San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Does this mean I have to sneak around on Kyuu?


Yep, I am Avarie!


But Kyuu is a blood elf!


I can’t sneak around on void elves. T_T I always am one.


Do you have a velf rogue?


Fair enough. Carry on.


I have never posted in this thread on my Void Elf only my main and this one but everyone always knows my characters are me so I couldn’t ever hide anyway. :yum: :yum: :yum:

Edit - I only come into this thread on this one when my main runs out of likes usually, lol.


I wish I had more alts but then again… I have so many. And a CRAZY number of Death Knights.


I only have 11 alts and 12 characters total counting Naughty and they are all Warlocks, someday I’ll have to visit this thread on them all because one I love this thread and two I think only ones that I’ve posted here on are this one, Lovekiss and Damned. :blush: :blush: :blush:


I’ll have even more alts should they add Horde San’layn for either Allied Race or on Blood Elves. Something they definitely should do! Void elves I’m hoping get some void customization like starcursed stuff, and again NOT UNDEAD STUFF though. Then I’d have more void elf alts too ^^

Fingers crossed for vampyr customization for blood elves or Horde AR! We definitely deserve it ^^


I had to post on this character because I totally want void customizations for Void Elves as well but until then I went for what I said I was gonna in our Discord with the X-Men Storm look for this character but if we ever get permanent glowy skintones and hair colors like pink I’ll drop this look and change to that.

Also I did post here on my Void Elf, go figure. Haha.


Definitely a Horde request, either way it falls


Agreed it should always be a Horde only request, whether a seperate Allied Race or a Blood Elf customization San’layn for only the Horde. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Either as a Horde AR or tied to customization somehow on the Horde but Alliance / some tie in to VEs is … not it

VEs have had two passes that allowed them two visually distinct themes.

Let other races catch up to be on a second pass too, and let BEs get something visually unique.

Also the people who specifically target this request going Alliance want it tied to VEs hence why I bring it up, why would they get a third visual theme before the core race that lost visual uniqueness to give them their second set of options can even get something in that department


Yeah it’s actually really unfortunate how people are trying to take away from void elves by doing that. Someone brought this up–by trying to take undead themes that belong on the Horde for void elves, they further leech away what makes void elves unique.

It’s disappointing some folks think void elves aren’t unique enough to warrant their own void-like requests, and damages those who actually care about void elves as opposed to being spiteful alliance players.

Even more disappointing when key story threads are ignored, like how the Alliance went out of their way to slaughter the San’layn in Battle for Azeroth, when they specifically were looking to join the Horde.

And of course, disappointing x3 that some players would rather immaturely throw punches and play the victim while demanding more and more for their race via a theme that doesn’t fit them at all as opposed to asking for something in their lane.


All of what you said is why I’m such a strong supporter of Blood Elves getting San’layn, Dark Ranger, Felblood and Light customizations because we are the main/parent race and we already lost almost all of our customizations to Void Elves and have yet to get anything new in return for it.

Edit - don’t get me wrong I would prefer separate Allied Races for the Horde for San’layn and Dark Rangers but I’ll settle for customizations for Blood Elves.


Honestly agree about the requirement for starcrust hair for a more elegant appearances. No need for additional undead customizations since Death Knights already have them.

I’m just looking for one of these things to even the situation out as losing visual uniqueness was not cool.

So even if Sanlayn aren’t BE customization the AR should still be Horde aligned lol


Right, exactly! Many void elves I see would love that, and I’d use it for my characters too. Maybe even all of my void elves because it’d be just too cool. Patches of starcursed stuff on the skin could be unique as well.

Meanwhile, since Blood Elves were originally the delvers into the whole ‘dark magic’ thing and used to have more nuance/be more than just obsessed with the light like LFD, San’layn & Dark Rangers for them would be an excellent return to exactly that. I play blood elves for the darker magic themes they started with, not the ‘lightforged elves’ people are trying to turn them into as a foil for Void elves.


You know I was thinking of the Sanlayn community, and this thread and so many ideas you’ve supported for so long Fallyn, and I am just amazed at the constant support the thread gets for Horde San’layn. Like it’s real support it’s not asking people for bumps constantly for something that just isn’t getting attention, it’s a thread people still care about and just does get attention so hopefully Blizzard sees the interest in Horde San’layn via an avenue (I prefer BE customization but find Forsaken customization valid and of course the AR route obvi is most valid)