San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

But you literally attacked me for pointing out this horde superiority thread run by a horde supremacist. I kept trying to inch you all towards the truth of what you were to see but you instead went straight to the lynch the outsider tribalism mentality and tried to delete me. That didn’t work. I want to actually help you learn something. Following someone like this OP just makes you end up getting absorbed into a cult mentality. You should always be allowed to experience differing points of view. Maybe the Alliance or the Horde aren’t the be all end all. Maybe. Just maybe the faction conflict isn’t all it’s hyped up to be.

I want you guys to think for yourselves and learn something new. I don’t actually just like arguing with people. I like helping people learn something new.

some nice songs from a movie :+1:


So your answer to a lack of harassment is to be a mocking gnome?


Well this conversation is over because anyone that bashes my bestie isn’t a good person in my book end of conversation and welcome to ignore.


You son of a bat, I’m in.


I’m wondering what in the world I did for people to claim I run some sort of cult :rofl:

“San’layn should be on the Horde for these reasons, and these are my opinions” I suppose means I run a cult or something.

I just don’t get it. It’s getting to alarming levels of absurd.

If people are so gosh darn UPSET about my opinion, why don’t they start a thread for Darkfallen on the Alliance then? Where was that thread for years…?


You have a lot of “care” for pixels yet say stuff like

When inquiring about real peoples real life pronouns


Well they are acting like a missionary, so projecting I guess?

Hello savages, I have come to spread the good word and save your soul, and your physical bodies as well for I bring desperately needed food and medicine. But you gotta convert first and sit in on the time share meetings or I’m just gonna lord it over you.


That just isn’t true. This conversation was started by a horde supremacist who wanted sanlayn exclusively for the horde. It’s right there at the top of the webpage for you.

Pretty much me at this point. I want there to be an allied race so much for 9.2.5. But I just don’t want to get disappointed. The highborne music probably is related to the heritage stuff for blood elves. But part of me hopes we do get something. Darkfallen/dark rangers was ideal for the past two expansions.


Please explain how I am acting like a missionary. Also please explain how this thread isn’t full of horde supremacists.

I just don’t know if I can handle so much responsibility right now. I need to come up with cult robes, names, rituals, and the whole shindig. I did have a RP character in “The Cult of the Damned”, and he ran one, so let me consult him. He’s a vampire, it might take a while, though.

I already have so much on my plate! I didn’t know I had to also run a cult, that’s a lot. Whew.

(In case anyone flips out on this post, it’s meant to be a joke.)

On topic edit: I remember the tweet talking about the length of the hidden cinematic being about as long as other AR ones. Is that significant, or do cinematics typically just kinda vary and it’d be a coincidence?


I don’t think you understand how races in this game work usually.


Again, you’re very very bad at this.


They aren’t advocating to give every alliance race to the horde. Seems kinda alliance supremacist ngl.


Go on, please, enlighten us.

Okay so when you log in you are met with the character creation screen, still with me?

And you have these two factions, red and blue. Different tastes for different folks.

Each have their own races attached that you can pick.

Pandaren and Dracthyr are going to be the exception in that they’re on both.

Did I elucidate you enough?


instructions unclear I downloaded 1 tb of facebook memes.


This is a really great question, I’m curious myself but I’m also trying to temper my enthusiasm because I don’t wanna be like oh my god and then be letdown so I’m open minded to that it could mean something like that it’s for Allied Race or it could legit just be a cinematic that they are adding like other ones, not gonna lie though I’m hoping it leads to Darkfallen/San’layn/Dark Rangers as an Allied Race/Allied Races for the Horde or at least customizations for Blood Elves and the Horde.


Irony is I have a void elf San’layn right here, and wanted vampire customization from Venthyr a long time ago. Legit, the only thing that turned me off to the idea of neutral are the unhinged folks who attacked me and wanted San’layn for the Alliance to spite the Horde.

If they go neutral like some predict, that’d be perfectly fine by me. Though, yeah, given Void Elves have two themes (high & void) and Blood Elves have been dragged down to be as boring as possible, I think it’s fair some would be annoyed that it’d go to both. Unless Blood Elves got another theme. A phoenix theme, for example, would be super cool, and I’ve supported that for a while.

So yeah. People trying to completely twist my views, I’ll spell them out clearly.

  1. San’layn should not be Alliance exclusive. They don’t fit. That’s my personal opinion–you’re free to disagree. I’m not going to be convinced otherwise, and we will agree to disagree. You are also NOT free to attack me over it.
  2. Darkfallen could be neutral for all I care so long as they’re also Horde. BUT Blood Elves should also get another theme, like felblood or Phoenix customization, right along with that if it happens.
  3. Given the events in BfA, San’layn do not fit the Alliance, flat out. They butchered them and specifically targeted them. It’s clear certain parties are begging for Alliance exclusive Darkfalle out of spite, it’s been pointed out numerous times. They were trying to join the HORDE.
  4. So sure. I don’t care in the end if they’re neutral. But yeah, I’m in agreement with others who say it’d completely short change Blood Elves, who again–have just one theme. Maybe if the customization pass for Blood Elves wasn’t so terrible, we wouldn’t be here. We asked for Tattoos & scars & runic stuff like on the BC box art. We got ugly jewelry on only lady elves. Meanwhile, some high elf players (not all) continue to try and ask for everything else from Blood Elves and not supporting a thing to make them distinct–at all.

People yell at my ‘Horde bias’ and it’s ironic because I hate the Horde. And the Alliance. I want neutral guilds, flat out. Faction war story is something I am flat out against and have been since BfA.