San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I used to be neutral until I noticed the one sidedness about how they should get everything and well we shouldn’t get anything, it makes me sad to think back to those times because I was really supportive of everyone getting what they wanted but me wanting stuff I wanted would make people attack me and that just made me feel horrible.

I mean look at the whole we want all the Blood Elf customizations for Void Elves and even though they have like 90-95% already they want the rest and we have yet to get anything in return for it whether it be shared from Void Elves to Blood Elves or Night Elves to Nightborne for example we have zero shared so far.

Not to mention they had gotten the better Allied Races anyway, I mean lets look at that for a few moments.

Alliance got Void Elves and exact copy/paste of Horde Blood Elves with the almost exact same customizations and Horde got Nightborne a botched version of Night Elves with nothing shared from Night Elves.

Alliance got Dark Iron Dwarves and Horde got Mag’har Orcs, like I don’t even have to explain that one because Dark Iron Dwarves is auto win there.

Alliance got Lightforged Draenei and Horde got Highmountain Tauren, Lightforged Draenei are a better looking version of the already super gorgeous Draenei and Highmountain Tauren are literally Tauren with antlers instead of horns.

Alliance got Kul Tiran and Horde got Zandalari Trolls, Kul Tiran were built from the ground up with all new models, customizations, animations, etc. and Zandalari Trolls are modified Night Elf/Troll base model.

Alliance got Mechagnomes and Horde got Vulpera, here I admit it was a win for us because I don’t care for Mechagnomes but one out of five isn’t really fair in my opinion so yeah.

Anyway sorry for such a long reply but it really bugs me how one sided some people can be and how they will make you feel awful for being you and wanting things as well.


I would wager it’s a non-issue anyway since crossfaction grouping is coming next patch. But like storywise it makes sense they go horde.

I play both sides. Crossfaction will sort of make void elves a bit redundant imo but I will still play my void elves and stuff. Mostly because I prefer the wavy hair and male hairstyles. Love the Quiff. When it comes to blood magic though that seems very blood elven. And San’layn are like an enhanced undead blood elf. At least 1st generation san’layn. Any new san’layn I could see being from both sides, but Horde would be better. Since void elves basically make them never want to give us void magics on horde now. When blood elves are the magical race. And customization based on all the magic types would have been nice for them. Personally want to see some fel (felbood), blood/death (san’layn), nature (botanist stuff like arcane tattoos with some nature runes and farstrider stuff), light ( since they follow the light, Light runes/tattoos would be nice). We also barely see any arcane in there customization besides eye color. There is so much they could do with blood elves. I feel there customization has been very limited.

I often agree with you on a lot of things but on this subject I don’t because it is and it would be an issue if San’layn were given or shared with Alliance/Void Elves because San’layn are a Horde based thing like Dark Rangers are and nothing more of ours should be given or even shared with Alliance because they aren’t Alliance things they are Horde things and whether someone plays both sides or not, whether crossfactioning exists, whether Alliance/Void Elf players want them or not, etc. that doesn’t justify letting Alliance/Void Elves have our stuff again and again and again.

San’layn, Dark Rangers, Darkfallen and Vampyr should only ever be a Horde only Allied Race/Horde Allied Races or Horde only customizations for Blood Elves!!!

And in today’s episode of “Alliance players trying to get Horde races”…


If there is a San’layn heritage armor set I hope it has verdant spheres and different tints/colors like the Mag’har heritage armor.

I was meaning that its a non-issue in that they can still play blood elves/san’layn and still play with alliance friends and group with each other.

It is speculated we may also get stuff like cross faction guilds next expansion. Storywise we can still be at war or in conflict with each other.

So far on the ptr you can group with each other and talk to each other in the world. But you cant like trade loot or share mob tags in the outer world. But at least instanced content you can do all that stuff.

This opens up rp options too.

Since you can do cross faction rp and friendly skirmish/ wpvp activities with the opposite faction.

I say its a non-issue because crossfaction will let you play any race you want effectively and still play with friends.

Why does it seem like for the last two xpacs we’ve had a lot of “well, cross-faction is right around the corner so Alliance races should get more Horde stuff” but we never see it go the other way around?


I advocate for stuff like moonguard night elves on horde as customization and undead night elves as a cusyomization option for nightborne or forsaken. But that hasnt gone much traction.

Either way thry are lifting trade restrictions on your characters I believe so you can mail stuff your your alts so far.

I had my alliance on another server group but all they really need is to announce crossfaction guilds and that effectively means you can progress up to mythic raids really crossfaction which is nice.

I have a bunch of dark iron I havent played for example. 9.2.5 will let you do that. Although My problem is more so my alliance are cut off from my professions and the legendaries they can craft since they are on different server groups.

Either way horde san’layn wouldnt affect your ability to play them with your alliance friends.

So with the new reveal of “Darkfallen” as a type of undead, I think it opens a lot of opportunities.

Personally I would say that San’layn are a vampiric sect of Darkfallen, so it’s an overlap of type of undead + the curse they have.

The novel gives the impression that Arthas raised the Darkfallen in Quel’thalas in order to preserve their skills, if in a twisted way, so they are meant to be more than fodder as most risen.

So, what if that’s what he did with the San’layn? He raised them as Darkfallen, then bound them with the Blood Curse to further hone their skills in such a way. Truly, it isn’t unlike how Death Knights work, they could also be seen as Darkfallen in the same they are a higher type of undead, afflicted with an undead curse that compels them to cause suffering, Yet we also see how undead can be given that same curse.

So yeah, the way I am seeing it now, Darkfallen is a type of higher undead, more preserved to make use of their skills, not just fodder, related to other higher types of undead such as Death Kights, perhaps more alike than those than the regular undead type, but with different curses to hone their skills.


What I took away from it is that Darkfallen act as sort of the Scourge’s middle class alongside necromancers, acolytes and banshees where they act as specialists (battle mages, death priests, necromancers, assassins, scouts) compared to say, death knights, San’layn and liches who act as an upper class and the shambling masses of zombies, skeletons and ghouls acting as its proletariat.

Sure, but my point is that Darkfallen seem to be a type of “fresher” undead not unlike DK’s, regardless of hierarchy.

So San’layn would be an elite group of Darkfallen, with a blood curse, so to say.


This makes sense, yeah, I like this summary/speculation. This leaves room for the ‘ancient curse’ constantly mentioned when talking about San’layn that I really don’t want to see them drop. Especially since we got a trickle of a bit more lore in Stormheim with the vampirates.


Indeed. The blood curse itself -that I one hundo believe is related to San’layn- IMO it’s an “advanced” curse not dissimilar to the Death Knight one, meant to rise and control higher types of undead, not your regular risen undead.

I think that since DK were introduced I have believed them to be a less “decrepit” type of undead, so San’layn, they are meant to be lieutenants and higher ups, what’s interesting about the “Darkfallen” is that sets the possibility of that type of undead to exist without such advanced curses, less powerful than them, but as a “fresher” undead that retains more of their skills than the fodder.

Honestly this connection between Dark Rangers and San’layn is just very much so :eyes: to me.


I’m a weak woman and all the renewed kerfluffle about more customizations is warming the cockles of my grumpy old heart.

Yes, yes, give me more options. Yessssssssssssss…


I like it and hate it at the same time.

On one hand, it establishes a popular fan theory/concept and potentially sets up a grander hierarchy for Undead Elves.

On the other hand, where are we, what’s going on, and what the heck are we supposed to do?


Me to, I can think of many customization options for several races at that.


Feathers working with all dwarf hairstyles and eyebrows matched to hair instead of skin tone just sayin’

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Dar’khan wasn’t San’layn and Umbric only follows his writings. He doesn’t follow him. Dar’khan is dead, Jim.

You’ve been told before how these differ. You’ve also already been told that the Sin’dorei not being fond of dark magic is a figment of your imagination and not lore.

Stick to the Void. The San’layn have only been allied with the Horde. Never the Alliance.


Wow didn’t notice this conversation in the game yet. That’s nice relating to blood elves and Kael’thas.


So I managed to make some connections in Azeroth’s black market and came across a hidden auction house! One of the items happened to be a datamined cinematic for the next expansion for some new allied races, and I managed to win the bid! Not sure why the other bidders didn’t bother bidding on it, but I managed to snag it and sneak out of the area undetected thanks to a cardboard box!

Anyway, it turns out we’re getting San’layn and Saurok for the Horde! Sethrak appear to be neutral, though they seem to act like Goblins and Ethereals and are obsessed with collectibles. Not sure why, but it’s good to see that they got the armor problems to work with the Sethrak model. Looks like Sethrak has some sort of heritage armor on.

Saurok and San’layn seem to have some sort of close relationship and share a starting area together, which you can see here:

Looks like it is hinted that Furbolg and Arakkoa are the Alliance races coming. I’ll have to see if that Auction House will carry that cinematic sometime. Anyway, the important thing about all this is…

Happy April Fools Day! :stuck_out_tongue:

18 days until the next expansion is announced! :wine_glass::bat: