San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

If this is actually true, I’m going to have to make some HARD CHOICES on my roster, because I’m stable with 50 I have story for and affection for. At least one of each race and one of each class per faction (even priest, which I am so over).

None of my blood elves are great candidates for a one way trip to spooky town, though (or my night elves, for that matter). Will I have to reroll an undead as a blood elf? Will I merely support a treasure I can never possess? HOPEFULLY WE HAVE GROUNDS TO FIND OUT.


This is something we knew already but I wanted to bring attention to this quote:
“…and delve into some storylines that affect the Forsaken and others who have been touched by the magic of death and what it’s done to their cultures, so there’s definitely some stuff coming up that will be of interest.”


I don’t like Calia, I’ll be completely honest. Though if she somehow gets us Darkfallen, including the vampyr, I could be a bit nicer.


If Calia Menethil of all people is the conduit through which we get playable vampires, she would single-handedly produce the greatest redemption story that has ever existed in WoW lore.


Okay, yeah, I have to agree with you there :rofl:


I have to wonder if we get Darkfallen as a semi-neutral race, if Tirisfal Glades would be their racial hub for both Blood and Night Elf Darkfallen if treated like an allied race or if they may start at level 1 and treated like a core race. Or if both would have their own starting areas/racial hubs.

Anyway, the entire quote is very interesting:

“Those of you who have been watching the datamines of our 9.2.5 patch know that there is something that takes place in Tirisfal Glades, and some of that may allow us to catch up with Calia Menethil, and delve into some storylines that affect the Forsaken and others who have been touched by the magic of death and what it’s done to their cultures, so there’s definitely some stuff coming up that will be of interest.”

There is a lot of potential here, though my instinct is to keep my expectations tempered as much as possible despite my excitement continuing to grow to high levels.

I’m still hoping if this is leading to a playable Darkfallen race, that San’layn would be included and represented both as PC’s and NPC’s. It’s one of the reaons of my frustrations, as we don’t know what is coming and, if it is coming, how it’ll be handled and addressed with regards to San’layn. The sooner the announcement for 9.2.5 arrives, the better.

Will continue to help keep an eye out for anything else of interest. :wine_glass::bat:


I am very skeptical of anything Calia and I don’t think that will change anytime soon.


Yeah I don’t trust them trying to force her on the Horde.

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Here’s your gif!

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Thank you! :heartpulse:


I feel like I’m going to need to put some serious investigation skills to use in order to make sense of all of these “hints” from datamining and such to try and figure out this mystery.

I’ll see if I can form a case with what all we know so far. :wine_glass::bat:


It could be Blood Elves, since their entire culture was changed after the Scourge attacked, but that still adds a little more evidence for Darkfallen, potentially.

Still want her gone afterwards.

Even if San’layn aren’t added to whatever playable form Darkfallen Become, we will have MASSIVELY better ground to ask for them in some form.

Either as another extended Customization for Blood Elves or as a Subrace Customization for a Darkfallen Allied Race.

Most of the themes and options for Dark Rangers work well for San’layn or vice versa. If Dark Rangers are added, it’s basically just ears and fangs and maybe claws and a few eye colors.

That would be nice, thank you.

I am not acting as if this is confirmed to keep from being crushed. But so far this is good evidence something will happen for Undead Elves. Even if it’s just a lore nod…


I still don’t think Darkfallen won’t include vampyr. Not only are vampires super popular, but they give a connection to Shadowlands in a way. Yes, I realize people want venthyr instead/also want them, but lorewise it doesn’t make much sense to get afterlife races. Maybe in the future.

Meanwhile, these vampyr have existed for a decade (I think) now, and the lore’s been there. Vampyr are popular, and people know the difference between Dark Rangers and vampires. Banshees = / = Vampyr. If we do indeed get a race, I feel very confident we’ll get both represented, and possibly others too.

It would be really interesting if we got Night Elves and Thalassian elves of both vampyr and dark ranger fashion for both factions. Meaning it’d not be psuedo neutral, but true neutral with both being offered for both factions.

Honestly? Who knows. But I definitely think that we’d get both if we do get them. I don’t believe we’d get just one. That also includes getting San’layn exclusively. There’s clearly a huge want for Dark Rangers specifically, and vampyr specifically. Excluding one or the other, when they’re different but go together so well, would be silly, to be honest.

Plus, up until very recently, we thought Dark Rangers were just hunters. It’s been expanded to mage, sure, but that’s about it. All the other classes fit vampyr. “Ranger” is in the name of DR, after all. I doubt they will release a limited elf after the Dracthyr being so limited.

We’ll get both if we do get them, I feel. Thus far it’s up in the air, but there’s great signs for both communities (and we pretty much intertwine anyhow)


Yeah. Imagine questing in Revendreth as a Venthyr and having people call you a “living mortal” constantly. Shadowlands ARs just don’t work imo.


Oooh yeah I didn’t even think of that one…


I mean… DKs.


Hm, true. Come to think of it, maybe they shouldn’t have used that line at all. There’s several circumstances where it really doesn’t make much sense.


The intro to Bastion was extra awkward. Did that the first time as a Forsaken DK, and every time they were rambling on about living this or dead that, I’m thinking “you know I’m like doubleplusdead, right?”


Definitely not. It was just as weird on Necrohealiac, my Forsaken priest.


Not going to lie, that’s a hilarious name :rofl:


Gotta love how OP tried to ban me for telling people they don’t have to follow her.

You don’t.

Make your own opinions about everything. Stop following people blindly into these ridiculous things.

You can’t stop the signal.