San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I would not call that a plus.


Not to mention ANOTHER Elf Restricted hero class would not go over well.

Depends on how you look at it.

For some it was just a bunch of hoops to jump through for what amounted as a customization.

And a lot of empty promises that they where listening or that there was a chance for the races they wanted would get added.

Here’s hoping.

But I’m not going to give them credit on my hopes. They will have to earn it after the last two Xpacs.


Oh I only meant in that it would make them a bit more different from Hunters than you might initially expect.

The next class (if their is one) should be a Mail wearer, but it’s hard to imagine what that would be.

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The only one I logically see doing that is Tinker. Since I don’t see cloth or leather working for them.

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I really don’t see mail armour working for Tinkers.

They generally use mechanical bits for stuff, but they themselves aren’t really armoured at all.

You could argue Mekkatoque wears armour, but most racial leaders wear some sort of armour, even if their class wouldn’t.

Like how Anduin is a plate priest with a sword.

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Actually I can see Tinker wearing Cloth. Why would someone who sits in a mech suit all day wear armour? And I know this is a fantasy game, so int is for magic, but a class about building things using their intelligence as their main stat seems to fit.


I hope it’s necromancer…


WoW’s Tinkers tend to have a lot of metal bits attached to their cloths. Like Welding Mask, Steel Toed Boots, Utility Belts, Metal Guards on Gloves. Wich in my mind isn’t quite plate but not soft enough to be another armor type.

Technically it would be cloth shirts/pants and plate everything else.

Also. most of WoW’s cloth items are robes/dresses with skirts. Don’t want to wear that stuff around moving parts.

But this is just my opinion.

There is Int Mail. Only use by 2 specs of 1 class.

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True, but the same thing can be said of ranged weapons.


I’d prefer Necromancer to be a Cloth wearer. That being said, I guess I could see them in Mail, with gear similar to Shaman but more death themed.

They could (and should) fix this by allowing all robes to be optionally separated into two pieces.



Would tinkers use guns? :thinking:

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It would theoretically make sense, but wouldn’t really gel with what we’ve seen of them in previous games or on NPCs.

Unless maybe you count the Island Expedition team of Gnomes, but they’re really all over the place in terms of class design.


Tinkers being based off of Hunters would at the very least reduce Blizzard’s front loaded workload.


Depends. If they’re not in the mech suits and are basically just Engineers as a class, then yeah, probably.

If they are in the mech suits, then I don’t really see them with weapons at all. Maybe the suits are the weapons? DHs have their glaives.

Might as well have them a class skin for Hunters at that point instead of their own individual class.

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I’m pretty sure some of the Island Expedition tinkers use Guns/Launchers/Lazors.

I figure it would be like a more customizable metamorphosis?


Yes, if Fourth Spec’s are to become a thing for all Classes, and not just Druids.

However, apparently, Feral Druids are fed up with being out of balance with everyone else.

And, it’s also not like Blizzard’s track record on balance across the entire Race, Class, and Spec spectrum is really anything to write home about…

Or they could basically let you just reskin the current Hunter abilities with tech themes. Theoretically they could do this for Necromancer on Warlock too.


However, what would the lore be?

that’s honestly what concerns me the most.

What I don’t get yet is how the concept of, “In WoW, come for the game play, stay for the story!” Is literally lost on the current dev’s.


Class skins could have Night Warrior style unlock chains. That might be cool, if done right.



However, have you seen Shadowlands?

The story is not easy to follow.

I know. I tried.

Still lost me.

Yeah, I already added in a bit about them, but I’ll mention it again.

They’re a bit all over the place in terms of their design, so it’s hard to tell how that would translate to a playable class.

One rides a mount, but is basically useless after you destroy it.
One mostly uses a laser canon and sets up some sort of broad field that heals (I think).
One sets up a bunch of bots and turrets with various functions, including healing, while wielding a gun and gets a weird feign death/decoy move.

Those could technically cover specs I suppose, but they might be a little strange.