San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Instead of Darkfallen on both sides I would have gone with blood elf darkfallen and somehow bring in night elf aligned botani.


I don’t know, I wouldn’t get my hopes too high for Horde ever getting 100% copy/paste of a race like Alliance did from Horde because when they gave us Nightborne they didn’t even give us the actual Night Elf model they gave us a botched one and thus far we haven’t had anything shared with Nightborne from Night Elves.

However I myself would like to see red Eredar Draenei on Horde side or Kul Tiran on Horde side but that’s just personal preferences, still though I don’t see it happening so I won’t hold out hope for it ever.


In a situation where we got Night Elf Darkfallen with Blood Elf Darkfallen, it is hard for me to imagine Blood Elf San’layn as an option while Night Elf San’layn aren’t one.

Which leads to the problem I mentioned in my big post a few posts above. We don’t know whether an alleged playable Darkfallen race will have any San’layn representation on both sides or if they’ll just be treated as typical zombie elves without any vampiric themes.

Yes, Night Elf San’layn aren’t a thing in-game or otherwise to my knowledge. However, neither were Night Elf Dark Rangers, and then BfA made it a thing. It would kinda come out of nowhere and would be a bit of an odd fit on the Alliance, but it is something I’d happily accept if I got playable San’layn Darkfallen.

I suspect both Night Elf and Blood Elf Darkfallen would be referred to generally as Darkfallen in-game, but I still would hope for San’layn customization and possibly racials, though as I said, I don’t know how to do that if they’ll lump Dark Rangers in with them.

I assume the whole alleged Darkfallen playable race wouldn’t be completely San’layn focused, but I’m still hoping we’d have San’layn features for player characters and also San’layn NPC’s mixed in with the Darkfallen faction.

I really think we’re going to keep getting more and more questions until we see what is actually forthcoming. If we are getting a playable Darkfallen race, there is going to be a lot of work for us to do to answer as many questions as possible, maybe as a FAQ in the main post of the megathread if I may suggest one.

I can see playable Darkfallen going in many directions, both good and bad. I really hope it won’t be a long time before we get answers of some kind with a 9.2.5 announcement. As I said, the wait is going to be annoyingly frustrating the longer we go without answers.

Hoping for the best regardless. :wine_glass::bat:


Right I don’t think it’s a realistic hope more or less just serving to make a point if that makes sense

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I still think the horde human vampyr would be a fun thing to have for forsaken.

Also yeah, I feel pretty conflicted. On one hand, there’s no fairness factor there. Once again, the Alliance will make big gains. However, I myself am not a fan of factions, but I know I have friends here who really want something for the horde for once, and something special, because to be frank, Void Elves do have that unique factor that is exclusive and not touched by the Horde.

Meanwhile, if Darkfallen go to both, it again won’t be exclusive or unique at all, and the Alliance will still have something completely unique while still being able to copy the Horde’s most popular race at this point.

I do find myself a bit less … bothered? By it than most here, but that’s likely due to my own bias. I have the ‘as long as I get my lore and the ability to play my vampyr elves on Horde, the faction I chose because I like the Alliance less, I’ll be happy’ mentality.

However, yes, I do agree it doesn’t feel fair. Which sucks, yeah. Also yeah, Horde Eredar would be amazing, I’d even play one, and I don’t play draenei.


Yes please, I’m such a big fan of the male Human model (the less dressed the better) but the whole dark theme with red eyes and stuff while less dressed in my book would be hot, hot, hot!!! :fire: :fire: :fire:


My general take on dead night elves with interesting eye colors is that we have dead night elves with interesting eye colors already.

But knowing nothing at all about what they’re doing with this patch and just speculating wildly, darkfallen for both factions as a customization option (night elves returning to their people + a long overdue option for blood elves with hopefully some san’layn lore to go with it) seems like the most likely solution. It lets Blizzard pretend it thought ANY of the idiotic night elf dark ranger subplot out beyond “wouldn’t it be metal if…?” and we finally get a look for blood elves that should have been there since wrath, at least.

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The only way it would be fair for nelves to get the options is if along with the options the belves get customization on the same level that nelves got in the first place.


…You… Like the human male model?


I suppose I have no room to talk, but it’s genuinely one of my least favorites. You all know I’m a lover of toons, but I will admit I have no male humans (except dead ones), because I just cannot stand their ham beast spatula faces and strange wrist-free build.

But I like male draenei, so who knows?

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Yeah, I love it actually, I sometimes will switch Meximoon from female to male just to outfit change to just aboriginal loincloth and angel wings then run around doing weekly quests, daily quest or just random stuff for my own enjoyment. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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I mean, I guess adding chest hair was an improvement.

…And some of their faces aren’t overtly terrible now.

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This, I really want this on every race for male characters, plus way better facial hair options for the ones that lack them currently. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Chest hair for everyone!


I feel a bit annoyed at the idea of Alliance getting a group of Forsaken Elves in return for possibly BEs getting something for losing visual uniqueness.


If it’s coming in the form of an AR w Alliance having access to the undead NEs same thing only now it arguably has nothing to do w Blood Elves bcz they are their own AR.

You’re not wrong in that, as an allied race rather than customization, it would not provide any sort of recompense for the loss of Blood Elf visual uniqueness. There’s not much anyone here on the forums can do about that if that’s what happens. But then again, this is all conjecture right now. There’s no guarantee any sort of allied race (or even customization) is coming.

If this hypothetical allied race actually does happen, then I have to admit, from a design perspective, it’s brilliant. It would require very little work on Blizzard’s part, and end up being what amounts to a simple recolor of two existing races (Night Elves & Blood Elves) just with identical racials.

No model work needed, no animation work needed, no special vfx work needed, very little in the way of texture work since they can re-use and/or modify existing NPC and player assets. And to top it off, it adds an allied race to both Horde and Alliance, yet it’s the same allied race but with different silhouettes for each faction. No need to worry about racials being unbalanced on one faction or the other, and the different models preserve distinction.

To us it would likely come across as an incredibly low effort copy/paste & paint job on Blizzard’s part. To the devs however, it would likely be considered an incredible use of time and resources that results in a huge return for minimal investment.

But as I said before, this is all conjecture for the moment. There could very well be no Darkfallen allied race or customization coming and we are all just getting our hopes up. Still, I hope that, allied race or no, Blood Elves get a more robust selection of additional customization options unique to them ASAP.


Yeah, I sincerely hope Blood Elves get something to make them distinct as well. If Darkfallen become an AR rather than customization, it’d be cool to see either felblood elves or phoenix themes emphasized for Blood Elves. I still wouldn’t feel like ‘light customization’ in the holy sense would make them distinct–more like just foils for void elves being their ‘opposites’ rather than sticking out. At least with phoenix themes, it really emphasizes their roots. Same with felblood, bringing them back to those darker themes.

All in all, I really hope we all around get more customization. It’s a real shame they put so much into Dracthyr that could have gone to player races that are already available after we’ve been asking so long for customization. I wish a little more love went into the races we’ve had for years instead of something so restricted.


I found a very accurate video on Shadowlands, folks.

Honestly, the entire expansion needs to be retconned. It’s so bad.


So I haven’t watched that yet I woke up w a migraine like my head is throbbing it’s so dramatic I get caffeine migraines if I don’t drink coffee which yesterday I didn’t so I’m having some cold brew rn

Anyways I wanted to add just since it was a SL specific title in the video that I did like some of the covenants/ factions. I LOVE the personality of the Venthyr but I can’t stand the aesthetic (not referring to the transmog which is great but the overall zone) or music (since I like to hear the background when I play) so I decided my favorite was Night Fae bcz I like the overall vibe better.


I got myself some fancy shades myself.


Tho it’s too bad that the dark tinted shades come up as a nice shade of red that the actual supposed rose tinted glasses should have.

It like was BFA in that regard but even more piecemeal.

BFA I loved the zones and the overarching story involving N’zoth. Hated the War Campaign with a vengeance.

I’m Shadowlands the story was, not hyperbole, mostly non-existent, and while their was zones I loved (Bastion, Revendreth, Ardeanweald), I hated everything about Maldraxxus except the characters which I adore, some of my favourites hilariously.

It doesn’t help matters that the types of afterlives were niche to the point of polarizing too strongly. Bastion and Ardeanweald weren’t bad, Orderly people go here, Druids and Rangers go here.

Revendreth was uhhhhhh, the torture place for bad people that was legally distinct from the Maw, okay… but it was also the vampire and gargoyle place, okay… but it also had a feudal class system that would fit a living area rather than a full on afterlife.

Maldraxxus was alll over the place, war and honor! Except it’s really the poison and plague and flesh crafting and we all just happen to be violent. I had a visceral reaction to that place and “this is the war afterlife” took a bit to kick in, even with the friggin coliseum. Too much niche while also trying to be encompassing.

And then cut off branches by sending certain peeps there, which was gonna be an issue regardless when dealing with an expansion that deals with the afterlife.

I actually didn’t mind the Maw, they just forgot to write a plot for the Jailer and steeped too many important lore things into him without making anyone care about him or making him relevant.

Granted some of this has been corrected by taking out lots of trash (it’s one thing to write a bad story, it’s a another to be left a pile of [expletive] and build a [expletive] palace out of what you got) so hopefully things are more coherent in Dragonflight.

The succinct flaw of Shadowlands, is there’s not attachment and these aren’t afterlives. There random zones and no one cares.

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