San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

This doesn’t mean anything.

Neither does this.


If you can’t wrap your brain around the concept of subjective “balance” or the idea that the betterment of one team is not always to the detriment to the other - I guess that’s a you problem.

It’s funny how one sided people are when they are the ones that get the good customizations/customization passes, bonuses, exclusive mounts, better racials, brand new from scratch Allied Race, copy/paste one from us with same customizations instead of a botched version, etc.

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I really really don’t want to get my hopes up, but a lot of things seem to be falling in place with this rumor. My main hope for if playable Darkfallen are coming, which again is not a guarantee, is that San’layn are represented both by player characters and are present within the playable faction as NPC’s.

As for the Night Elf Darkfallen, I do agree that it seems odd to have them on the Alliance and it causes some things about playable Darkfallen to be tricky, but I think in general, the Night Elf Darkfallen would have to be addressed in some fashion. If it means I can finally have my playable Horde San’layn character, I’d be fine accepting it. If we’re getting one race and it is Darkfallen, I don’t see how else they would work with it otherwise.

Much as I’m trying to temper my expectations, since we have no idea if we are getting a playable race or some playable races in 9.2.5 and even then we have no idea what they’d be, the wait is really going to be hard until we see what we get or don’t get with it. :wine_glass::bat:


6 elves.

And it came at the expense of BE visual uniqueness. Period.

That is a reason yes, another reason is BEs lost visual uniqueness

You not liking one of the reasons is irrelevant.

Thats not what this, they could have got Void, and thunder elves wrapped in one for all I care, the point is what they got came at the expense of BEs visual uniqueness, and obviously that isn’t something you care about, yet others do.

It is valid to point that out in requesting and I will continue to do so.


Now on topic, I am glad to hear that they are at least talking about Darkfallen because that opens an outlet to us potentially getting San’layn and Dark Rangers both of which I want as either Allied Races for the Horde or as customizations for Blood Elves the customizations being an outlet and much easier than having to do all the stuff for Allied Races, either way though I’m super excited that it could actually happen eventually. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


The fact that how much we like a given customisation option is subjective is exactly why they need to stick to objective numbers to keep things fair.

It’s a lot easier to be fine with imbalance if you benefit from it.


Me too. I would like all of that too. At least I hope the mounts will be fun and mostly the one we can custom.

My hope is that it’s a quest chain for the story campaign with an optional unlock if you do it on the “right” race like the night warrior, rather than a drop in like gold eyes for blood elves or the orc’s sudden visit to the chiropractor.

I’m of the opinion those sort of unlocks should be free to anyone. It’d suck if two people did the same questline but one could make cool alts and another couldn’t.


The fact that how much we like a given customisation option is subjective is exactly why they need to stick to objective numbers

Uhhhhhhhh, what? That’s not what I referring to.

The idea of you FEEL that it’s imbalanced is subjective, I’m not talking about how much you “like” a customization LOL.

I’ll put it another way, there are those that are unhappy with Alliance allied races/customizations, and feel that horde got the better end of it. Are they wrong? Should they be “mad” that orcs got straight backs and belves got a face lift at the start of the last expansion?

Give me a break.

Eventually, the black eyes got unlocked for all night elves (and once you’d done the quest chain on one night elf, it was unlocked accountwide).

I mean, I wouldn’t mind sending one of my blood elves through a story quest first to unlock blood elf customization.

I was gonna say what Guzzle basically said because I prefer everything customization wise be open to every class of a race, for example many people think I shouldn’t have golden eyes as a Blood Elf Warlock but I am glad that I can because I like them more than the green and I really like them more than the blue.

One faction having more options is objective.

As each option’s quality is subjective, the only metric that can be measured is total.


Blood Elves don’t have a second visually distinct set of options like Void Elves can choose to be Void and non void.

That isn’t a “feeling” that isn’t subjective that is a fact lol.

One that seems to bother people who would rather we not point that out.


That is why we need something like San’layn customizations or Dark Ranger customizations or both types of customizations for Blood Elves because it would give us a second theme and something that wouldn’t ever be shared with Void Elves which is really great. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

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It would be nice yeah.

And it came at the expense of BE visual uniqueness. Period.

Yeah, I’ve seen you post about this several times. Honestly, I completely disagree that this is a problem on most levels, and feel it’s a pretty weak reason to ask for something else. I won’t convince you, or vice versa - so I’ll leave it at that and wish you guys luck in getting this customization.

It is valid to point that out in requesting and I will continue to do so.

It’s not and yeah, as if it was my intention to actually stop you.

Objectively, void elves have a bunch of copy pastes added as opposed to unique assets like the other Legion allied races.

Subjectively, that’s pretty low effort and lame.



It’s exactly what they asked for though and the hair colors for example weren’t copy and pasted because we don’t share same hairstyles or hair textures.