San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Let’s not assume he is intending to use blood to do so.

War has already ravaged the Thalassian people. No blood, high or void elf should want to kill to take back a mere city.


I am imagining how they would do it. Like in MoP we had updated parts in the barrens for endgame. They could do it like that too. But warfronts and the phasing could just make it into a modern zone in the new expansion timeline. Idk how long that conflict would last in the canon.

Like I think it sucks we lost undercity, but I could still visit it in game anytime I wanted… do I really feel like I lost it? Not really, it happened in the story but you could still do things there.

I would be excited to see the new lordaeron zone. And see new forsaken lore, probably get our heritage armor finally.

It is admittedly super…super frustrating that people continue to try and push Blood Elves to be a foil for void elf story & the Alliance. I’m including the ‘light customization light elf’ obsession people have in this as well. Being the ‘direct opposite’ to void elves, when we have LFD is annoying. Phoenix stuff would be fine, but holy light and that preachy, annoying attitude people take when talking about anything to do with it? No.

I don’t know why Blood Elves can’t go back to their roots and be actually interesting as opposed to a foil to make void elves look more interesting. It’s not blood elves’ fault void elves have a terrible story. If they want to make the races distinct, they need to go have void elves do their own thing and stop obsessing over a city that isn’t theirs.

Void elves are traitors & left. They can’t suddenly start trying to steal back a city they betrayed and would destroy anyway with their corruption to the sunwell.

For crying out loud there should be a plot where void elves build their own city >.>


Or, follow me on this… the leak is bs. Because it has it listed as being announced last month.


Imagine advocating for BEs to lose Quel’thalas but then still say “we” in discussion of losing it as if we’re on the same side of the convo, clearly some of us are BE fans and some of us aren’t and that’s fine just say that, it’ll help the convo be so much more clear and clarity can only help progress a good faith conversation

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I believe currently we are under a ceasefire in lore, which is the reason we are allowed to do crossfaction after the stuff that happened in bfa, since the 4th war was over. But it seems another war may start. Might be the alliance that starts it this time, might be a third party, or a mixture of both. Like I can see infinite dragonflight bringing yrel or something here to cause trouble.

Yeah aside from the content being nonsense, the announcement stuff made me chuckle :stuck_out_tongue:

yes yes. I mentioned many pinches of salt. I am merely speculating!

Can’t believe anyone is brigading so hard for something already proven false.

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I really wish classes that are themed around one race would be retailored with different skins for other races. I think the races that suffer the most from this are tauren and trolls. Paladins and priests are human themed and druids are night elf themed.

Phoenix stuff would be really cool tho


I see some folks actually believing the stuff and I’m just confused because microclasses really make no sense, and the story points make it so obviously written by an alliance fanboy obsessed with the light :confused:


Pour one out for by far my favourite character this xpac.

(Except the Primus, obvs)


Speculating ideas that are a detriment to BE fans.

Here’s an entire concept that doesn’t require Quel’thalas getting wrecked. But you haven’t offered any ideas outside of wrecking Quel’thalas and involving VEs somehow

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The speculation itself seems farfetched and is doing nothing more than getting a rise out of everyone here.

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In lore we have lost control of orgrimmar and undercity and fought for it back. Like the fight for undercity was one of the things people liked about wotlk and they took it out.

I don’t mind stuff like that. I thought it was nice fighting with Slyvannas and Thrall to retake the city.

Krexus was awesome and probably the most colossal waste this expansion.


I’m so tired of raids and battles centered around beating up the horde in their own cities though :confused: We need to step away from all of that because it got old in BfA.


So you’re not really a Horde fan is what I’m getting if you want us to have another scenario where we lose control of our own cities?

I’m not following but all I’ve gotten is anti BE ideas coupled w justifying it by bringing up storylines I don’t know any Horde fans enjoyed as reasoning to do more of that only to BEs this time, and your idea ends w VEs being involved somehow so it’s a very thinly veiled VE idea imo

Let’s be honest: beating up on the Horde became tired long before BfA.


I see class skins being a thing more than a map overhaul during quarantine. Because it’s a much smaller project. But like I said, most leaks evnd up false. And even the rare one that ends up right gets a lot wrong.