San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Rebuild UC and rebuild NEs too though idk where it is they’re settling hyjal (?)


These things aren’t equal as long as Velves have two distinct racial looks and Belves only have one that was then given to Velves. Nelves can at least look more woodland than Nightborne, and their skeletons are different.


Oh my sweet summer child.

Worgen came out better than pandaren, in that they got more than the two new hairstyles Male pandaren got.

But not by much.

…though, all my complaints aside, much like the forsaken, their new eye colors were very nice.

That doesn’t mean that it has to be defaulted to Silvermoon because of that.


Burn down an Alliance city for a change.


Hopefully if there’s any more stuff like that it will be on the Alliance side because say Turalyon leading them now.

More matches please!

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This won’t happen for a couple reasons.

  1. It’s very rare for the Alliance to lose anything and seeing as how they took an L recently they likely won’t.
  2. They’ll ignore the canon winner just like the people demanding Silvermoon ignore lore already.

I’d take what worgen got over the broken Forsaken options. Their toes still poke out when you’ve swapped them to just be normal toes, they still have a jagged tear where the spine used to go on cloaks.


That’s exactly the thing. I mentioned how successful adding HE textures was to VE, and how that would work for the DR fantasy on BE, and you felt that was a affront, so you went right for pettyness on your response.

So, you brought something completely unrelated to pretend I somehow I don’t support DR customization options?

Considering we fully agree on DR customization for BE, your initial response comes across as bias against me for simple liking HE fantasy on VE.

And I have to stress, I’m neither a Horde or Alliance player, I’m a Thalassian one, so more options for all of them are my prerogative. So please tune down the pettyness, not that anyone deserves it, but I’m not your enemy on this.

I go either way on this, very dependent on execution tho.

On the account that it would be an opportunity to update Silvermoon -because let’s be honest, they won’t likely do just cause- I want it, and because it would bring up and deal with any narratives about Alliance Thalassians on Quel’thalas.

So then we can move on with a revamped Quel’Thalas, and the certainty that any of Alleria’s designs for it are resolved.

IDK about 1, with how the last expansions have treated it, I see as more likely to work out on the Horde’s favor. As it should be on this.

Counterpoint to 2, just offer the alliance Thalassians a shiny bauble elsewhere.

Let people whine all they want. We still have Hordies saying BE’s don’t belong to the Horde even after all this years, but we’re still here.

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I don’t think that it needs to be a warzone for it to be updated. And when people talk about the Exodar being updated, they never bring up war. I want Alliance Thalassians to leave us alone. Just make their pilgrimage and go home.

Alleria can just be shot back to Argus and stay there.


No I didn’t feel that was an affront.

I commented how the main theme of BEs (adding my own commentary why I love it) was the only theme of Blood Elves.

You commented about the secondary theme of VEs and why you liked it.

We both advocated for a second visual theme.

Me adding my own personal commentary to why I like the main theme of BEs isn’t an affront to you, I was adding my own commentary while making a point its all BEs have.

No I just commented I have no opinion on you based on differing stances we both have

since you literally asked me

You asked me what I thought, I said

Which was lending itself to neutral opinion of you while engaging w you where I find pertinent.

A lot of Alliance “HE” fans support dark themes for BEs and not all of them mean well by doing so, because you’ve said other things I am unsure of I am neutral on you, which I only brought up because you verbatim asked “what do you think”

If its not petty for you to mention liking the HE theme on VEs then its not petty for BE fans to mention the main theme of BEs and how much they like it :man_shrugging:t5:

I don’t see an issue w either, other than you seem to have an issue while saying I somehow had an issue? It’s very confusing.

Which is not beneficial to Blood Elves in any way shape or form for Alliance Elves to keep trying to ride the coat tails of BE story. It’s why so many are against that idea.


I thought there was supposed to be some sort of time skip though with Shadowlands. :woman_shrugging:

Some of that was talked about. I don’t know if it just was never set in stone or was part of cut content. But Dragon Isles will be right after Shadowlands now.

Agreed, I just think it’s one of the possible venues for it to happen. I can see the story being interesting, but as said, highly dependent on execution.

But a revamp of QT and Azuremyst can happen other ways too.

This is what I am conflicted personally; I like faction war stories, but with badly BfA handled its own, I don’t think they can pull off the nuance a thalassian civil war would require.

I like the potential of it, but I doubt the execution would live up to it.

TBH -and this is from the perspective of someone that’s an overall Thalassian fan so I don’t like to take “sides”- Maybe Alleria should get the Windrunner Spire shipped to Telogrus as a symbold of good faith from the BE’s lmao.

Okay it could work, and that way we don’t even get to the point of war.

I know, but they could’ve used the time we’ve been up in the Shadowlands to update Quel’thalas actually, and stop making Silvermoon looking like Carboard cut outs.

Alleria doesn’t have a claim to any part of Quel’thalas for BEs to be paying homage to her to foster good will lol like what?


I don’t see the way Blizz has been writing that sort of conflict lately as having any chance of being interesting. And honestly the fighting on the forums is enough. I don’t want to see it between the two in game. At all. Ever.

Alleria should get nothing. Same with anyone else that’s gone forever (whether it’s their choosing or not) and comes back like they own the place. It was her home. It’s not really anymore.

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I think the alliance will take an L soon with the light fanatic ruling the alliance.

I can see them still somehow villain batting the Horde by doing so to BEs given BEs have light themes horde side.

Like the expansion meant to show Alliance in that way will somehow still have room to do Horde and specifically BEs dirty, just my pov / thoughts but we’ll see