San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Yay happy dance

Hopefully it’ll confuse assassins as well.


Whats your name on discord again? Couldnt find you on the vulpera discord.

Wanted to ask you how you feel about the supposed darkfallen leaks, and hoping it leads to sanlynn as well.

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I think it’s your background causing reflection. When I go into your armoury, they show up as blue.

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…. Weird :3

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I’m on there! My name is “Fall” and the picture is of a very angry bat. “Desastr” though is my typical username (the general non modified one). I might take a nap soon but will reply when I can.

Part of the lack of info is due to encryption, but there’s also lots of stuff that just isn’t there yet. Stuff like the customization database isn’t encrypted, but Marlamin noted a while back that there’s a huge gap in the IDs on PTR. Which would indicate something was there on an internal build, but got dropped before they pushed the public version.

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Do you sleep in a coffin?

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The likely hood that this race would be implemented or even considered. Is very low from a practical stand point. My reasons are this:

  1. We already have a total of 4 elf races in the game already.

  2. Blizzard has made it clear previously back in BFA that they are not open to the idea when they had been posed this question.

  3. Lore wise it would be disastrous, not only from past dealings, conflicts, bad blood, and interactions in dealing with them; over many…many years and decades. Not to mention the recent 4th war only rubberbanded the likely hood of any reconciliation even further out than it already has.

  4. The San’layn do not share even remotely the same mutual interests or ideals of EITHER faction. An are just as likely to stab them in the back as work with them. Which begs the question…is it really worth the chance?

  1. and?

  2. gonna need receipts for this.

  3. points at Orcs, Blood Elves, Forsaken, Zandalari, and Worgen and Dark Iron Dwarves you were saying?

  4. you’re wrong. They may not align with the Alliance but there’s plenty of mutual overlap and possibilities with the Horde. Which is kinda why Horde players push for them. There’s groundwork for it. You don’t get to write someone completely off if some of them were being antagonistic given the history of this franchise, we wouldn’t have any groups working together then.

  5. you’re a werewoof.

If I say yes I sound cooler, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m going to have to make a vampire elf now.


Well if the options come as customization the way VEs have a second distinct non void set of options, that doesn’t exactly conflate the game w an added Elf race.

Though don’t get me wrong I’m all for more Elf races so that route is fine w m too I’m just saying


Alright, my counterpoints to you are this.

  1. The reason those races you suggested HAVE been taken in to either faction (and take this loosely.) Is because the player base wished too have those races (popularity), the considerations by blizzard in making said races. But also because the lore or certain extreme situations where they could not persist on their own and so reached out for help. (Basic premise just loosely drawing it out from what I’m perceiving here.)
    (Continued): Which also makes this more viable in that there was already some form of understanding in terms of past history or relatability between the “contact” races that pulled them into either side. (Blood elf’s = Nightborne, Dwarfs = Dark Iron Dwarfs, Tauren = Highmountain Tauren, etc.)

(Continued): It’s that relatability between races that is an important ingredient in trying to forge connection and thus into (the Horde for your example.) However I would argue that their arrogance, pride, and high borne views might make it difficult too actually make it work. An perhaps off put or undermine any long-term link between them.

  1. I don’t see a solid connection between me being a worgen. Although in a wider sense lore-wise an said faction… I see your point and will think on this. Though I would please request for more explanation than just that. Otherwise that is a moot point.

  2. I am sure this was mentioned at least once about blizzards reluctance for this race back in BFA. Although grant you, it was only once. So it’s possible that it was never throughly talked about.

I don’t recall Blizzard ever specifically addressing San’layn back then myself, could you link the source for that? I followed a lot of news and people came to me about pretty much everything, but this is the first time I’m hearing about this specific detail.

I do remember the hesitation for Blood Trolls, but not vampyr Darkfallen specifically, is all.

I don’t really agree with the points, given we have DK/DH/Forsaken and more that could apply to the ‘they might betray us/be monsters’ thing, and since these elves will have free will, they can make their own decisions. On that angle, though, I will just say we have to wait and see what happens.

You could be right, you could be wrong. Personally, I hope to see them added to the game and will likely not stop for a while, or at least they give me a clear ‘no’.



Edit: Due to Northrend possibly being a pretty big problem, and the hints at the scourge still being an issue in general.


I’d actually like to see a set of “stances” and have them both have their own weapons. Equip your melee weapons in one set of boxes, your ranged in the other, then you can click which “stance” you wanna be in. Melee or ranged, and your abilities just react accordingly.
Could do it across all specs. Play melee, play ranged, whatever.

I’d prefer not being stuck using a pole arm as well.

It’d also be interesting to add the charge up thing coming with the dracthyr spells to some hunter shots to kinda mimic drawing the bow.

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At this point, I would prefer BM to still be ranged. An option to be melee is fine, but only if it is an option. I much prefer being a ranged class, but I love the BM spec, its themes, and such to not want to have to change to another spec. It would be a lot different if BM started as and stayed as melee.

Just my own personal preference, of course. :wine_glass::bat:


Wording is sus.

I don’t got my hopes up but phrasing is key.

This exactly. Keep asking for what you want to see in the game.


You’re right, it is. Phrasing is key. I really hope we see the snakes too. I want to roll a couple of them myself.

And you as well! Let’s get more fanged folk into the game in general ^^


My hope is that we will gradually see new playable races based on requests from the race request megathreads in general. There are a lot of passionate people here with a lot of cool ideas, and it makes me happy to see people get to create their dream characters.

Plus, Blizzard seems to be doing quite a bit so far that has been requested in general, and it feels positive and hopeful to see some doors open, like with new race/class combos. It makes me want to keep going, myself. Hopefully, they’ll be continuing to look at and consider requests in general for the long term.

Nothing is guaranteed, but I think it is important to continue doing what we’re all doing in our megathreads. We may get lucky and have our requests considered someday. You never know! :smiley:

Let’s hope we see that character creation screen filled with the races we all want to see someday! :wine_glass::bat: