San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Yeah, I saw it pointed out specifically in that twitter post and wonder why it was there. It feels significant, but I’m not sure why. It’s certainly curious.

But yeah, I can’t believe I have to constantly keep repeating myself over and over again to people who just don’t get it.

Maybe I need to make another FAQ.


You are pretty much acting out the definition of being a missionary, except the ‘religion’ you’re trying to spread is “the San’layn should be on the Alliance” or something like that? Honestly kind of forgot your ‘argument’, you’re moreso just attacking people in this thread and calling everyone here a “Horde Supremacist”. But when you say things like

you really remind me of a missionary! Are you trying to roleplay one? Lol. Btw before you call me a Horde Supremacist I am literally an Alliance main.


Cult FAQ Cult FAQ cult FAQ


This has been going on for so long, ugh. Like throughout this entire thread, me repeating myself over and over and over again.

These people act like I’m not allowed to have my own opinions at all. It’s why I constantly add “in my opinion” whenever I talk. Because people take deep, deep offense to me having a different opinions than them. It’s getting so tiresome.

I mean, I was called a ‘cult leader’ tonight for wanting San’layn on the Horde. Imaging getting this worked up about someone’s different video game opinion.

Now do people understand what I’m dealing with on a regular basis? It got old.

A while ago.

If you disagree with me, stop throwing a tantrum and accept I have a different opinion. Put me on ignore. Read the reasons why I think the way I do. Or don’t. But for Gods’ sake, leave me alone already. I don’t know why I have to keep repeating that over and over again though, seriously.

This obsession some people have needs to stop. I have a different opinion. Deal with it.

Edit: The situation I quoted was a different ‘scandalous’ opinion but one that people just flip out over because I’m simply not allowed to have opinions at all.


There are literally crazies and cultists on both sides. I’d love to see the game remove the faction war and replace it with an option to turn on war mode. I’d love your thoughts on this.

Still hope you guys get it someday, I mean out of all the ideas ive seen for races San’layn still would be among the easiest to do imo.

I really don’t get why people hate the idea, more choices are always a plus for customization. I still think bare minimum give the undead the option to appear as a San’layn or maybe even Blood elf if they don’t want to do fullblown AR.


Anyone else find it entertaining that alliance obsessed people always seem to accuse horde players of being horde obsessed while completely lacking self awareness?

It’s like, hey pot, this is kettle, you too are made of darkened metal.

If I am critical or sarcastic at someone it isn’t because of what they have chosen as their online avatar but because how they have chosen to act.


What does that have to do with being a catholic missionary?

I’m mostly aethiest and mostly ,

Thanks! The answers given recently did give a nod to night elf customization via their questline, the night warrior, so people are speculating it might mean Blood Elves will get something similar! Or Blood & Night Elves (due to the questline with Tyrande on the PTR too). It’s super curious for sure!


Nothing, you added Catholicism to the mix.

Granted vampire thread so…


i can’t stop the op sadly. I wish I could. But you can refuse the OP. You can say no to the cult. Say no to OP.

You have not given anyone any incentive to do so.

Fallynn and the others conversely, are making brownies.

Checkmate missionary.



Will she bless us? Who is your God?

Dood I just want brownies.


Mods literally stopped me and you can’t even answer my question?

… huh?


Someone in the so called “cult” should fill out the advanced bonewits cult danger evaluation frame and see if it’s really a cult.


It’s not.


“mods literally stopped me”

I fail to see how that’s pertinent or why i should care.


not our problem if you get in trouble for picking fights with people.

maybe try not doing that next time.