San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

With how the new talent trees are designed, they could theoretically give hunters Dark Rangers without making it a class in 10.0. Using those nodes with multiple options, they could do stuff like let you chose Black Arrow over Arcane Shot/Serpent Sting, or Charm/some sort of banshee scream/whatever in place of Intimidation.

I’m not sold on Calia either, but she would at least serve as a plausible way to reintroduce the Nelf dark rangers to Tyrande. Surely the subject came up while they were sitting around in Oribos for months.

And blood curse or not, they always have Nathanos as a template, no matter if we’d all like to forget he existed at this point.


Yeah it’d be surreal if Calia ended up bringing in Thalassian vampyr/rangers into the horde, then night elf rangers/vampyr into the alliance. Never know. I definitely wonder when we’ll actually get news on things like the preorder incentives & what else is in that patch.


A great idea in my opinion is to fix hunters (outside of MM) is to make BM the melee spec (duel wielding) and make survival the “Shadow hunter / Dark ranger” spec with traps, vodoo (dark arts), magic focused.

Dunno if she’d need to bring the belves back, per se, as at least some of them seemed to stick around after Sylvanas bounced. But I guess she could be involved either way if the quest chain is also touching on what’s happening with the Forsaken,

As for the lack of news, it could be they just don’t know when it will be done. Changes on the PTR are rather sporadic, so it’s almost certainly still in active development. This week’s build was mostly just the mystery sound files, and Tirisfal’s “present” phase is missing if you talk to the bronze dragon.

It still puzzles me that they didn’t make BM the melee spec to begin with. Between Rexxar existing and old BM having so few unique ranged attacks, it would have made sense.

But only time will tell how/if it will play out now.


If the mods actioned you once before you should consider the reason they decided to do so and try not to repeat the behavior.

What you’re doing here in this thread I’d hardly call productive.

I suggest this.

Will literally fix all of your problems.

While I’m here.

San’layn for the Horde. :wine_glass: :bat:

I just switched my San’layn character to WrA so I can RP him later. Quite excited. Had to modify his name a bit though but what can you do?


They went with Survival since it was the melee “focused” spec out of the three for the longest time. As much as I love the guerilla fighter aesthetic for current Survival (it’s legit one of my favourite specs, when I came back to WoW during BFA and discovered it was melee I immediately switched and fell in love.) I’d be delighted if they were able to dual wield again (see Frost DK and Fury Warriors) and focus on melee stuff and/or become a Tank spec.

Keep 1 spec of Hunter melee is my request basically XD



Go back to the latest Horde bias thread.


Our vampyr should meet! I’ll hop in and RP again at least a little bit if they do end up properly adding vampyr Darkfallen. We’re on the same server so that’s awesome :smiley:


Ion’s thematic response is still sus to me because BFA and SL were the perfect times for thematic inclusion.

BFA for Sylvanas being Warchief and Dark Rangers being given more prominence, + Nelf DR and San’layn reappearing (even tho it was alliance side only that a horde player would never know without going alliance once.

and SL for Undeath stuff.


And for SL we still have the upcoming patch and the prepatch for DF. So there’s a window, though small.


I shouldn’t play one ever because I’m too not serious. My dude would be making vampire/blood sucking jokes. Lots of them. All the time.


That’s why I have two Somands. 200 IQ move.


You kidding? That makes things even better. This character would laugh a lot. She’s a derp. She kept her old personality but of course (like most undead) is incredibly violent and prone to rage. That said, it’s not applicable in ‘let’s hang out in the city’ situations, so she definitely knows how to smile. The puns would be glorious to her.

Yeah BfA was such a huge letdown, I’m still feeling it. I wish they’d never added that line that they need a home and wanted to join the Horde, because it inspired false hope.

Unless it comes up again and this time they actually do, of course. Sigh.


I thought I would list the classes that Blood Elves, Night Elves, and Forsaken could be and speculate on potential classes if playable Darkfallen become a thing. I don’t expect Darkfallen to be a class of some kind instead of a race, which would be really limiting and frustrating IMO, so I thought I’d speculate some on class options.

First, here are the class options for each race (if I miss any, please let me know so I can edit the list):

Blood Elf

Death Knight
Demon Hunter

Night Elf

Death Knight
Demon Hunter


Death Knight

First thing to note is I don’t see Darkfallen Demon Hunters at present. Maybe in the future, we’ll see other races be able to be them, but not at the moment.

Second is that Death Knights should be a given, and I’m hoping they’ll be options for future playable races. Especially since I want to make a Saurok Unholy Death Knight someday, along with a Saurok Demonology Warlock (or a Necromancer is that becomes a class or class skin someday). I assume they would start in the allied race/Pandaren DK starting area. It could fit in that timeline, or it could just be edited to have either Bolvar there or some other DK leader, along with some Darkfallen Death Knights in the area. Shouldn’t be too hard to edit, IMO.

Third is that in a recent interview with Brian Holinka by MrGM, all current playable races (aside from Dracthyr) will be able to be Mages, Priests, and Rogues, so I don’t see why this couldn’t apply to Darkfallen since it would fit both Blood and Night Elf variants. The article confirming it is here:

So with that in mind, I’m going to put the following classes for my personal opinion on Darkfallen classes in general:

Darkfallen Speculation

Death Knight

I’ve seen people support Druids as a class option, which I’m sure could work. I’m not sure if only Night Elf Darkfallen would have them or if both Night and Blood Elf Darkfallen would. In a case where the Night Elf Darkfallen could, I don’t know what Blood Elf Darkfallen would have as a class choice.

If anyone has any opinions on a class I didn’t list, please mention it. The above is just my personal opinion, and if it can work, then I’d be fine with it.

As for the Darkfallen I’d make if they became playable? A Male Blood Elf Darkfallen Shadow Priest that is San’layn based is what I’m thinking at the moment. Not sure if I’d make any others, since my free character slots are limited sadly.

Please let me know what classes you think Darkfallen should have! :wine_glass::bat:


Idk if this has been talked about yet but

Do we think this is why we don’t have much info on 9.2.5 ?

Like to the people saying “we’d have seen more stuff by now if they were adding Darkfallen options” etc

Or is it phrased to be more about future / doesn’t apply yet?


From the above post:

I think with the new encryption technology, it’s something they’re looking into implementing in the near future and not necessarily something implemented currently. When we could see that in effect is up in the air.

It’s hard to say why we don’t have much info on 9.2.5. There could be marketing reasons, things they need to test internally, getting anything shown in an announcement to be presentable, and several other reasons. Whatever the reason for it, I’m hoping we don’t have to wait long until we see what exactly is shown for it.

Still trying to temper expectations, but it is challenging to do. Much as I want to get excited, I really want to keep an open mind in case I get let down. :wine_glass::bat:


The only reason I question the way it’s worded is because technically 9.2.5 is a future patch too.

And they didn’t specify post that, they just said a vague future patches. It’s hard to tell imo


With 9.2.5, some stuff has been datamined while there is some stuff that is encrypted. I think had this new encryption technology and marketing philosophy been implemented on this patch, we wouldn’t know nearly as much as we do about the piece meal items we currently know.

I’ll preface the following as my own personal opinion, which is far from perfect as usual.

As for the increased encryption in general, I don’t really quite like the sound of it. I can understand some story things being left as a surprise, but given the amount of time between announcements in BfA and especially Shadowlands was pretty bad, I really hope there isn’t going to be more radio silence and less information given, especially with how infrequent announcements in general have been getting. Not to mention that information will get shown at some point to anyone via websites and Youtube, which moreso matters to us on the internet (and can have the effect of increasing negative opinions if we have to wait to find out information), as opposed to casual players who don’t search online for patch information, in which it wouldn’t matter too much when they get said information in general.

To be clear, I don’t expect announcements every month, but more in a timely manner. Thus why increased encryption would worry me. It takes time to make things and plan marketing around it of course, and we don’t necessarily need to know all the details immediately (which gets shown on websites and YouTube regardless of when available), but keeping consumer interest is also important, in my opinion. I understand some story related things being encrypted, but I hope that we get some things revealed still as opposed to taking the Nintendo approach when it comes to revealing stuff. It really does depend on what would be in patches, so I can’t easily go into the specifics or give examples.

As I said before, had the current patch started recently and we were getting piece meal stuff then, it would be understandable why an announcement for 9.2.5 was being withheld. However, the Jailer has been in LFR for a couple of weeks and activity in Zereth Mortis is quickly winding down as people become exalted with The Enlightened, so I would hope that a 9.2.5 announcement of some kind is very soon.

Not to mention with that alleged rumor of at least one new playable race and all the “hints” being datamined and so on, it’s becoming more frustrating than exciting the longer time goes on. I’m hoping for a juicy carrot dangling above us as opposed to a rotting potato. Hopefully, we’ll find out what it is in the future.

Again, all in my personal opinion. Some things being kept as a surprise for us to find is understandable, sure. I just don’t want to be left in the dark the entire time. That’s better suited for my potential San’layn character. :wine_glass::bat:


Huzzah it’s letting me post on my new one!


These are the onyx shades why are they showing up as crimson? (I swear I wasn’t trying to steal your look Fall, im gonna have to go to the barber when I get back to my computer XD)


No need. THE CULT GROWS, MUHAHAHAHA! I think you look awesome. The more style the better. I am terrible at trying to guess who’s who, though.