San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

True, most people would still complain about it though.

That’d be nice and would actually work out great.


Make any thread with elf in the title and it’ll get flag bombed, almost guaranteed. The very word elf incites rage in the frothing GD masses. I wouldn’t put too much stock in it, since as belves are like the most played race, and velves are the most played AR, obviously elves are popular.


That and for me personally an AR for Horde is nice, but I’ll still be waiting and upset at the lack of similar energy for BEs that VEs have seen afforded to them.


(More like HE) but i get what you mean.

jewelry and like one or two new hairstyles and facial hair aren’t very exciting.


RIP The Void. You were a good hair stylist.


I’m talking about a second distinct set of options regardless.

Like that was given to VEs whether you wanted it or not, or are using it like you yourself are or not.

Of all the ideas for a second distinct set of options for BEs, I like Felblood probably the least for example, as in I would never use the options, however I would know they were there, I would recognize it as like okay Blizzard tried to deliver / did deliver the same type deal for BEs it’s not my thing but I recognize it.

Just an example but a second distinct set of options did very much happen for VEs, and the tiring part is that BEs lost visual uniqueness for it while as you point out our own pass was lackluster / bare minimum.

So yes I would definitely want to see the same energy returned in a type of situation where BEs have a distinct second set of options, DR/Sanlayn happen to my favorite route also imo the easiest route but its not the only one and I’m only after the same energy afforded to VEs already that did come at BEs expense, so to piggy back off your original comment about not wanting or thinking Blizzard would do another Thalassian race I would very much welcome it as additions to BEs with all of that in mind.


To be honest, if San’layn were just a customization race, I’d be pretty disappointed.

I really have yet to see anything showing that customization races would get their own identity and in-game presence. The last thing I want is for San’layn and any other race to get the Wildhammer treatment, where they become an afterthought and are just there without any explanation or fanfare.

In all honesty, if they were just a customization race, I don’t know if I would make any new characters. A lot would really depend how they were presented. If it’s just LARPing Blood Elves like with Bronzebeards LARPing as Wildhammer, I’d likely have to consider passing unless they have their own identity and such. I’ve gone into detail on my feelings of how customization races have been treated many times, so do a search in this megathread if you want to see more of my thoughts on the matter.

As for people complaining…people are going to complain regardless of what race becomes playable. There isn’t a single race that could become playable that won’t get the forums sound like several instances of this:

And honestly, though the forums would complain about playable San’layn as a full race, I’m sure they would be fairly popular in-game. Elves are a popular race, for better or worse, and I think the vampiric theme would also get more people excited. Yes, people would complain about too many Elves and whatnot, but it wouldn’t really matter if we got playable Horde San’layn in the grand scheme of things. Time would pass and people would eventually accept it.

If anything, maybe do another round of playable races like in BfA and have San’layn among the new Horde races. They’d likely get accepted more easily that way, though people would still complain about it. I feel like this would work out better in the long run, in my opinion.

I don’t see the complaint of “too many elves” being an issue for San’layn. It’ll get joked about and ranted on, but I’d be willing to deal with that as opposed to getting San’layn stapled onto Blood Elves and having their lore and potential storylines getting squandered for a lazy and banal model edit. It would be disappointing to see them treated as such and not have any presence or identity in-game.

As always, I support San’layn as a fully playable Horde race with their own slot on that character creation screen. :wine_glass::bat:


I’m going to express that I don’t like it and that it’s basically an entirely difference racial theme in every way and doesn’t belong. (High elves quite honestly have nothing in common with VE from their conception)

It’s mog theming, purple/blue mog on purple/blue skin color isn’t good, it makes it camouflaged.

Then we’re in agreement then, things like this are easy to do and should be done

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I mean thats fair in hindsight I don’t think it should have been done either as BEs have suffered for it losing visual uniqueness, but I would point out you like it enough to use the options nothing wrong with that their already there but apparently you too felt the second distinct set of options had a role to play in how your character could be portrayed… if only BE players had that choice but we literally don’t have a second distinct set of options.


Just went over this, it clashes with the mog lol.

The point I am making is not that you support the options because you’re using them, but that you have the choice to use a second distinct set of options and BE fans don’t


And I support you getting felblood/DR skins.


Right I was just piggy backing off your comment about an abundance of Elves and why I would support this as an avenue for BEs to have a situation like you have where we too have a second distinct set of options.

Then you pointed out the second distinct set of options for VEs were HE in nature and to me thats moot there still options VE players can choose on their VEs that afford them a second distinct set of options, a concept BE players do not have.

I think we seem to agree on the concept that BE players should be afforded that same energy.


This has become a common theme with all races and classes added since MoP. Races and classes matter for the expansion they are in and are never mentioned again in an important capacity. It sucks.


Lasan Skyhorn Blizzard must remember good expansion to make.


It’d be interesting to see if even half the team in charge of story development knows or remembers that character lol.

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Came across a video that talks about several species of bats IRL. I figured I’d link it here for San’layn bat form idea inspiration:

A customizable bat form sounds like a really neat idea for San’layn. Lots of possibilities there! :wine_glass::bat:


Gonna post this in a few megathreads gradually.

Looks like we have an announcement of an announcement for the next expansion. It’ll be announced on April 19th:

While I’ll keep my fingers crossed for playable Horde San’layn as part of this expansion, I’ll at the very least hope we’ll be back in the living world (of Warcraft!) and not trekking across the cosmic parts. Honestly, Shadowlands is likely to be my least favorite expansion, so it’ll be refreshing to finally see what is next.

I’ll keep an open mind, but I’ll always keep hope to see some playable race requests come true! :wine_glass::bat:


I’m wondering what the reason for no 9.3 is. I’m thinking that they ended up hitting the emergency early abort button on Shadowlands but I don’t really know if they did that or if they had planned this from the start. The latter just seems unlikely to me.

Happy about that for sure though, throughout this whole expansion it’s felt like I’ve been playing a game that’s trying really hard to be WoW instead of actual WoW. There’s only been a few moments where it hasn’t felt like that, and they’re all in Maldraxxus and Ardenweald.

That out of the way, I’m wondering if they’ll do anything new in the line of customization again, or something related like allied races. Everyone could use more, but some races are really badly lacking, like pandaren.

Certainly excited to see the theme for next expansion and anything else they’ll announce. Crossing my fingers to not have another systems bloated mess like we’ve had for the last several years.


I’d bet it’s probably this reason. They specifically wanted to avoid another WoD style cut out early on BfA, and that kinda failed miserably. So now they no there’s no point sticking out a dud.