San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Personally I don’t think it changes much tbh, I don’t think San’layn are any more or any less plausible than they have ever been, but I do kinda think that odd-wise, by cementing that DR/San’layn connection, we are better than before?

Like if Darkfallen themselves become an AR’s, I do think we would get some San’layn flavor, even if San’layn themselves don’t become playable.


Stick to harassing people on Twitter you should


Yeah I can’t imagine doing that, but I also can’t imagine being associated w other toxic people on twitter


It’s pretty sad and low.


You look at the people they’re associated w and it comes to no surprise imo

In any case chiming in again for Horde San’layn


I have no idea who anyone is associated with. I just cannot imagine wasting my life harassing others over anything. Life is too short.


Everything aside though I like your transmog, very cool axes, I like blades though I think they’re grand

Always thankful the playable HE race has paladin though I am reviewing so many dif looks


So this post isn’t an April Fools joke, as I’ve come across the questline involving that San’layn talked about before on Wowhead.

I have a video of the entire questline which I will post at the beginning, and then specifically the fight with the San’layn at the end. I’ll also comment on and link quest text with anything of interest.

For the quests, I can only comment on what is listed under the quest descriptions and completion. I won’t be able to comment on any flavor text that is present until I actually see anything being said outside the quest textboxes.

I’ll also comment in another post about Lor’themar wanting to see Kael’thas later, from the link several posts up. This is gonna be a hefty post, so I’ll save that for later.

Also, I think this is only for Blood Elves as mentioned above for heritage items, though if I am mistaken, please correct me. General info here:

Video of the entire questline:

Let’s start with the first quest (Wowhead has it linked twice at first for some reason. I’ll link to the second one, since it has the completion text unlike the first one):

“Greetings, . Let us not mince words–you are urgently needed in Silvermoon. We’re experiencing a resurgence of Scourge in Quel’thalas. With nothing to hold the Scourge in check, we’ll soon be overrun. We must hold the line! Meet me in the Hall of Blood, and we will get you a full briefing.”

I figured the Scourge attacking Silvermoon again was likely to occur. Especially since it seems like not much was done about Deatholme in any way. Go figure.

Quest #4 (5th quest in the list):

“I haven’t seen Scourge mustering in numbers like this since… <Liadrin shakes her head, steeling herself.> Never mind. There’s no use dwelling in the past. Our first priority is thinning their numbers enough that we can find out what–or who–is really behind this attack. Slay as many of the undead as you can.”

So it’s unclear that a San’layn in the business for himself is the cause of all this at this time.

Quest #5 Description text (6th quest in the list):

“This is no mindless strike… I have a strong suspicion that some powerful entity is manipulating the Scourge. Ever since the Helm of Domination was shattered, there has been a conceivable risk that someone else could exert their will and assume control over the undead–at least temporarily. Rommath and I can help defend Tranquillien, but we need to break those lines. Clear a spot for us. Let us see if we can draw out their leader.”

Completion text:

"The wards are in place, and that should give us some breathing room.

But this san’layn has me worried."

Sounds like this is the quest where you discover the San’layn.

Also, Necromancy is still possible in Azeroth apparently. Unless you’re an Unholy Death Knight. Then you have perma undead pets!

As a side note, I assume that Death Knights can still raise more into their ranks, Hopefully, that’ll be a possibility for future playable races to have Death Knights as an option.

Quest #7 Description text (8th in the list):

“It’s clear that this san’layn has decided to use the Scourge to empower himself somehow. We can keep taking him out, but he will just keep coming back. We need a weapon that can break him for good. I think I have a solution. Upstairs, you will find a newly forged ranseur. It has yet to be tempered with magic–we will need to unlock its full potential. It will be our instrument of the Light.”

Completion Text:

"Good. That’s exactly what we need.

Now it’s time to temper this ranseur with enough power to destroy this san’layn once and for all."

The wording is specific that this San’layn is acting on his own, as opposed to referring to all San’layn.

Makes me wonder about this weapon being forged. I’d hope that the Blood Elves wouldn’t immediately try to use it if there are any Horde friendly San’layn trying to work something out.

Quest #7 (8th on the list):

If we are to defeat Vorath, we need to amplify the power of the ranseur. But we will not cut corners or impose our will to do it. That lesson has been learned. However, the kyrian of Bastion are masters of ushering souls to their proper places. Perhaps they would lend a fragment of their power to our cause. Go to Bastion, and find a way to empower the ranseur."

Yep. We get to go to the Shadowlands to get this weapon powered up. Not sure if the way there is technically suppose to be closed or not. Guessing not.

Quest #8 (9th on the list):

“We’re clearly dealing with someone who is using terrible magic to suspend his own death. There’s another force we know of that uses magic in this fashion. The Maldraxxi are intimately familiar with the trappings of death, and equally familiar with how to subvert it. Perhaps the one of the Houses knows of a way to help us. Go there, and seek out power that can break this unnatural loop.”

Using terrible magic to suspend their own death? I’m unsure if this is how San’layn and undead in general function. By this logic, the Forsaken, Dark Rangers, and Death Knights would be using this “terrible magic” to stay undead. Really weird wording here, and I wouldn’t view it as applying to all San’layn. I certainly don’t expect all San’layn to suddenly drop to the ground and croak.

Quest #9 (10th on the list):

“A cowardly pest that cheats his way out of the glory of death? Bah! I have something that’ll cut him down where he stands. But such an enhancement requires one who is strong enough to wield it properly. Show me your mettle and fight! If you can prove yourself, I’ll empower that ranseur of yours.”

Why is this San’layn cheating death when all undead kinda sorta had some other people to keep them alive? Again, I don’t think this applies to all San’layn and is just confusing to know what this means.

Quest #10 (11th on the list):

A soul that refuses to cross the veil is a problem we kyrian are familiar with. I can help you. But before I grant your weapon this power, I must know that you will not abuse it, and that your heart is true. Let us run a race. Along the course, ring the bells. If your heart is pure, they will aid your speed. You must have at least five bells recently rung in order to complete the race. Do not be distracted by shortcuts. And do not try to cheat to get ahead, it will not work. Are you ready?”

Again, confusing text here. Still not sure if this is referring to this specific San’layn for…some reason or if this is suppose to talk about all sentient undead. It’s not really the case if it is the latter.

The rest of the quests involve taking on Vorath (the San’layn), so not much in the quest text is there other than “Let’s go beat him up! YAARRR!” type quest text.

Mob info is here, though not much is within:

And a video of the first specifically is here:

Again, really confusing text within the questline. Are they expecting all San’layn and sentient undead to just turn to dust suddenly or something? Not quite how it works, again referring to the Forsaken, Death Knights, and Dark Rangers.

If anyone notices anything I missed, please comment! And also feel free to correct me if I am wrong on anything. I try to be accurate as best as I can, but I am far from perfect.

Not too sure what to think about a lot of the quest text. I’ll have to see what others think and add more thoughts as I digest over it. :wine_glass::bat:


I’m slightly worried that Dark Rangers will completely overtake Darkfallen and make San’layn the “bad” Darkfallen.


Yeah, and I wouldn’t be much surprised since up until now it has been, well true.

It’s just, such a wasted opportunity to not use cool vampiric undead in a playable manner, you know?


So a few posts ago, Terranox linked a Wowhead article about a conversation between Lor’themar and Baine, where Lor’themar mentions wanting to have a chat with Kael’thas:

Baine: And what of you? Is there someone you would visit, given the chance?
Lor’themar: Prince Kael’thas. Long have I held the title of Regent Lord, all the while wondering if I was truly suited to lead my people.
Lor’themar: I would ask the last liege of Silvermoon if he regrets the choices he made. A chance to mend old wounds, and perhaps feel that the torch has truly been passed.

Sounds like it could be an interesting conversation. I’m wondering if this will actually be shown in-game at all. We apparently have a 9.2.5 patch, so we’ll see if anything comes from this. I wonder if Lor’themar might explain to Kael’thas how his followers became San’layn. I’d be curious to see how Kael’thas would feel about it.

Also makes me assume that Kael’thas may stay in Revendreth, which isn’t too surprising to me. Part of me still feels like him becoming a San’layn and gathering other San’layn, his followers in life, and joining the Horde in some big redemption arc would be interesting if it happened, whether it’s a way out of the Shadowlands or something thought of by the Venthyr.

Still, it isn’t the only direction they could go for him, and also for San’layn in general. We’re still finding Blood Royalty still around, along with some we know that are missing. It is still possible to come across a Horde friendly faction that could lead into them becoming a playable Horde race. It’s useful to be able to have several directions for a playable race candidate to go story-wise. Plenty of ways to design the San’layn faction leader, be it a Blood King/Queen or another type of leader position.

I’ll continue to keep an eye out for anything of San’layn interest to report back here!

17 days until the next expansion is announced! :wine_glass::bat:


Not to get tinfoil hatty, but did anyone else thing it was kinda weird the new quest takes us to Maldraxxus and Bastion, but not Revendreth, where now we know Lor’themar has some unfinished bussiness?

And then after empowering the ranseur we get a Kyrian and a Maldraxxi floating orb graphic over our shoulders, almost like verdant spheres, and we all know how those come in three.

So yeah, actually VERY tinhatty, but imagine if there’s a Venthyr step in the quests that we haven’t seen yet implemented :eyes:


Had this in my Youtube recommendations of in-game cut scenes of that Blood Elf questline, including scenes of that San’layn:

It’s mostly just Vorath twirling his mustache, sadly. I’m still hoping that Blizzard isn’t just villain batting all San’layn, though it does seem like it’s specifically this one San’layn going into business for himself.

Still a bit of an odd focus on the whole “cheating death” thing when Forsaken, Dark Rangers, and Death Knights are all a thing, not having a choice in the matter of their being undead. Also odd considering all the various minion-types with the Death Knights, like geists, abominations, and so on. Not sure San’layn are purposely “cheating death.” It isn’t like all undead on Azeroth are suppose to just fall down into lifeless dust. Still confusing to know what this talk is about in-game.

Will continue to keep an eye out for anything of San’layn interest to report.

16 days until the next expansion is announced! :wine_glass::bat:


I just hope with regard to harassment certain parties leave me alone since I have them on block pretty much everywhere now. Of course I don’t doubt new accounts are used to subvert that, but I’ll block any that try to harass me directly so :woman_shrugging:

Admittedly the quest itself I might give a pass or at least not pay much attention because it just… doesn’t sound interesting to me. Generic ‘oh spooky evil elf’ sort of stuff. It’s disheartening to see pretty much nothing fruitful with regard to San’layn with this stuff. My thoughts on it are naturally pretty negative.

At this point it just feels like they want a foil once again to bring up other races or factions, this time Blood Elves, BfA it was the Alliance. Nothing came of it, unfortunately. I hope that’s not the case this time, but we’ll see.

The rumors of a leak have me curious to say the least, and could be related to Northrend if dragons are involved so there’s that.


If yall are interested in the leaks they may lead to dark rangers being available as noted from a link on mmo-champion.

Possible leak, look at your own caution

@ original source for the same name as what blizzard may have accidentally linked.

Main enemy is Chromatus, though lots of minor stories all about.
6 disconnected zones (2 of them being revamps).
4 new micro classes (1 spec each) instead of one full new class.
Class ‘skins’ for some preexisting classes.
Player housing.
Carpenter and Logger professions.
Dalaran capitol city.
No level cap increase.

Rewards from Shadowlands just get scaled down. Everything in 10.0 is max level content (level 60) with no level squish, so there is no need to level if you already have max level characters. Progression is just endgame progression.

Dragon Isles. Technically its own continent though it’s just one zone split into multiple maps. Floating islands between the Broken Isles and Northrend.
Lordaeron. Revamped Tirisfal/Plaguelands. Scarlet/Light focus.
Quel’thalas. Revamped Eversong/Ghostlands. Silvermoon is a hostile city like Suramar.
Undermine. City-zone beneath Kezan. Criminals and Uncrowned story. Fully underground.
Balor. Halfling race dealing with primordial fel enemies (think proto-demons, like what the Shadowlands creatures are to undead).
Uldaz. Second fully underground zone ever on Azeroth. Titan/Elune story here.

Dragon Knight. Only one tank spec. Uses two-handed weapons, fire, plate armor and shouts.
Tinker class. Only one damage-dealer spec. Uses guns, mail armor, gadgets and mech suits.
Minstrel class. Only one healer spec. Uses leather, lutes, violins and panflutes.
Chronomancer class. Only one healer spec. Uses cloth, time magic, and sand magic.
Dark Ranger skin for Hunters. Dark spell effects. Tames undead instead of animals.
Necromancer skin for Warlocks. Plagues instead of curses. Summons undead instead of demons.
Nightmare skin for Druids. Corrupted spell effects and animal forms. Can unlock wildly different forms (that play the same as normal druids) like snakes and spiders.
Dragonsworn skin for Shamans. Draconic spell effects and forms.
Warden skin for Demon Hunters. Uses arcane and holy magic instead of fel.

Continued Order Hall stories, though only a select few and you pick them like Covenants. There are no gameplay differences between them, just different campaigns, mounts, mogs and companions. The Silver Hand, Uncrowned, Kirin Tor, Valarjar, and Black Harvest. You are not considered the leader of the order.

Expansion announcement February 28th. Announcement for the announcement planned for the 18th. Goal is to release Q1 2023.

On the positive Dark Rangers may be a thing. This is not confirmation of anything that will happen, the leaks seem likely to be true, but details may change or not be so accurate. Take this with many pinches of salts.

Yeah that leak doesn’t look accurate. Someone guessed the name of the expansion correctly and that’s about it. A shot in the dark that makes sense.

Most of the stuff in that leak makes no sense whatsoever, especially ‘microclasses’. They might as well just be additional specs on classes that already exist. To me it sounds incredibly stupid.

Also doubt there wouldn’t be a level cap increase, that’s never happened and I doubt it’ll start now.

Housing would be nice but I have doubts they’ll actually do it even if it’d attract a lot of players to join or return.

Edit: Oh and Silvermoon being a hostile city is incredibly laughable. Someone who loves both Alliance and high/void elves to the extreme wrote that crap, I can tell.


Hmmm. All I can say is I thought WoD leak was fake and I was wrong…

So just many pinches of salt. The story seems like it may head that way with what happened in ZM. The microclasses I think is something possible since blizzard liked how they did demonhunters with just 2 specs so I think it’s possible. But we will definitely know by april 19th.

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WoD still sounds more believable than most of that crap :rofl: It’s like an Alliance fanboy wrote it to the extreme, looking at both how they mentioned Silvermoon ‘being hostile’ & Lordaeron being light focused. We all know the Alliance are obsessed with both, and it seems like their pipe dream with a few ‘plausible ideas’ sprinkled in here and there.

Honestly, again, I have very strong doubts on it. I could be wrong, though. But… if it is right, it looks like another dud expansion like Shadowlands that’s horrid, just looking it over.

Well hmm I think there was going to be a silvermoon warfront. They may have repurposed that into the new zone probably with the rares and stuff and make it flyable (stuff people wanted).

For me that would seem they make it like Surumar and probably add some story of reclaiming it. And probably add stuff like void elf vs blood elf conflict? Since the void elves claim they want to reclaim it. So we may get the warfront in a repurposed way sort of?

And we know that blood elves currently get a quest so perhaps maybe the scourge gets involved in that perhaps or in some areas (the scar?).

The only way I think it’s hostile would be if Turalyon did some shady stuff or became more of a zealot.

So I am just speculating based on the lore we have. We can only know for sure much later.

I heard from Lance and Somand that we’re getting rolled back to 50 and then go back up to 60 every xpac moving forward.

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