, as much as I like the Ardenweald race, adding Shadowlands races would be too weird to me - even more so if they tried to divide them up between Horde/Alliance. I’m still salty Nightborne went to Horde instead of being neutral.

Those satyrs in that art you just posted Rysky look awesome though. Wouldn’t mind those at all.


Aesthetically I love the shadowlands races. And I am a fan of death magic and I would love to play something from a different dimension. Helping save the world but not really attached to it.

Like some super heroes.

Or like the demon detective from Invincible. The fauns remind me of the guy from Pan’s labrinth. I like Kyrian zone, I find it very beautiful. And an angel race is something I wanted for a while.

Although I wish wow would explore light beings in the future as “realistic” angel descriptions.

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Thanks Afrasiabi.

Writer: okay, why is Tyrande being such a jerk to Thalyssra this whole quest line?

Afrasiabi: Cause negging it hot!

Writer: … wat?

Afrasiabi: what

Though I do adore Thalyssra and Theron, tol arch mage and smol defender boyfriend


I don’t think it’s fair to put the entire reason NB went Horde as just the Tyrande dialogue, yes that was the icing on the cake but anyone could see the NB bonded better w Blood Elves, both having Highborne ancestry and the Nightborne being an actual well kept example of Highborne society.

The better bond w Blood Elves and the fact their story literally almost paralleled Blood Elves. The dots aren’t that hard to connect.


Also Tyrande has proved to be a horrible person constantly. I despise her character, personally, and it was in character to me that it happened. She’s terrible.

Edit: Also if Nightborne got hair styles from Night Elves I’d actually play one.


I want the Night Elf hair colors but I’d accept anything we could get given at this point in time I feel that Nightborne should have all of the Night Elf skintones, a couple eye colors and most of the hair colors.


I wouldn’t be a fan if only because they’ll come right back and demand the Highborne theme because a few elves after living in a cave for years were allowed to re integrate into NE society.

I’d much prefer sharing between BEs/NB

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I see it as equal sharing from Night Elves to Nightborne like from Blood Elves to Void Elves, it’s been one way from Blood Elves to Void Elves so it would be one way from Night Elves to Nightborne it would be a win for Nightborne.


I’m all for sharing customization options that don’t rob a race of their identity (hairstyles), but there are pretty stark differences between Nightborne and Night Elves that should be maintained.

Yes, please. There’s a few hairstyles that the female Blood Elves have that are a major want for me. It doesn’t even have to be a complete copy. Remix them a little bit and send them over to the Nightborne, please. :revolving_hearts:


I am just very cautious after seeing what’s happened to Blood Elves visual uniqueness. And there’s already some NE fans who feel that because those few elves that lived in a cave on scraps were allowed back into NE society that entitles them to the Highborne theme.

Sharing in faction though I’m all for.

Oh absolutely, I was just being hyperbolic for amusement.

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Give us the pretty mana flowers in our hair yes yes


I would absolutely love that because I love the Tauren flower hair/hair decorations so that would be right up my alley.



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I like the more wild/punkish themes of Night Elf hair styles. Blood Elf hairstyles admittedly got super boring for me and there’s not many that are appealing. Meanwhile void elves & night elves have the styles I wish I could have on my characters.

Though I suppose we could share with trolls, orcs, & forsaken. (Cue people trying to rip my head off for suggesting that though).


I do not doubt for one moment that they had blood elves going and checking out the barbers and fashions at all of their new friends’ places.

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