San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I see this a lot in the forums. But unless I’m remembering wrong, wasn’t their view more along the lines of hoping Quel’Thalas goes Alliance again one day rather than actively trying to steal it from blood elves? The void elves actually invading Quel’Thalas doesn’t make much sense to me tbh.

I could see Bard being a Rogue spec if those got made into specs. I’d imagine Mage would get the Chronomancer one.

Also, three unique weapon types for one spec? Definitely fake.

It’s ridiculous. And I don’t know why everyone seems to want Warden as a DH skin either. If you look at WC3, they were just Rogues. They even threw poisoned knives. Add in Warden gear as a mog for Rogues and you have Wardens, really.


No I am talking about void elf npcs. And the void within them wants to claim the sunwell. It’s why they kicked them out. Because they couldn’t control the void that was trying to mess with the sunwell.

Porfas, mages have been dealing with time more and more as time as gone on. It’s a cool idea and makes perfect sense.

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In what world would this not be a huge slap in the face to BE fans? After losing visual uniqueness w nothing in return we get to lose our capital too while the AR that should be developing its own story rides the coat tails of BE story and Quelthalas

Idk if we would lose it or not. But it being hostile implies they may lose control of the city and blood elves fight to take it back, probably like how the night elves fought to take back darkshore.

So it would be like timeshifted to an endgame zone with new graphics and stuff and probably flyable. Which is stuff we wanted in the past. And maybe like have a chapter where we free it back and it looks more modern. At least that’s how I picture it. A fight to take it back and make it look prettier and modern with updates to make it flyable and maybe a war between scourge? Turalyon’s light forces? Infinite dragonflight? Void forces? Idk who we would fight.

Me too. From what I remember, the NPC void elf characters didn’t want to steal Silvermoon from the blood elves.

It was because a void ethereal used Alleria’s void powers as a portal to attack the Sunwell, specifically. The void elves themselves showed no interest in corrupting it from what I recall.

Yeah, don’t believe that one for several reasons. One of them being Dalaran being the host city for the third time.

I do believe there will be Dragon stuff though. It also says expansion announcement in February. And it won’t be until this month.

And I doubt they do the disconnected zones thing again. I think that was only for Shadowlands.

They aren’t gonna make Silvermoon a hostile city unless it’s an instance, like a Warfront. And they canned those. It’s still a starter city with quests there and rep to gain there. I don’t see them doing anything more negative to it than it still being in a state of disrepair.

One of the many reasons why Silvermoon was never updated is it’s still attached to Outland’s map. And revamping that would mean an entire rebuild. People have to try and convince me they decided that the time of covid restrictions, when no one could be in the studio was the time they decided to do what would be a major rebuild of a starting zone.

I don’t see it. And most leaks end up wrong.


Which is literally a huge slap in the face to BE fans.

It’s a BE zone, and Alliance shouldn’t have access to it in the capacity Suramar in Legion exists.

Is flying supposed to make us feel better your idea pushes losing Quelthalas

I believe that Alleria’s void brought void beings that attacked the sunwell. She didn’t mean to do it but somehow her magics got them access to attack the sunwell.

It wasn’t intentional but they were more or less a danger to the city and the sunwell so they were exiled.

Hmmm I don’t mind turning old zones into combat zones. Since you can choose which phase you are in. Same with teldrassil you can still choose to visit the old version. I don’t go much to silvermoon and I wouldn’t mind it being used as an endgame zone myself. Especially if they add warfront rares and stuff. Probably could get 4 blood elf sets for each armor type. I wouldn’t mind that, not to mention see stuff like scourge rares and maybe some san’layn thrown in there fighting for scourge control or something?

I mentioned a while back in this thread like an oppurtunity to raise the undead as a defence for silvermoon and that sort of plot can happen to help introduce undead elves/san’layn into the horde or something like resseruct Lyrath- the windrunner brother.

The old silvermoon zone would still be playable I would wager unless they plan to revamp the zones like in Cata.

No, this is false. It was actually added to the EK map in a PTR. I remember distinctly being dismounted mid-air with no parachute as I crossed over from Ghostlands to Eversong Woods. I was too high in the air and died.

I’m assuming they didn’t want to remodel Silvermoon to allow for flight, which is why they scrapped it and left it in the BC server come the next patch.

Yes, exactly. The void elf NPCs weren’t wanting to take Quel’Thalas and the Sunwell from the blood elves, thus I don’t understand that being brought up all the time in the forums.


No it is not on EK’s map. Silvermoon is very well known for being attached to the Outland map. You can look it up.

Well I’m so glad you don’t mind BEs losing Quel’thalas

There is no we here though you’re obviously not someone arguing in favor of BEs

I’d rather no undead elf variant come if your idea rests on Silvermoon facing another end of days invasion, nothing you’ve said at all takes BE fans into account so that’s that on that.

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It was on a PTR, but they cancelled it and left it on the Outland map. I literally said that in the post you responded to.


Yes, it was the PTR for patch 4.1 where they added Quel’thalas to the EK map and allowed flying in the Ghostlands.

I believe they said at the time that they would have to add Eversong later, because it would require rebuilding Silvermoon, but they eventually changed their mind on that and decided they just didn’t want to bother with updating Silvermoon at all and actually removed what they’d implemented.

I found the old Wowhead link with the PTR notes mentioning flight having been added to the Ghostlands:


I’m speaking about live, not previous attempts to disconnect it.


Vol’dun and Winds’s Redemption

My people have been training. Mastering our abilities.

The whispers speak of many possibilities. We will be ready for whatever comes.

Throughout the Alliance War Campaign

I am grateful for this opportunity to prove the value of the ren’dorei to our cause.

We will do whatever it takes to ensure the Alliance’s success.

Gossip What is your role in this campaign, magister?

As a magister, my duty has always been to Silvermoon and its people. When the mad Arthas devastated our lands, I knew we must harness every power available to ensure our survival.

Prince Kael’thas proposed one way. I sought out another.

Gossip So you sought the power of shadow?

My followers and I felt no loyalty to the Horde. When Grand Magister Rommath forbade our Void research, we did not hesitate to break away and follow our own path.

But hubris got the best of me. I was certain I could master any force we encountered.

I was so wrong…

Gossip The Void nearly claimed you?

I led us right into the ethereals’ trap. If not for Alleria Windrunner’s intervention, we would have been lost.

As it was, the shadow energies transformed us… and opened our minds to the whispers of the Void. Without Alleria’s guidance, we would have fallen into madness.

She has helped us quiet our minds. Dampen the whispers. It is a constant struggle.

Gossip Now you fight for the Alliance.

We do not stand with the Alliance out of convenience. Nor is it a mere gesture of thanks to Alleria.

Our ordeal has taught us the importance of great powers being in the right hands. We could not allow the Horde to know the things we know, or to use us as a weapon in their schemes.

We fight for the Alliance because we believe in its values. And one day, I pray we will bring all of Silvermoon back into the fold.
One of the void elf leaders voiced his opinions. And they show interest in retaking silvermoon.

I know it’s in Outland’s map in live. That isn’t a roadblock to updating it at all. If they put it on the EK map before, they can do it again.


Personally I don’t want Silvermoon to be involved in anything aside from maybe updates and rebuilding. Combat, though? No. Horde have had so many cities attacked compared to Alliance that it’s ridiculous. Not to mention we really really really do NOT NEED more faction conflict as a main part of the story.


I agree. They put rebuilding too far on the back burner, in most cases. I like when zones are rebuilt much more than when they get destroyed. We have enough desolate landscapes in the game as it is.

I’d love to see Silvermoon in the modern day. Updated with current graphics, the entire city (hopefully) reclaimed. Possibly some of the Dead Scar healing by now, etc.