San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

So far seeing the lore of Zereth Mortis it seems the first ones made protoforms of many creatures now. The geomentals seem to be protoforms of earth elementals. The creatures are protoforms of creatures we know which I think is interesting.

The Jiro discuss terraforming Biomes. And like how the first ones shape the land and design things. For example the desert area was once an ocean that was blooded to get the desert. Which is similar to what happens on earth with how sand is made (many many years of erosion and biological process that it takes to create sand and soft soil for example).

The Jiro read there reports saying there was an overgrowth of life in the jungle biome where this rare is found. And has the ability Vampiric bite which I find interesting. This is also a region where many venthyr are posted defending against the life forms.

Another sort of venthyr-nature connection which I don’t know if blizzard is hinting at stuff but I find it interesting they had this rare close to the venthyr. Did it learn vampiric bite from interacting from them or did it know it from the start. Is this hinting at like a vampire ish state being connected to life magic?

During that daily they mention a frozen tundra biome which I found interesting - possibly a nod at wotlk? Or is it northrend? I haven’t done the raid yet IDK if there is anything like that in the raid. But I find the first ones lore interesting.

It is weird how the automa and stuff have trouble controlling life. Like it’s an issue for them. Which is cool like did the first ones design life to be difficult to control? Everything seems designed with a purpose judging from this zone and what it insinuates. So what is the vampyr purpose? Is it a part of both life and death magics? It seems to have shadow components too.

Apparently, the sky above ICC will change once you beat up the jailer:

I assume this might be the only change in the area, but it might be worth a look once you get the change to occur. It’ll be awhile before the Jailer LFR opens up, but if I ever get to that, I’ll be sure to report any findings here.

I’m wondering if the undead going on a rampage across the world (of Warcraft!) will get addressed at all or even mentioned. It’s possible the undead will just flop to the ground suddenly and just shrivel up into dust or something. It’s a shame this has been a plot point not really addressed during Shadowlands at all, as it raises a number of questions and concerns of how Azeroth is doing while we’re in the Shadowlands.

We have at least 9.2.5 to go before we can call Shadowlands finished, and likely we’ll see that on the day they announce the next expansion. Still hoping to see San’layn on the Horde side of that character creation screen! :wine_glass::bat:


I fully expect them to ignore it. :frowning:


As do I.


The giant sword fell on them.

The end.

Shadowlands are free.


So I tokened my way into 9.2, hello! I’ve been trying to keep up with the thread, and as of late I have been considering San’layn or Dark Ranger implementation through unlocking of the DK skin tones + red eyes for Blood Elves. Maybe a bit of a wilder thought, would be to add this unlock on the Forsaken Race rather than BE’s, so the racials fit more -this idea would be paired with the option for the alliance to choose a NE worgen, so there would be some symmetry-

Regardless of that, as I have already made edits of the DK skin tones with red eyes, I wanted to explore the idea of 3 more DK/Undead Skin tones for BE’s. One based on the DR skin with that grey/greenish tint, and two others that offer a wider range for undead skins.


Nice edits there.


So after we beat up the Jailer and we turned the Helm of Domination into something else, would that mean that the undead that was controlled by the Lich King formerly should regain control of themselves again?

I’m going to guess that it’ll likely explain what happens to all the undead back on Azeroth (a damp squib of a solution if I ever saw one), though I’m wondering if Scourge members who were previously controlled by the Lich King may regain control of themselves again as a result. I doubt the Forsaken will just drop dead (again) and turn into dust, so I figure we’d still see undead of some kind back on Azeroth.

I don’t know if that would affect San’layn at all, since they also are under a vampiric curse of some kind. It might be something a bit more complex that would take a bit of work to try to at least get under control. Still, I do think they should have regained their free will by now, which makes sense and would really lead into some great storylines with them. It would be nice to see more of them, especially if it leads into them becoming a playable Horde race.

I mean…it isn’t really fun that we had to go through all of Shadowlands if it lead to playable Horde San’layn, but at least it would be something we’d get out of it that would feel amazing. Guess we’ll see what happens, assuming undead of any kind gets addressed at all in the future.

38 days until the next expansion is announced! :wine_glass::bat:


I’d love to see the San’layn be entirely free to choose their next path in unlife. And I’d love it even more when they rejoin their brethren and find new compatriots in the Forsaken.


The best path for San’layn to choose is the road that gives them a spot on the Horde side of that character creation screen! :vampire:

37 days until the next expansion is announced! :wine_glass::bat:


I don’t think it’d make sense for San’layn to ever choose Alliance. Considering most were murderedby Alliance.


The San’layn would never be Alliance.

The Alliance has a habit of killing undead that want to parlay, killed them with prejudice in BFA and the San’layn have a far better option in the Horde.

Their old people are there. The Forsaken can understand their plight better than anyone else.

There is zero reason for the San’layn to go Alliance in my opinion.


That’s interesting. I hope they address that in the future. We will see what the new expansion brings! April 19th is a crucial date to find out what is coming next for everyone and expansion features.

My hope is no race/class restrictions, more customization to old races like San’layn/darkfallen for blood elves, and maybe a new class. Bard seems likely. Or tinker. But like we have had so much bard hints this whole expansion. And this patch has a lot of sound/song themes.


My general hopes:

-We’re back on Azeroth and not in some cosmic area, at least for the majority of the expansion. Shadowlands taking place in the afterlife of all things is one of the big reasons my interest in the game took a nosedive.

-More customization options for all playable races.

-New playable races that I and others have been wanting to see become a reality.

-The ability to add more character slots per account in some fashion.

-New classes and/or new class skins.

-Faction neutral guilds.

That is mostly what I can think of off the top of my head. Not sure how likely any of them are, but it is my own personal wishlist.

36 days until the next expansion is announced! :wine_glass::bat:


Sign me up for the same.


Me too, like for real, that way all of my characters could share everything and well having a Warlock of every race wouldn’t be so unlikely. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


36 days to see if Blizzard needs to face a lawsuit in order to make a different choice in game design each and every time.

… Sigh, I honestly wish I could type that I am looking forward to the announcement.

I really, truly, and deeply wish I could actually type that claim out.

I so hope that they have chosen to do right by WoW finally.

The IP will not likely survive another dud expansion.

BFA was loved by some, however, the forced PVP story that was never truly… fun? Engaging? Nor really more than just another excuse to force BFA into one more Faction Uniting threat in the form of the Old Gods, who really deserved their own expansion…

I mean, imagine…

What if Battle For Azeroth were the players versus The Burning Legion ALLIED with The Twilight Cultists?

I definitely agree that San’layn should be horde, but can you give me a reminder on what you’re referencing there on the alliance killing undead that want to parley?

This! Agreed. I enjoyed a bunch of BFA, but not the forced faction story.

I keep thinking an expansion where we retook Azeroth from the burning legion that was occupying almost all of it would have been neat.

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The original Forsaken envoys (prior to Wows start time line wise) were killed on sight. Despite a recent book most humans still see the undead as monsters to be killed.