San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)


My version of partying was to play video games then get writing work done all with the debuff: “Drunk”. It went well!

Who knows, it’s unfortunate. And they clearly don’t read what I actually say, either, because I said in just several posts above that it’d be interesting to see if they make both Thalassian and Night Elven Darkfallen neutral. Meaning, I’m clearly not against the idea. Also being called a “horde supremacist” is odd given I’ve stated I hate factions numerous times. I just play Horde because I like the Alliance even less (no offense).

I just don’t like the faction stories at all. They’re overdone and horribly written at this point. Maybe they were okay in the past but at this point, I utterly hate them. I’ve been turned off to it since the start of BfA and how the story just took a nose dive from there. My guild would be neutral in a heartbeat, and these neutral gameplay options, as little as they are right now, give me hope.

So yeah. No idea where these claims are coming from given I hate factions, lol. Maybe the fact that ‘Horde’ is in the title? Who knows? If it’s that offensive to people then perhaps they need to make their own thread or check themselves. I mean, these wild claims are very unhinged. The only reason why I focus on Horde is because (a) makes more sense for Darkfallen to be on Horde exclusively v. Alliance, if exclusivity is a factor, and (b) It’s the faction I’m forced to play on because you have to choose between two, so I picked the ‘lesser poison’ in my eyes.

I just find the races on Horde more interesting, to be honest. Even if I play mostly elves, I like hanging out with others that play orcs, trolls, goblins, Vulpera (though I do have some goblin & vulpera alts), etc. Those races are forced to be Horde, though, as am I, so I’ve been here for a while.

Do I like it? No, I want to be neutral. But I have to deal with this faction obsession other people have for now and hope for neutral guilds someday.


just wanted to point to the spooky genre that gave paw to the worgen can also relate to the worgen (werewolf)'s competitor in the genre, et al the classical vampire. the whole gilneas vibe is vampire+werewolf themed.

I continue suspicious…

Especially since it feels like there might have been a denial or something by now.

SOMETHING is going on with night elves and undead in 9.2.5, and I want to believe there’s a customization set for fundead or blood elves.

I also want Lorash Sunbeam to show up again because he’s actively trash and I love it.


Blizzard tends to avoid that particular river.


With almost any other race, hearing the rumors and seeing hints would be a cause of excitement, since for the majority of them, you’d know in general what you’d be getting.

With Darkfallen, however, there are a lot of things about them that causes more worry about what Blizzard would do with them. This is a big reason why I’m trying to temper expectations and not get excited until I see what we are or aren’t getting.

The first part with them is assuming that the rumor is true. That we’d be getting at least one new race of some fashion. Despite that rumor getting everything right about the Dragonflight reveal, it still isn’t a guarantee we’ll be getting anything.

There were also four allied race IDs of some kind datamined near the beginning of Shadowlands, so who knows if we’re getting more than one or just one, the latter of which makes me wonder if the Horde and Alliance variants would be separate ID’s.

The second part is that the new playable race or one of the new playable races is Darkfallen. A lot of hints seem to be pointing to something involving Tirisfal Glades, with official mentions involving the Forsaken and events, along with various things getting slowly datamined that seem very suspect. Not to mention that Calia is involved somehow and there are some encrypted files involving her and Tyrande, both of which could very well involve Darkfallen.

Seeing as the rumor is that the playable race or races would have a role as a Dragonflight preorder incentive (and was stated to specifically not be Dracthyr), I can’t imagine any other type of undead being part of it, and Darkfallen just make the most sense in multiple ways. Light based Undead have been an off and on rumor since BfA, which doesn’t make a lot of sense in this context (or any context really).

It’s also a fairly asinine idea in general:

"Ok Mr. Leetzombiedood, we’ve received your application for the Alliance, and despite Anduin’s efforts to paint the Forsaken in a better light and show them as actual people and also how you’ve retained your humanity and presented all your contributions to the Alliance while alive, we have no choice but to turn you down like the rotting filth you are and kill you on sight without question.

However, if you would go and get infused with the light through some convoluted method and come back as such, with bonus points for looking more like a human, then you’d be welcomed back into the ranks of the Alliance and have the upmost respect from all other members who won’t question your presence at all! We’ll even leave a fruit basket gift for you at the Stormwind embassy!"

Kinda doesn’t paint the Alliance in a good light, does it? Pun not intended, but I’ll roll with it.

I also can’t see Turalyon being all: “You know, the undead are being raised by some dark magic, which makes them evil monsters to be slaughtered, but what if we just take the light and raise them that way? It’s totally not evil guys!”

As you can see, there are several problems with the whole concept of Light based Undead. Light Forged/Redeemed/Bound/Themed Undead would cause more issues in various ways and doesn’t strike me as something that would cause people to hit that preorder button. If anything, I could see it causing people to hit the cancel button faster than the Road Runner after binging on pixie sticks and red bull. I wouldn’t rule them out completely, but I really don’t see them ever becoming a thing, nor should they in my own personal opinion. I personally see undead elves (specifically vampiric elves) being popular and more well received.

With regards to Covenant races, if the rumor specified four races, it would be suspect, but it only mentions one. I can’t imagine them stuffing four different Covenant races into one, and I also don’t see them just picking one in general. The whole allegedly Kyrian with Anduin in Stormwind and Forsworn in Orgrimmar thing was speculated to just be testing for something unrelated, so I don’t see much coming from it at present.

Not to mention that Anduin went into the Maw to meet with Sylvanas, so he is a bit busy. Maybe Kyrians will take him back in the future and check out Stormwind in the meantime, but it’s hard for me to imagine them being playable through that. I don’t know how Forsworn, who are suppose to rejoin with the Kyrian, would suddenly show up in Orgrimmar afterwards either, unless they’re dragging Sylvanas there for her lunch break or something. Not to mention all the hints have been relating to Blood and Night Elves in general. I can’t rule out Covenant races in the future, but for 9.2.5 specifically, I don’t quite see it.

The third part is if we do get Darkfallen, how will they be represented with regards to Dark Rangers and San’layn?

This is of course the biggest worry I have. We saw a recent classification of San’layn as a part of the Darkfallen, which Dark Rangers are also a part of. I’m worried that there may not be any San’layn representation of any sort, PC or NPC, and that San’layn would just continue to be villain batted mooks without any cause or explanation why they would act that way when they really shouldn’t, especially when compared to other undead like lichs and geists that are part of the Death Knight faction and work with them.

As I said, I don’t want to have anything at the expense of Dark Rangers, but with that new classification, it does worry me that San’layn wouldn’t be shown as part of the playable Darkfallen faction, as silly as that would be since they were the original Darkfallen. Moreso if Night Elf Darkfallen are going to be an option, in which I’d be fine with Night Elf San’layn being a thing if it meant Blood Elf San’layn would be a thing too. I don’t know if Night Elf Darkfallen would affect chances or not, however.

The uncertainty of all this is why I get more frustrated at the lack of info and all the piece-meal hints going on. We also don’t know when anything from 9.2.5 will get announced, so it causes more worry than excitement, and the longer we go, the worse it gets.

In fact, this is how I feel internally when dealing with rumors involving races I want playable that start to appear plausible:

Effectively how trying to temper my expectations are going inside my head. I really don’t want to get too excited and potentially be let down in some fashion, especially since the root of all this excitement seems to come from a rumor, albeit a potentially plausible one.

I think I covered the important parts of the whole thing. If I remember anything else, I’ll be sure to post them. I’m just hoping for the best for Dark Ranger and San’layn fans. The fact that one of my most wanted races could actually become playable is a big reason for my excitement, but it’s also a big reason for my worry of lack of San’layn representation.

I’ll continue to monitor for any other hints, datamines, and such to share here and in the Dark Ranger megathread. Let’s hope that 9.2.5’s announcement is sooner than later. :wine_glass::bat:


Same. I can’t help but just stay skeptical.


I’m sticking to suspicious that something is up.

I’m trying not to get too specific on what I think is up, because my track record on guessing what Bliz is up to is NOT GOOD. And whatever it is, I guarantee it will disappoint me in some ways… but probably be great in others.

I’m an expert at seeing the glass as half full, but first I need to know if there’s a glass to squint at and right now I have some doubts about the existence of glasses. It may actually turn out to be a pie plate (good, but not refreshing and hydrating water).


Should they actually be an AR or customization, and sufficiently address the lore to include vampyr (and customization), I will turn this thread into a celebration thread.

I won’t get rid of the AR/customization proposal in the first post, that’s something I’ll keep but under one of those hidden arrows.

I’ll just hide that stuff for archive purpose so those curious can see what it was originally and how it started, and then I’ll say ‘Share your art and Screenshots of your OCs! And your OC backstories and ideas’!

Such like that.

I really hope I can do that for this thread someday.


I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it’s an allied race rather than customization (but I’ll be happy even if it only ends up being customization so long as we get something):

Hope for the future!


Oooo that’s lovely, only thing missing is claws. That said…


I am so jealous male night elves have that hair style btw, if we end up getting night elf vampyr, I’m making one :stuck_out_tongue:


Maybe we’ll see more hairstyles like that spread around in the future. One can hope!


Another benefit of this becoming a big thing is more art in general of vampyr elves. I LOVE art, especially of beautiful monsters, so it’s exciting. I can’t wait to see people’s character designs. (If it becomes a thing)


They look beautiful!


Agreed, it just makes me want them more. D’oh!


I feel a bit annoyed at the idea of Alliance getting a group of Forsaken Elves in return for possibly BEs getting something for losing visual uniqueness.

If it’s coming in the form of an AR w Alliance having access to the undead NEs same thing only now it arguably has nothing to do w Blood Elves bcz they are their own AR.


Me too. I wouldn’t like quit, because I know how much Falls wants San’layn. But I played Forsaken for a long, long time and tbh Forsaken joining the Alliance is just… bad.


Kind of same, especially if they end up as customization options for BEs and NEs.

Assuming it’s customization options for BEs/NEs- Blold Elves getting a second visually distinct theme after losing visual uniqueness feels justified (it doesn’t have to be this one but the point I feel stands). And giving the same exact theme right back to the Alliance is in really poor taste imo and it would stand to reason that NEs getting these options + BEs outweigh each other it had nothing to do w BEs losing visual uniqueness to VEs which really sucks Blood Elves should be able to get a second visual theme that no one else utilizes just like Void Elves. Also the NE pass alone is leagues better than BEs who saw hardly anything and lost uniqueness on top.

Assuming it’s an AR that isn’t just Horde (as in they include the NE model) the general idea seems to be they’ll be like a neutral type race w Alliance getting the Undead NE model and Horde the Thalassian Undead model, arguably this option has nothing to do w BEs getting something impactful for losing visual uniqueness because this is now an independent AR, but as a Horde player it’s still seeing a group of Forsaken given to Alliance which the first paragraph is also a overlapping point.


I like many others don’t really want Night Elf Dark Rangers but if that’s the way it has to go to get Dark Ranger customizations I’ll deal with it, however in the case of San’layn I’m 100% all in that San’layn should be Horde and only Horde whether it’s a seperate Allied Race for the Horde or customizations for Blood Elves and the Horde it should be Horde only.


I think if it comes as customization which it could, if it goes to NEs too it’s a disservice to the fact BEs got a poor customization pass while losing visual uniqueness to make it seem like we can’t even get this without in turn giving it away to NEs as well.

If BEs get options idk maybe give the dwarves a bunch of new stuff or Worgen their tails or something like that gives the Alliance too but isn’t directly like deflating what BEs could be getting.

If it’s an AR I’ll feel less annoyed as that either way has no impact on BEs assuming it’s not neutral and using the Thalassian model for both sides. But either way Forsaken being given to the Alliance is also by itself annoying.

When are Horde getting Alliance races? Horde humans when? The red Draenei people when? Like what’s the deal at that point