San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

awwwww, poor sensitive tummy, QUICK! Everyone who does not want to be a vampyr (not judging) eat a lot of Jalapenos!



I was about to heart eyes and then I saw the vinegar part, crazy cult leader.

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As much as i like more horde options isn’t this race going extinct in the blood elf heritage questline in 9.2.5? Sad however that Horde can ask for ogres and San’lyn for years with threads going on for years about it, but alliance has to ask for 2 years to get blood elves on the alliance.

There is never an ‘extinct’ thing, Vorath actually never existed in the game at all up until the prepatch. A unit dying = / = extinct, and we saw the vampyr can make more of themselves in BfA. Plus the missing blood princes. There’s a completely unknown number of vampyr active, and with how Blood Prince Dreven also came out of nowhere, there could be any number of them. They reproduce even more easily than forsaken, as demonstrated with Lana’thel & Stormheim.

We see people claim that black dragons went extinct, lo and behold that’s also a lie.

Unless the game explicitly states something is wiped out completely, there’s an unknown number at all times. It’s players who make the ‘extinct’ headcanon.


Okay lets try this, dessert and kitties!

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I like to think that it’s that Horde bias people are always talking about.

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I remember watching a video in the PTR about how Liadin says “the last of the San’lyan are throwing themselves at us, let us rid the world of their foul presence once and for all.”
Not saying what you’re saying is wrong cause wrathion was supposed to be “the last black dragon” but obviously that was far from the truth.

To explain why people think it may be coming as a possibility soon I quoted an earlier post

On this point I agree

Void Elves can have two visually distinct themes

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Also with the events of shadowlands we might have untold swarms of San’layn running around now.

Hm I don’t remember that from the PTR myself, but I do remember it being pointed out that Vorath was working alone, and San’layn are a ‘sect of darkfallen’. It’s just not something I remember seeing on the PTR, but I hope it’s not true. If there’s new information I’m not aware of, then you could be right. I’d be pretty disappointed if that’s said to be true, though. Still, though, yeah like you pointed out, there’s a lot of ‘lasts’ that ended up not being the case.

oKAy lets try this:

meanwhile, a Void Elf sticks a tentacle out periscope style of their void hole next to Silvermoon

“Are the spooky bat elves gone yet? The Dread Scar was bad enough before!”

Seeing as the unfinished dark ranger quests have been floating around since the middle of BFA, I’d imagine it was originally related to the stuff where Calia helps the newly undead Night Elves. Even ignoring the datamined bits, that quest line with Calia seemed to end abruptly like something got cut.

As such, I’m leaning towards it being for Night Elves. Though I guess they could just throw red eyes at everyone who’s vaguely ranger related lol.


Please, not in front of the food.

We might get dark rangers still. Its a easy reskin for blizzard with low effort on their part, makes a lot of the community happy (except elf haters), and finishes the Horde allied race variants. The missing one being Forsaken and Alliance being Worgen.


True, that makes sense, yeah. The datamines also include a quest with Tyrande, I believe, which is interesting. Could be covering both factions. I’m very much not a fan of Calia, though, myself. But Night Elves would make sense given those floating dark rangers.

Also yeah, plus we know that the vampyr curse (if they use that) can be passed on to more than just elves, with the humans in Stormheim. I imagine it can afflict anyone that could become a death knight, maybe.

It’d not be enough for me personally, as Dark Rangers are not vampyr, and I want to see playable vampyr elves myself. Though it’s speculated that Darkfallen will be an umbrella term for Rangers, Vampyr, and possibly Undead elves in general.

If it is to be an AR, their racials could work like Zandalari, where there’s different themes. I think it’d be pretty cool. Maybe night elf dark rangers would have a different flavor, but I dunno how this ‘neutral’ idea would work. Would this buffet of racial flavors be for all Darkfallen or faction specific? Hmm.

Well what would be cool is the new allied race could be called something like Darkfallen that has a undead variant of every non allied race. So undead orc, undead dwarf and so on? Wouldn’t have vampyr in it though as its not a undead variant in a sense.

I love Chloe and Halle, also really hype for Halle to play Ariel in the Little Mermaid live action that and Nemo and Shrek 2 were my fav movies when I was little (also Anastasia lol)


I think it all comes down to what happens in the future, to be honest. The scourge are rampaging and I doubt Vorath was the last San’layn, especially with the missing blood princes. There’s a chance to really capitalize on the knowledge San’layn have against the scourge in Northrend, as they’re tacticians of the scourge and would know it inside out.

A group of them wanting to join the Horde (like in BfA! Almost happened, sadly did not. But we know there’s a desire there!) could offer strategies for them and be useful in that sense. And ‘prove’ themselves. I think it’s a viable plotline, especially with how hard Northrend has been emphasized as a problem in 9.2.5.

Edit: Also a guildie pointed out something interesting; there were supposedly humans & night elves on those other ships in BfA, during that war campaign. It’d be super interesting if those were the Alliance Darkfallen vampyr variant, returning after being turned in that mess.