San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

It doesn’t seem reasonable at all. Going through the ‘leak’ slowly again just tells me that none of it makes any sense. All of the ‘microclasses’ mentioned literally have their niche covered by a class that already exists, except maybe for the renamed bard that could easily be a spec added to mages or something.

Why would microclasses be a thing when they again can just add a spec onto existing classes? That just adds unnecessary bloat when again all of the things mentioned there have the niche.

Also the ‘Warden’ skin is laughable as heck. Holy/arcane… that’s a joke. Again, I can tell some light-obsessed alliance fanboy wrote it because it’s just so bad.

This makes far more sense than the joke of a leak, at least. I almost feel like breaking down every part of said leak to show people how ridiculous it sounds.


Hmm we will see! Lol

I know from the pokemon community leaks in that community they intentionally put some false details in the mix so posts can survive. Leaks can intentionally not be 100% accurate. Also things can change in development so anything can be different from a launch trailer.

That leak is mostly interesting because it mentions the name that the official site leaked.

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That’s fair but I hope people understand that there’s been ‘thousands’ of leaks and a genric name like that would have eventually been guessed at least once.

Also, the leak connected to the Blizzard site has Alexstraza on the poster or something, and she wasn’t mentioned pretty much at all.

Regardless, yeah, we’ll have to see what comes up in the future, won’t be long now.

Um I linked the alexstrazsa poster that’s a separate thing. The Name dragonflight came directly from the blizzard website.

The forum post was made months back which may or may not increase it’s credibility by a margin.

The post may be inaccurate, some things may be true. But we will know in the future how credible it is.

The name seems legit.

The posters I believe were on reddit and released hours after the coding leak was leaked, I think it is an image of a vendor or something for marketing.

Yes I know it’s a separate thing. The WoWhead leaks from the site itself is credible since, well, it was from their website. And yeah, again if the poster is real (which many say it is), it discredits the badly written leak.

The only reason people think the ‘leak’ has credibility is because they managed to guess the expansion name. Which yeah, I know is right there, I saw it last night

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Oh ok! I think Alexstrazsa is just a marketing thing. Like for the looks because many players find her to be an attractive character for reasons…

It’s like that one necrolord dude that got killed off so fast. He looked pretty cool, but we don’t see him after he dies :man_shrugging: Forgot his name lol But he is on the loading screens and on marketing pages.

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Yeah maybe! I do think she’ll be relevant though in a dragons expansion! We’ll have to see for sure.

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Margrave Krexus.

Yeah, he was cool. Shame they offed him so fast.


Which, at the moment at least, makes it exactly like the last leak.


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Yea, he had some good marketing posters and art. Shame he died so quickly.

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It’s been so long since I’ve been in game/shadowlands that I forgot what the map looked like but I know it looks sort of like that at least :rofl:

There’s some other minor stuff like a currency and rep faction that got its name on here but aside from those minor details it’s completely different. Like, Ny’alotha? In Shadowlands? That leak had to have been fake.


Oh they look nothing alike then, nevermind :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember that Slyverian thing from the map. Turns out they were the shadowlands dragons.

Which was a store mount in BfA before the leak, so the leak didn’t invent that.

Right, and this new ‘leak’ likely mentioned Silvermoon because of not only it being an alliance obsession right now (and always -.-) BUT the store mount for the cat looks pretty Blood Elvish.

Hmmm silver moon now got me thinking about elune. Since people speculated that the cat and bird mount would be like an an’she and elune thing.

Why was it named silvermoon? *puts on tinfoil hat

In the lore, it’s implied in Chronicle that it was named that way as a nod to their heritage as the Highborne.

In actuality, it was named after Silverymoon from Dungeons & Dragons.

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Their heritage as Highborne makes them interesting too imo and is another reason idk why some people are always up in arms over NB being besties w Blood Elves… like of course they are, the Tyrande stuff was just the final push in that direction at most not the main only reason


Yes, it made significantly more sense for the Nightborne to befriend the Blood Elves over the Night Elves.

Not even counting how Tyrande treated them vs how Liadrin did, they just had far more in common with the Blood Elves than the current day Night Elves.