San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Me too, it used to be my favorite leveling zone but on my Gnome Warlock when I went there it was terribly slow so I ended up in WOD zones and it sucked because I hate WOD zones but the XP was way, way, way higher especially the bonus objectives. :broken_heart: :broken_heart: :broken_heart:


Note, this post will contain many spoilers for 9.2.5.

That said, someone shared this on another thread regarding the noises added in. It sounds like some of them, not sure how many, are for this Blood Prince & the new blood elf lady paladin in training (her voice is adorable, by the way).

I did something I never do–I watched an entire gameplay video.

There are definitely things to talk about here for sure.

  • Vorath is using magic to keep himself coming back to life. The main premise of this questline is to stop him from doing that. Think about it, though. What if this tactic is used by other San’layn as well? We have those two missing Blood Princes, and we kinda just… left Dreven’s body there on that ship in BfA.
  • Yes, can confirm Vorath being alone was emphasized. As well as how he’s called a traitor, which is interesting. I speculate they called him this because he’s obviously attacking his own people. They did not go out of their way to say all San’layn were traitors–it was him specifically.
  • he transforms into a three-headed bone raven at the end. That’s the confirmed racial mount of the San’layn. (THIS IS A JOKE BULLET)
  • Vorath has unique voice lines, which I found sort of odd. Do they always do this for side characters they plan on throwing away? I mean, this questline is interesting, but the rewards aren’t customization or anything. It’s a green chicken and armor set (previously that had already been in the files) fit for one specific class, paladins.
  • In fact, this entire questline seems to be specifically for Blood Elf paladins and their contribution to Quel’thelas. Which is great, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s a single class for a single race. What I’m saying is, there might be more to this.
  • Finally, this image.

This is important. Northrend is specifically emphasized, as is the Ebon Blade. I reckon this story is very far from over. I feel like this is hinting for something else that may go down, in Northrend specifically, for 9.2.5 or prepatch.

Does this mean playable Darkfallen? No. I don’t know how many sounds those files applied to in this specific situation. There were some datamined that I didn’t hear in that quest, particularly aggro noises & death sounds (Vorath uses the same death sounds as the other Blood Princes).

It’s entirely up in the air, but something to definitely bear in mind. I might be dissecting things far too much, but you know. I can be that way sometimes.


A return to Northrend in 9.2.5 could be possible as one of the events mentioned. There have been rumors of Galakrond being risen for the next expansion, which would make some sense of us actually going to Dragon Isles aside from Wrathion popping out of nowhere and being all “Champion of the Horde/Alliance! Get your safari hat, cause we got dragons and exploring to do! World ending threat mentioned by the Jailer? Bah, that can wait until after Dragonflight, pay it no mind. Come along now!”

I don’t know too much of what all to expect with a return to Northrend. If there is only one new race coming out of 9.2.5, Darkfallen still seem like a contender. Moreso if we got the San’layn to help on Northrend with the Scourge threat, as well as Blood Elf and Night Elf Darkfallen can give a Horde and Alliance base somewhere. Especially at Icecrown Citadel. Just seems fitting to have Dark Rangers and San’layn help out with any possible Scourge threat of some kind there.

That said, I know I keep letting my excitement overtake me, but it has been hard to keep it in check lately. It is possible it could be another race other than Darkfallen, in which I’d hope it would be a race or races people have been requesting for quite awhile, or no new playable races at all. It is up in the air as it is, though as I said, the sooner the announcement of 9.2.5’s features and preorder information for Dragonflight, the better. I can wait for the patch. I just want to end the frustration and worry I have of what is or isn’t coming. I also don’t want to get my hopes up, much as I keep getting excited.

Still seems suspicious in general with hints going to Darkfallen. Whatever this alleged playable race is, files for it could come later or are encrypted. I wouldn’t close the book on playable Darkfallen currently, but it is up in the air. It also depends on if we are getting just the one race or if there could be a pair or two. Hard to say, really.

Even if we don’t get Darkfallen out of it, I’m still continuing with my playable Horde San’layn support. That said, I still hope for the best for San’layn and Dark Ranger fans.

Will continue to keep an eye out for any info of interest to report back here. :wine_glass::bat:


Yeah, I’m not too worried. The combat noises weren’t a strong sell for me anyhow, give it could just apply to other fodder kills meant to be San’layn. Who knows! There’s some noises there I didn’t hear in the questline, though.

It’s the other puzzle pieces that are intriguing to me.



They grow up so fast… hopefully we can still go visit the mushroom people and get snacks during children’s week :pleading_face:


Honestly? As Horde I’d probably go Vanilla and start in the Forsaken starting zone myself. I’m not sure I’d make an Alliance one… but if I did, maybe I’d hop around to the gloomier zones like Darkshore, Duskwood, Swamp of Sorrows, etc.


I will forever love Tirisfal, my first character was a Forsaken.

glares at a certain faction for turning it into a parking lot

As a San’layn I’d be tempted to go to the ghost lands below Silvermoon. Though BFA would fit storywise and I adore the zones (and I found out people are still doing IEs so yay!).

Though if they enable Shadowlands for Chromie Time I’d give it a try, literally a Bat out of Hell :3


I kind of hate it myself, because it’s the clear beginning of “Sylvanas is evil with no nuance”.

They’re doing this in DF.


they could support the tuskar race to be a playable race and support the maghar orcs to be paladins

Fair, I didn’t even pay attention to that part of the story I will admit. I’m not a Sylv fan so she was background noise, meanwhile I was focused on the storm dragons, haha.

I’m not interested in either, nor would play either. I support both, though. If someone posts to me a well-detailed Tuskarr megathread, I will add it to my index and give a short support post.

However, I have nothing of value to contribute to either such thread, because I’d have no passion in it aside from being completely against race/class restrictions in the first place. I also support Azeroth races being added to the game even if I wouldn’t play them, but wouldn’t stick around in the thread because again, would have nothing of value to contribute.

Meanwhile, I want playable vampyr elves on the Horde and would play many. I’ve wanted it for years.

People are going to support and talk about what they want. That’s simple logic.


Cataclysm, starting in Silverpine. I like the quests there and cata questing is mostly streamlined.



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In my defense. They did turn my favorite zone into a beach bonfire party.

Children’s week has started so I am taking Salandria around to areas she won’t visit until she’s much older haha.

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This is ironic given the missing blood princes show up in a questline there, if I remember correctly… and only there. I could be wrong though.

…Or was it a quest that showed them in Silverpine, but the quest itself wasn’t there?

Either way, it’s not much but still relevant and cool to the missing Blood Princes!

glares at BfA

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Woohoo! Time to enjoy the zones and see how the stories are outside of the minimal plot. Wonder if you could just hit the cap doing Bastion?

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I will admit, I do love the saber bat mounts they added in Shadowlands. While I have my gripes, I do enjoy some of the art. I’ll also need to earn the covenant mounts at some point too. The Night Fae one looks the most adorable. I wonder if they’re covenant locked, or if when you earn them you’re able to use them on alts.


Covenant mounts become account wide if you reach renown 80 with that covenant.

Until that point, mounts are locked to those characters in that specific covenant.