I totally think they’re not wanting another Zandalari situation haha. I think once 8.1.5 comes out, we will hopefully know more.
I do admit that this “hush hush” stuff they’ve been pulling is starting to get on my nerves. I get that Blizzard doesn’t want to tip their hand too soon but they could at least throw us a bone to tide us over.
Imo they’ve been over reliant in regards to the “Carrot On A Stick” method they’ve been using with the Zandalari/KT Humans. We’ve known about those two ARs since launch but we still haven’t received any new info on the next wave of ARs coming after them.
Surely I’m not the only one that’s frustrated atm.
I have been saying this about High Elves for literally 15 years. Every time they toss more in I get excited. You shoulda seen me with the Ailver Covenant…
I Am pretty sure Blizzard keeps tossing them in purely to poke the High Elf fans so they can sit there and lawl at us. Never underestimate their sadism.
But with the whole dynamic with death being a bigger and bigger deal it makes a lot of lore sense. And it would be a good… natural fit with the Forsaken who are pretty darn isolated in the Horde. The same could have been said about the Blood Elves but they have the Nightborne now.
Nah I feel ya entirely. I wish we got some word. A true “no” if they’re not planning on adding San’layn anytime soon would be nice. I suppose however it would kill this thread, and we tend to remain mostly positive. Perhaps they like watching our discussions hehe.
I still have hope though if no word comes out for many months, I’ll lose that too. What Ion said recently however did give me more hope. I’m happy he or others working on this stuff might be looking in every so often and taking a look at our ideas.
Granted a Blue has never been in here so I’m not sure. But never know!
Basically what we learned from these recent interviews is that they are unlikely to do another brand new model and everything is still an option.
Nice to get some news on allied races.
Well if they ever decide to make an allied race out of the San’layn all they have to do is look at this thread and have half the work already done.
I know far out, but what if they joined the Alliance.
The San’ayn would be rejected by the Horde. But the Alliance will jump in and recruit them for a strategic advantage. Wouldn’t be to unbelievable, we did recruit Void elves after all.
Alliance San’layn? oh gods please no, sorry
Why not? Could make sense in a war sense
Plus it’s time for the Alliance to do some dark things
Not a fan of that myself, but it would be plausible technically if not for some very important happenings this expansion.
- San’layn murdered a ton of night elves and Shandris hates them.
- They’re undead, meaning they are unlikely to be forgiven by the alliance, especially with a connection like they have to the Forsaken.
Both elves got their allied races. Unless Blizzard is planning on doing 2 per race I would start thinking about Worgen, Gnomes, Goblins, and Forsaken.
See what they did with Umbric? They could have made void elves cool but since he is Alliance we get a speech from him to Gallywix about helping orphans and other sappy stuff. The san’layn would be pushed into the “righteous do-gooders” role and completely ruined. Now I’m not saying i want them to be mindless evil psychopaths, but any morally grey possibilities they have would be crushed by joining up with the goodie twoshoes faction that is Alliance.
Also the Alliance would never accept them anyway.
It wouldn’t be so much another elf race. It would be a undead race, taking the Forsaken spot, since San’layn aren’t really elvish anymore
Forsaken AR would be perfect for San’layn, to be honest. Also, I’m not saying we should get these before anyone else. I’d personally rather have them as soon as possible, yes, but that’s a personal preference thing. I’m perfectly fine with other races coming out first.
That’s true, once they’re Undead they’re Undead. But still, I feel like people would interpret that as being an elf race.
Why wouldn’t we? We accepted dark irons and void elves, so why not them? They are the darkest races out there
-alliance already are extremely iffy with undead
-they eat people
-they killed night elves and that gnome guy
-they are very unlikely to just give up their sadistic ways of 'life
-they hold more relations to the forsaken and were blood elves when they died
also if they joined the Alliance, they’d just get buried under all the human story anyway
So? Horde accepted them when they tried to kill all of us a decade ago
Would not be to different
Yeah, because we’re the Horde. We do that
Already green to Horde.