San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Ahh, I was thinking about the BFA timeline and was only remembering Sylvanas killing them.

At this point the whole “Forsaken are monsters!” doesn’t make a lot of sense even from the alliance view point. We’ve fought along side them too long as well as warlocks, demon hunters, death knights, werewolves…at this point you’d really think there’d be a lot less prejudice.

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It’s more complicated than that.

Heroes/adventurers know them as fellow heroes.

But the average person in the Alliance doesn’t.

You get those same people to interact though and clearly many can move passed that as per the book.

On the flip side not every Forsaken is always doing “good” things…like making a plague to kill the living and the dead probably won’t win folk any favors, and some definitely (for good reason mind) hold a bit of a grudge against the living.

Overall you’d be hard pressed to bring the Undead of any kind into the Alliance.


Yeah, but you’d think word would get around.

Plus the new plague to kill the living and dead was Sylvanas and her hated of Arthas. More atrocities she committed. I like the ranger general version we got in the recent cinematic, but at this point, I think she just needs to be killed off for good. She’s done her last good act. Let’s let her find Nathanos and someone jump out and shove them to their oblivion or something. Oblivion…UGH.

Yeah, I just think they should be treated more like people at this point. They’re dead…but still people.

I’d really have liked to have seen a whole undead kingdom…like united Icecrown under Bolvar, Lordaeron under a Menethil. (guess it can’t be Arthas), San’layn occupying Deatholme under Kael’thas…

shrugs I feel like it goes along with what Bagzak says about BFA, so many missed opportunities.


It’s unfortunate and boggling how many opportunities went by for various things that just never amounted to anything or had no appearance at all. It’s really disappointing what could have been.

Hopefully, we’ll see a better direction in the near future. Especially if Blizzard is looking at fan feedback and requests more closely. Maybe then the next expansion won’t be another theme of missed opportunities.

35 days until the next expansion is announced! :wine_glass::bat:


We can hope, they really need to build back some good relations.
At this point it leaves me wondering if we wouldn’t be better off with actual new direction via new people. they’ve done some good stuff lately, but then turned around and failed on story elements. So I dunno…I am curious to see how the expansion announcement goes, but that’s still gonna be a ways off to be playable.

I really feel like we should be getting 2-3 times the amount of content we currently are. No year long droughts without anything.


Dear god…the San’layn Allied race thread as reared it’s head again. :eyes: :bangbang: :question: :interrobang:

It doesn’t normally go quiet for more than a few days but yeah we’re still here.

San’layn for the Horde.
:wine_glass: :bat:


Yes, it will always be something that is kept alive until we get playable San’layn for the Horde or at least San’layn customizations for Blood Elves. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Well, it’s time to have San’layn as playable race for the Horde. I would like to play one after seeing that. :bat:



So during BfA, it was mentioned how there are friendly San’layn on a boat in the campaign questline. We’ve talked about them a lot throughout the megathread, but I did come across a video that shows them off here:

There isn’t much to them unfortunately, but it is interesting to see there were some around and friendly to Horde players. I’m assuming they lived through the events of BfA, though where they went remains in the air. I don’t really recall seeing them with Dreven, so I don’t know where they came from in the first place.

Seeing this of course brings the frustration of what could have been with San’layn as a Horde allied race. At the very least, we playable Horde San’layn supporters are still here and marching for them to become a playable Horde race. Hopefully, we’ll see that happen someday…

31 days until the next expansion is announced! :wine_glass::bat:


That’s the Horde side of it. On the Alliance side you sink that boat and kill Drevan along with many of the neophytes.

That however suggests that indeed not all of the San’layn were killed.

This greatly improves the chances of Horde San’layn being a thing.

It’s also important to note from those quests that the San’layn are apparently making more of themselves since they broke from the Scourge.

Neophytes would normally be a low level member of them still learning.

:wine_glass: :bat:


You know, I still find suspicious that Venthyr got two cosmetic sets in 9.1. Gives a lot of options when dressing new San’layn NPCs :eyes:

I do agree San’layn should be Horde rather than Alliance, but I am also always in for more neutral races so I wouldn’t be mad about it.


I guess the question here is how they go about doing it and also who they are doing it to.

I’m guessing from the Vampyr curse San’layn have, there is a process still they would use to make more San’layn which likely came from when they were controlled by the Lich King. It’s a way to get more units in your undead army of a certain type, so it isn’t surprising they would have that while being controlled by Arthas.

However, outside of that, it’s hard for me to imagine San’layn who have regained their free will again to go about doing that to others unless it is special circumstances. Sure, any San’layn who is in it for themselves might encourage it against the wills of others if they’re corrupted with power or insane from the curse.

I imagine the playable faction of San’layn would refrain from doing that unless it was necessary or requested for some reason. Their curse wouldn’t be something they would want to put on others, seeing as there is quite a lot of downsides of having to deal with it. This could lead to some interesting storylines and dilemmas.

Just some interesting thoughts about the situation. I’d be curious what direction Blizzard would go with playable Horde San’layn storylines, but there is quite a bit and a lot you could do to make it pretty awesome.

30 days until the next expansion is announced! :wine_glass::bat:


So I realize this video is likely just clickbait, but I saw a video in my Youtube recommendations speculating on a Scourge allied race after Shadowlands. It’s a bit of an odd concept, but since it involves San’layn in said speculation, I thought I’d link it for fun. Do take a grain of salt with this video, of course:

Personally, I don’t really expect Scourge in general as a playable race. If anything, the generic types that work as mooks and quest jobbers would just get beaten up and disappear or remain as NPC’s at best with the Forsaken or Death Knights.

On the other hand, for something like San’layn, given the events of Shadowlands and the whole Crown of Wills malarkey, I do wonder if it would give free will back to some of the Scourge members, as well as San’layn in general.

Obviously, not all undead will just drop dead (again) and disappear. We’ll still have Forsaken and Dark Rangers, for example. It does make me wonder if San’layn would become more of themselves afterwards and how they’d deal with their vampiric curse.

I’ve speculated some on it before, but I felt it was worth mentioning it again since speculation about what is coming next is pretty high. San’layn getting their free will back before made sense, but with no Lich King or Helm of Domination, it seems like it makes even more sense. Obviously, San’layn would still have their vampiric curse, but I feel like them regaining their free will again at the very least would be more likely now.

I don’t expect San’layn to outright disappear after Shadowlands, no should they. It seems like another neat storyline opportunity to bring them back into the picture and as a playable Horde race to me. We’ll see what happens when it happens, of course, but it would be great to see the popularity of playable Horde San’layn capitalized in the near future.

29 days until the next expansion is announced! :wine_glass::bat:


Real or not, that’s something that would actually be nice to be real because it would potentially get Horde playable San’layn and Horde playable Dark Rangers which is something that should already be on Horde and playable as either Allied Races or customizations for Blood Elves. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:


If the domination magic/force/thing does go away with the Crown of Wills, it seems like it would be a good reason to bring the San’layn back in the picture.

It wasn’t their fault how Kael’thas turned out, which would be an interesting storyline to see how the San’layn would think about it. Moreso since it would play with their free will coming back and finding both their predicament and also how Kael’thas betrayed his people in general. Whether Kael’thas gets involved or not, it’d still be interesting to see how that would get addressed by the San’layn.

I also see no reason why they wouldn’t contact the Horde and seek joining them. Silvermoon is part of the faction, which the San’layn would likely want to connect. I imagine through the Horde, it could go more smoothly. I mean, if Silvermon lets rotting human zombies in their city, you’d think they’d be fine with their former people. Not to mention that the Horde was open to letting San’layn join before, so there is still a decent chance they could be open again. Moreso with the whole Crown of Wills and Domination thing from before.

There are so many cool directions you could go with playable Horde San’layn. I’m hoping we get to see one of those directions implemented someday, where we see playable Horde San’layn a reality.

28 days until the next expansion is announced! :wine_glass::bat:


I honestly love everything about this image and really hope it becomes reality someday.

Support for Horde San’layn. :bat:


Some datamined information today.

Suggests a rogue San’layn is going to attack the Ghostlands and the Blood Elves seem to be involved in a scenario to defend against this rogue San’layn and the Scourge that have flocked to him.

Files seem to be a scenario where Liadrin and the player defend the Ghostlands. With possible heritage weapons being a thing?

Still early.

There is also new regions for the Ghostlands map and the Tirisfal Glades map.


Y’know, I don’t even know why I bother hoping anymore for any nuance or for Blizzard to actually listen to requests. The one time we hear about San’layn, they’re generic bad guys once again. They can’t apparently make them like Death Knights even though they’re intelligent scourge.

I would say MAYBE there could be another group of San’layn trying to defend their home from the bad ones but given it’s not in datamines yet and obviously Blizzard doesn’t want to listen to this community, forget it.

I’ve spent years sharing my ideas on how the lore could work because they’re intelligent scourge, and not mindless bad guys. They could be like Forsaken, Death Knights, Demon hunters, the antihero story and yet once again, they show up and are villain batted.

“The fact that they’re being mentioned means they might be relevant again”

Yeah that helped us a ton in BfA didn’t it, a whole lot of failed hope. Now it’s just a flat out spit in the face of ‘lol you’re never getting playable San’layn’.

Even customization with a side story could have worked.

I would say the SLIVER of hope people COULD cling onto is that whatever nonsense they’re pulling ends up turning several blood elves as an avenue for San’layn, and they need to learn how to control their bloodlust, yada yada, but still stand with the Horde.

Will they go with that, though?

:upside_down_face: I doubt it.

Also fun fact, the datamined San’layn is a card.


Well it’s just one San’layn. He comes from the TCG. That doesn’t mean the other ones are fullly evil and they want to kill everything.

Don’t forget San’layn can work well with Forsaken and Dark Ranger too and not only with Blood Elves. Maybe there are some San’layn

San’layn as allied race for the Horde is still possible :wink: