San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

The thing is they had already established in Legion that the language the Nightborne spoke was different to both Thalassian and Darnassian.

It’s probably closer to Thalassian than Darnassian anyway.


Someone else posted in another thread versions of Night Elf hair colors made for Nightborne and they were much darker, it was really cool, I added it to our Discord awhile back and if I can find it I’ll have someone with T3 post it again because Nightborne could get versions of Night Elf hair colors even if it’s not the actual colors which would add lots of variety to Nightborne.

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Yeah and I kinda like that their language over 10K years under a domed pristine preservation of Highborne society kinda developed into its own thing… like Thalassian did (?)


There’s this too.

Some people may have different thoughts there and while I’m not as specifically upset about it as you are, I prefer some distinction between my races even if they are fundamentally meant to represent the same thing on each side.

Pandaren come to mind in that regard. I want differences between the Horde and Alliance Pandaren to be among their customizations.

I think its valid to be upset about that loss of visual distinction with little to nothing to show for it.

I would think and hope that the impact of adding Darkfallen options to Blood Elves would effectively not only give them a sub-race but also widely increase the story potential players could rp.

I like the red eyes for not just Dark Rangers, but for Dark Animus mages, for instance. Not so much covered in the lore but an option I’d love to rp with.

Oh the trolls. Probably best not to get me started on Trolls. >.> I’m a bit miffed there too.

Though I agree they were fairly solid in what they did get.

Honestly we all should have had new faces, hairstyles, warpaints, tattoos, scars, eye colors, eye shapes, (maybe facial shapes), hair colors and skin color options…

For everyone…


I play a wide range of characters and on many of them I feel so underwhelmed. Hell there are things I still want for Night Elves and they got out of this like kings. (Not many things mind.)

I imagine its no surprise that I want things for Void Elves given I made a thread about it, but I’m also very much of the opinion my blood elves need some love. They feel woefully under customizable to me.


[sad taywaniwanga sounds]

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This is what I think I was talking about earlier as far as something going about Tirisfal etc in 9.2.5

Which given their answer I kind of want to be hopeful that there’s a chance for possible story to fit that being added in (?)


Was this necessary?

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I felt like it was since you mentioned the HE fantasy and BE fans have that first and foremost.

Then I proceeded to comment on

The ease of implementation of RP tools, one’s you both brought up on VEs and could work on BEs


An unnecessary barb by al means, just because I dare to like the HE fantasy we can have now on the alliance.

If you can’t uplift your ideas without having to put other’s enjoyment down, I don’t care for your opinions.


I’m sorry that BE players having the HE fantasy is somehow an insult to you, if BE players can’t point out what they have without you feeling insulted that is a sad state of affairs and not at all intended.

It’s pertinent to point out that is the main theme of BEs, something that operates as RP tools for you on VEs, RP tools that as a concept would work for BEs w a second theme as well. Unless you feel RP tools aren’t valid? I do however.


For me, blood elves fall about middle of the pack.

Some things (like the new skin tones, ear lengths and the actual black hair) packed a hefty punch as far as enjoyment. Some, like the jewelry, were appreciated but not a big deal. Their new hairstyles are fun but not really for me, and there weren’t much of those. There’s a lot of things they could still use, especially the things highlighted in this and the other thread.

But that is just impact for me, personally. I’d put blood elves in the middle, males a few tiers below female, but both genders miles above worgen and pandaren. I will die salty that when worgen got scars (well, a scar), they couldn’t go to the effort to match worgen scars to human form scars EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE ADDED AT THE SAME TIME.

Now you’re being outright disengenous.

I made the point how adding HE options on the VE model added HE fantasy, and how that could work for the DR/San’layn fantasy, and you had to add in the barb that “well we have Silvermoon nyah” and pretend that was not meant as one?


Considering that I 100% support adding DR’s to the BE customizations and have made mock ups of it, what do you think?


You made the point that you like the HE fantasy on VEs correct?

I made the point why as a HE fan the fantasy fits better for BEs for my personal taste, that the comment of me expressing the same thing you expressed in reverse offends you is entirely on you, because I am allowed to point that out where I feel pertinent and I felt it pertinent for two reasons one to play off your own sentiment and share my own stance which if you can do so should I be allowed, and two it felt pertinent to address the main theme of BEs since it also is the only theme of Blood Elves, BEs don’t have a second distinct set of options for impactful RP tools.

Iirc you also supported a Silvermoon warfront so idk what I think, I would say it doesn’t matter what I think, as I am choosing to engage w you on your ideas and comments :hugs:


Enjoyment sure.

Those are wonderful options to have.

But I mean they don’t have that much impact on new stories that you can make. It doesn’t really expand the capacity for rp or stories or where you’re from much more as it doesn’t change much of whats there already.

Eye colors though did add to that some in my opinion. But that was an option we knew was coming for years as per a cdev and fundamentally isn’t too much different. You’re still a blood elf you’ve just lost the forced green tint.

Worgen are another race I shouldn’t get started on. lol

Excellent example of lots of options added but few that have impact though.


Or you could just admit you were being petty.

A Silvermoon Warfront, where the alliance looses and has to accept that Silvermoon belongs to the Blood Elves.

So you also like to misrepresent other’s opinions.


Are worgen that bad? It’s not like Forsaken where it’s still pretty much impossible to make them look good.

Are you being petty when you mention the HE fantasy on VEs?

BE players who have that fantasy aren’t being petty when they mention the main theme of Blood Elves.

No I recall the convos, it still doesn’t benefit Blood Elves to be tied to Alliance in any way shape or form least of all Alliance Elves leading an assault.

I never said you wanted Horde to lose, but that you supported the idea at all which imo isn’t a good storyline to pursue considering you still have “HE” fans who see Blood Elves as some weird invasive group of elves and want them kicked out.

In any case it’s neither here nor there past what you said

I was simply lending to the idea that I am rather neutral on your stances because we disagree in some areas and agree in others though very few I would add on the last part which is fine of course not everyone agrees.


I did use ears as an excuse to have a half elf on Horde for a hot second before I got distracted by “Actually I want a fiery red super elfy elf paladin” and the damn character slot limit made me choose.

Though she’s using one of the new hairstyles I just dismissed, so what do I know?

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I don’t want that at all. Leave war out of Silvermoon. It’s gone through enough.


I’d be happy if we could go two xpacs without Org and UC getting sacked.