San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

This isn’t true to be honest, we saw this in Stormheim. The vampyr curse afflicts more than elves, and humans, who do not have that issue, were also ‘blood-crazed’ when turned. Same with Lucard.


Wanted to show up with my remade Krennan Fallowblade.

He was my dark ranger but I’ve decided to move him to my San’layn and make a new dark ranger.

Also moved him to WrA and had to shift his name from Krenn to Krennen but I like it.



Didn’t realize that there was a connection between the San’layn and that vampiric vrykul. I always thought that guy was just a reference to the concept stage of the vrykul who were going to have a vampiric aspect before it was cut.


“Most Fascinating! It would appear that we’re dealing with our very own vrykul vampyr! All we have encountered have been of blood elven descent, but it has long been theorized that the vrykul have suffered the curse as well. It’s too bad he’s awake - I would dearly like a subject to study. Oh well, guess there’s nothing for it. Take this stake and put it through the old chap’s heart. I’m pretty sure that should do the trick.”

He would be referencing the same vampyr, pretty much. Not to mention, DK don’t have any related condition regarding that addiction, and the ‘need to torture’ doesn’t count as it applies to all DK, including non-elves.


Appreciated :hugs:

Luckily it cleared up after I had some cold brew w a tiny bit of oat milk lol cause I hate sweet coffee but I can’t do plain either it needs a little something

I still need to watch that video Fallyn linked earlier but maybe I’ll decide against it I kinda quit SL idk when in like 9.1 and I’ve not really seen the story and Lannislight is getting ready to go in I was doing loremaster… but I hit 48 and every time I went to Orgrimmar the Ebonblade is phased in and yelling at me to talk to Nazgrim and find out what happened to our leaders smh so I figured I should wrap what I was doing up and just start that to make it stop


It’s just a parody video making fun of Shadowlands, not really a major need to watch, hahaha.

Also yeah, surprisingly I like the Night Fae far better than Revendreth. What ruined the zone was the emphasis on Tyrande (not a character I like at all) and of course guilting Horde characters (I didn’t agree to the tree and again, hate the Horde ever since BfA, I just hate it a little less than the Alliance.)

Revendreth for me was a miss. Aesthetically I guess I liked the bats. But otherwise, eh. The gear is nice, sure. I’m not into the ‘victorian fantasy let’s party all day’ vampires. I like beautiful monsters, those that have a bite to their bark. Revendreth as a whole was a miss for me in that. They appeal to a different type of vampire lover, I think. I’m very picky with vampires, though.


Hehe. I tried the onyx glasses for the red tint. Love it.


Something to consider if we do get a playable Darkfallen race with San’layn as part of it: Where would you level your new character or characters with Chromie Time and such?

I’m thinking I’d go with BfA. Seems fitting, since San’layn were teased during it. I could see how it would’ve felt if we actually got them playable during that expansion. Not to mention the nostalgia of everything we’ve done during the expansion as well.

And of course, I’d take lots of screenshots showing my San’layn and their travels! :wine_glass::bat:


I knew the reason I loved Revendreth would be the reason you hated it meanwhile the reason I vibed w it would be the reason you hated it xD, I loved their personalities and vibe sm though not as much as Nightborne I think personality wise they’re more my vibe but Venthyr are close / kinda same similar vibes… the ZONE though not my vibe, like the scenery and idk music combined just give me a feeling of like not boredom but like being over WoW

Same… I didn’t really get that far but I know the story sort of so I do dislike the huge NE centric story I mean its basically another NE centric zone… which I heard they’re getting again in DF w green dragon stuff … which they also had in Legion w Valsharah and sort of by extension Azuna but Azuna I liked it was like Highborne ghosts idk.

Anyways I can overlook all that bcz I do like the aesthetic of the scenery and the Night Fae have the Winter Queen and like a court like environment too even if its not quite like the Venthyr idk I like the vibe more.


Opposites apply here too, haha! I liked the nature theme of the night fae and the ethereal fae feel. The court stuff I ignored entirely :stuck_out_tongue:


WoD or Legion. WoD because it’s good questing and Legion for nostalgia.


I wish I could do Northrend, but sadly the exp is abysmal compared to other zones and I’m salty about that.

I’ll probably do Legion. I can’t stand BfA and hate Shadowlands even more :stuck_out_tongue:


Unfortunately, we can’t skip Shadowlands until Dragonflight launches, so we kinda need to do it from 50-60.

Speaking of, I’d likely go Venthyr for my San’layn character. Seems somewhat fitting with its theme, Kael’thas is part of it, and I was considering getting some of the mogs there to use. I’d have to play around with transmogs in general to see what would go well with my San’layn characters. :wine_glass::bat:


I will always have the hot take that blizzard shouldn’t give a crap where I level once I level through it once.


Lol it always make me laugh how if we like the same thing it’s for the literal opposite reasons or we end up agreeing on disliking the same thing but again for opposite reasons


Maybe DF will rescale exp. I do know that northrend dungeons ten dot have a lot of quests in them.


Ahh… well darn. Good to know :sob: I also love Eastern Kingdoms questing, particularly the plaguelands. Sadly, that too isn’t great for experience. I like Stormheim so I guess it’s not too bad to go to Legion. Plus, I have flying. I think I keep it on alts when I earn it? I forgot. It’s been over a year.

I actually have 0 idea what class I’d level if we end up getting them. I have multiples of each… Because I am a huge altaholic.

But I DEFINITELY want that heritage armor. I’m actually super curious to see what it will be IF we end up getting San’layn. I spotted someone saying in another thread that there could be textures implying San’layn armor, but I dunno if we should be too confident yet.

This wait to find out what the preorder bonus is will be so agonizing, lol. It appears many people outside of this thread also speculate Darkfallen. It’s curious, because I was a HUGE doubter and am just now coming around to the fact that it might be a possibility (and not confirmed, of course).


Haha I know right? I like the violence, bloodshed, and beauty of vampires, and I think you like the formal nobility spin on it, haha. My ‘Blood Prince’ is a punk anyhow :stuck_out_tongue: But yeah, it’s super cool seeing the same likes but also completely different reasons. Always makes for fun conversations!

That’s very true! And I ADORE Northrend dungeons! My guild (it’s a roleplay guild) had a city, back when I played, in Utguarde Keep. I still wish there was a ‘roleplay mode’ where more people could be allowed into a dungeon but with no mobs or rewards.


BfA hands down for me.

I’d love to have that story worked into my toon.


They where supposed to be a raid. They even have the portal in place.