San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

What, you mean besides the xpac itself?


Well I am only going off stuff that we know. And blizzard said the alliance will have conflict and this could be the place they do it. Since Turalyon is a war figurehead, and has the light which is related to Silvermoon. And Silvermoon is a target for the void. It has some importance that we may not be aware of.

They sowed the seeds in the plot and I am just speculating how they would be used. How things actually happen I do not know.

Ugh, I can’t believe anyone bought that. Classes with one spec? Come on. Can you imagine a class that actually can’t DPS? It’s ridiculous.


You’re wishful thinking speaking into existence an idea that is a huge slap in the face to BE fans and Horde fans, it benefits… shocker Alliance players who would use the zones like Suramar now.

Instead of an idea that doesn’t require wrecking Quelthalas.

Leave shaman alone, it’s trying its hardest.


Yeah, it definitely was. Like I enjoyed the Horde because it subverted the typical and bad trope of ‘oh these fantasy races are EVIL WITH NO EXCEPTIONS MUHAHAHAA’ and for some reason some Horde fans want generic mustache-twirling slog that’s been overdone a million times over and try to argue ‘oh no the horde has become too niiiiiiice give us daddy garrosh back plz’. I don’t know why they can’t find even an OUNCE of creativity in their minds to consider, hmm… maybe this generic ‘villain batting’ is outdated and boring as all heck.

Like if you want to villain bat an entire race, run your own bad D&D campaign or something, idk. It’s always going to be incredibly stupid to me. Also why I absolutely hate factions at this point. It’s always: “[Race] is a part of this faction THEY MUST BE EVIL” or “[player] is playing this [race in a faction because they have to because you can’t be neutral] so THEY MUST BE EVIL AND AGREE WITH EVERY BAD STORYWRITING DECISION MADE FOR THEIR FACTION!!!”

Like come ooooooon…


We’ve had way too much of that. Especially Horde side. It’s a tired trope.

And I don’t see them doing it after starting crossfaction stuff. BFA story was so wildly unpopular.

And during BFA there were rumors that there was a Silvermoon warfront. It ended up being just the heritage armor quest.

They did have plans for more Warfronts but only ended up doing the two. Those were so unpopular that they scrapped them.

So I don’t see them doing more in that vein.


Plus Blood Elves can get stuff without being beat up, I think we’ve been beat up in story enough at this point :upside_down_face:


Alliance having conflict means within their ranks. Them fighting us would be OUR conflict.

Yeah, I get that.

I don’t mind there being a balance between Thrall’s Horde and Garrosh’s Horde in terms of aggression, though.

But I don’t like the idea of essentially throwing away everything Thrall’s Horde stood for in favour of “Look how cool my war machine is as it rolls up your lands! Weee!”.


I have played a blood elf since wotlk. Hoping to one day turn it into a dark ranger. This is a war game, people gain and lose land. That happens in wars. I like the stories, I don’t think we always have to win to make a story good. Loss can make a story good too, new homes happen, some lands turn to ruins and become history.

As a blood elf fan I wouldn’t mind seeing a new silvermoon, and having it be relevant again.

As a forsaken fan I am excited to see a new lordaeron renewed and maybe free of plague. The conflicts with the scarlet crusade, and how lillian voss is maybe changing things.

We need reasons to fight, it’s not always going to be peaceful. Blizzard said we as heroes can choose to group together, but the story will still have conflicts and skirmishes.

Yeah it’s about time the Horde stops being a foil to bring the Alliance up in general. That just feels so tired at this point. So the Alliance feels good about themselves. No offense to Alliance players here, of course–I’m talking about the story, not the players. I know there’s several Alliance folks who are tired of it too :stuck_out_tongue:

I just want to walk away from faction stuff in general or have it be side stories, to be honest, that don’t involve any Horde cities or destruction of them.

I’m also tired of some Alliance players wanting everything the Horde has, which includes Silvermoon & Lordaeron (sp?).

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Yep, everything of our’s war torn way before Nelves. Not a new concept. Especially not to us. And it happening again would be boring.

I’ve heard quite a few people playing BEs and not being BE fans that isn’t new.

Advocating for wrecking Quelthalas :thinking:

So you’re a DR fan, advocating to wreck Quelthalas at the detriment to BE fans in order to get DRs? Thats not cool imo.

You’re advocating for a warfront and you keep pushing VEs as having an in to this warfront this seems like a stealth VE/HE fan idea to be honest.

As a BE fan you’re just very eager to have Silvermoon get bombed? I find that hard to believe because it’s not believable.

You know who benefits from this? VE fans, because they have no story, BEs have a story we don’t need to ride anyones coat tails for some, so you’re idea doesn’t benefit BE fans we can get story without wrecking Quelthalas and giving VEs an in to our story.

Right now the alliance conflict I foresee revolves around Turalyon and Alleria. They have foreshadowed event where I think there son sees him die or something. And Turalyon seems like a warmonger, since he lived thousands of years fighting the Legion. Them being aggressors would be a first for the alliance. Some like the night elves may choose to want revenge and tag along. The whole alliance may not be in favor of that.

That is something I think would be a plot point of division within the alliance. The scarlet crusade also had a smearing campaign against anduin at the start of the expansion.

Yrel is also sort of light themed, and like I can loosely think of ways they can bring her back if the infinite dragonflight gets involved.

So these are just speculations that people have had in general.

This is gonna come as a shock, but things can be updated without being further destroyed. And having it as a warzone when it still is right now against the Scourge and Legion is not an improvement.

And I don’t see it happening.

They have way too many bronze dragon instances.

It would require too much work during a time everyone wasn’t in the studio.

It’d treat Belves as the punching bag yet again.

Not new, not innovative. Just annoying.


No one outrages about 90% of Blood Elves being wiped out because who cares about blood elves apparently… Same people who are outraged about Sylvanas and the tree (which was bad TOO) think Arthas needed redemption or what happened to him was ‘wrong’ and the purge of Dalaran was justified.

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It could be updated by calling in Horde to help defend Quelthalas, and quests revolve around re securing things or something while traveling an updated Quelthalas that reflects BE/Horde progress.

Alliance can get mirrored questing involving Gilneas all while both being rather low in like urgency or no end of the world war zone happening destroying the zones.


I main horde but got some void elves toons. I prefer blood elves and obviously favor undead elves. I don’t mind having reasons to defend our homes and stuff. It’s a game after all. A reason to kill people on your homeland? That can be mighty powerful for people to gather and defeat enemies. That’s war and part of the game.

Like some good parts of some video games happen when you are defending your home. You also feel less remorse for killing your attackers because they are the aggressors in the game.

Not to mention, the scourge can attack us again, which I suppose would be a better ‘again’ than a foil for the Alliance.

Yeah but the thing is, Blood Elves have already been forced to do that and were wiped out nearly entirely. Void elves are this out of the blue (hah) traitor concept that really shouldn’t be big in number either given they’re a % of an already small percent. It’d be better for void elf players and blood elf players if the two weren’t involved and had their own stories that could blossom rather than constantly relying on each other. Not to mention, void elves have aesthetically gotten enough from blood elves and keep asking for more. Giving them more story benefit would be tiresome.

Defending one’s home is fine, but at this point storywise it makes no sense to have another BFA, which this would be. Attacking another city as a whole as a faction would be a main part of the story–it’d be huge, and again, another BfA. A widely unpopular expansion just like Shadowlands.

I can tell you the ZONES of BfA were a lot of fun and well done, but the faction war story? Tired and bad. Faction war stuff is overdone and needs to be put on the side especially with the cross faction gameplay coming up. We have other enemies all over Azeroth to fight still. The void thread isn’t defeated yet, and Island Expeditions hinted at so many enemies and lore that have nothing to do with factions.