Actually I can see Tinker wearing Cloth. Why would someone who sits in a mech suit all day wear armour? And I know this is a fantasy game, so int is for magic, but a class about building things using their intelligence as their main stat seems to fit.
WoW’s Tinkers tend to have a lot of metal bits attached to their cloths. Like Welding Mask, Steel Toed Boots, Utility Belts, Metal Guards on Gloves. Wich in my mind isn’t quite plate but not soft enough to be another armor type.
Technically it would be cloth shirts/pants and plate everything else.
Also. most of WoW’s cloth items are robes/dresses with skirts. Don’t want to wear that stuff around moving parts.
But this is just my opinion.
There is Int Mail. Only use by 2 specs of 1 class.
Or they could basically let you just reskin the current Hunter abilities with tech themes. Theoretically they could do this for Necromancer on Warlock too.
Yeah, I already added in a bit about them, but I’ll mention it again.
They’re a bit all over the place in terms of their design, so it’s hard to tell how that would translate to a playable class.
One rides a mount, but is basically useless after you destroy it.
One mostly uses a laser canon and sets up some sort of broad field that heals (I think).
One sets up a bunch of bots and turrets with various functions, including healing, while wielding a gun and gets a weird feign death/decoy move.
Those could technically cover specs I suppose, but they might be a little strange.