San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I actually like the Venthyr, but given the choice over them or the San’layn I’ll pick the San’layn any day.

They’re the vampires I want to play, not the Venthyr. They’re the ones I want to know more of their curses origins not the Venthyr.

Blizzard should have had something link them to Revendreth I think. A curse developed from Revendreths death magic to keep the San’layn in line or something.


Oh okay, at least the mounts aren’t completely locked and there’s a way to get it. I imagine it’s not too difficult to get to that covenant’s renown since there’s a catch up system?

Still… with unique dragon mounts coming up we can customize, I might not even be interested in bothering, hahaha.

That would be cool, yeah. I think both being playable and getting lore would be cool, along with human vampyr, but I don’t think we’ll get that because you know how Blizzard is. The Venthyr community wanted playable venthyr, San’layn wanted these, tons of other communities wanted stuff that’s been in game for years…

…and all of their effort went into a single race with one restricted class. I like the look of Dracthyr, for sure, but like… it’s just really tiresome knowing that communities actually interested in customizations & these race stories aren’t heard, leading to everyone (including me, admittedly, at times) having this worry that ‘if this is added, we won’t ever get that’. Because Blizzard is like that.


oh thats good to know


As much as I like a bunch of the the SL races I honestly don’t want any of them to be playable.

Their job is to run the afterlives… having them pick a faction so now we know the afterlife favors a faction over the other would be really messed up.


Have to say… I agree, it would be really odd. MAYBE Stoneborne would make sense, as they’re not just twisted souls of the living into afterlife beings, but yeah. I wouldn’t be totally against it if we got many Azeroth races first, but yeah, it would feel very, very weird.


I actually want Kyrian because of the angel wings that was the whole reason I originally picked Kyrian as my covenant for this character because otherwise I completely hate the covenant, however I don’t want Kyrian enough like San’layn and Dark Rangers to push for it like push for it where for San’layn and Dark Rangers I push for Allied Races for the Horde or at least customizations for Blood Elves and the Horde. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Still wish we got wing mounts from Shadowlands. That woulda redeemed it somewhat. Sigh. The cloaks do not count and don’t function as wings >.>


Yeah that would have been really cool, I am kind of hoping the new dragon race can fly without having to use a mount though since they haven’t really said yet, lol.


That’d be really cool. I’m one of those weirdos who loves elves but think the dragon forms look way cooler than the ‘visage’.

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Me too, I’ve seen a lot of hate for the whole dragon form but I think it looks way cool, the only thing I really like about the visage form is that they can have multi color hairstyles and I admit that’s super cool but otherwise it’s meh because it’s just another elf/human to me.

I’m so glad that someone besides me likes the dragon forms. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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Dracthyr can sorta fly, though it’s suppose to be more like gliding:

“Dracthyr can fly outside of the Dragon Isles without a mount, though it’s more like an enhanced form of gliding than actual flight.”

We’ll see what it means as we get closer to the next expansion’s release date, whenever that is.

The dragonkiin forms are neat, though I do wish they could wear more armor on their dragonkin forms, as well as being other classes. Ah well. As I said, it seems like they can open more doors with playable Saurok and Sethrak than close them in several ways.

Still hoping for a bat form of some kind for playable Horde San’layn, though I don’t know what the chances of that are. :wine_glass::bat:


You kidding? I think they look awesome! Also yeah, I see General Discussion flipping out over the dragon form which I think looks like dragonborne. People scream about wanting it to be a bit more bulky. Sure, more options are great, but my goodness some of the ridiculous things people have said makes me roll my eyes. Also same with the hair thing.

Like, the dragon form is unique, the visage is just another (out of the blue made up and hasn’t been established in lore) elf.

BEFORE SOMEONE CITES THE IRONY HERE: San’layn and the other elf I support, Felbloods, have been established in lore for over a decade now. I support their lore and what I’ve fallen in love with/built my characters based off of. I would not support a random out of the blue elf. Same with if they released a gorgeous vampire type character (I’m talking about something that looks more appealing than Venthyr, which are not personally to my taste at all.) Even if they hit all of my favorites about vampires with them, (which venthyr did NOT)… yeah, I still would not support it as playable before some of those we’ve been asking years for.

Agreed with the classes thing, yeah. The armor thing I’m less concerned about, I will admit. It’s a bar for adding other races, like people will pull the ‘helms for Sethrak’ issue. Granted, worgen have gear and are a humanoid-animal body shape, so there’s that. Mechagnomes though don’t have certain kinds of gear. I guess I’d be fine with the addition of races without some armor cosmetics if it means we’re able to play them. I’d be willing to sacrifice gear aesthetics to at least play them, if that was in fact a bar.


My take away is they can use dragonflying in the Isles, and they glide everywhere else because Dragonflying will only be available in the isles starting out. So who knows how that might update and adapt?

I’d be totally down for Theotar coming to vacation in Azeroth though.

I like them too, but then I have had a Fur Affinity account since 2010 soooo…


Yeah like people claim the only people who enjoy the dragon forms are furries. I love beast races in general, including Vulpera, because they’re adorable and cool to me. I don’t get the hate furries get either. The designs for anthro characters are so neat, I love seeing the creativity so much.

It’s so silly to say the only folks who like them are furries when that’s just objectively not true. Granted, I guess I’m a ‘fur friend’ because I find my furry friends neat. Sort of like how many people like my vampire OC designs.


Same, i love “non-standard” races, that’s what got me into WoW orignally since one faction had playable orcs and minotaurs and trolls and undead.

It’s a group that overlaps with kinks a lot of times and is easy to Other by people needing something to despise and rage against.

I just want more monster races, that’s why i’d be delighted with San’layn, the Void Elves are probably my favourite race atm, so it makes me sad that a lot of chatter surrounding them is people who don’t want to play an eldritch abomination that looks like an elf, but just a plain elf and push for that (which includes jacking customization from other elves).


If we get crossfaction guilds I am making soooooooooooooo many Werewoofs and Tentacle eLVES.


Yeah, I’m guilty of loving ‘pretty monsters’ unless they’re beast-like, in which case I love the look of them not because ‘attractive’, but because ‘super cool’. Or adorable. Nothing wrong with enjoying adorable races, either even though people completely flip out.

This applies to things like Arakkoa, Sethrak, Saurok, those things we can’t play yet but I would play.

Also yeah it’s a shame about void elves. I think people would be way more okay with it if they got more void customization at the same time. Still waiting on that starcursed hair. Like if they released more ‘high elf’ grade stuff but also far more void stuff (and of course unique stuff for blood elves that we’ve been asking for! And many other races) people would be less grumpy.

Instead it’s just a small trickle at a time .-.

Edit: Same here for worgen :heart_eyes: I REALLY want xfaction guilds.


She shows up in the 9.2.5 quests. Also the bronze dragons know she is going to do something bad in the future, probably next expansion. Might want to redo those quests to jog your memory.

Might do or fail to do

Yea that. I like how the bronze just know the future and dont tell us.