San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

This doesn’t have to be. That could have just been the opening of that door.

Only the Alliance hero knows that Drevan killed the crew trying to fight back, its entirely possible that the Horde could be approached by other San’layn connected to Drevan and be convinced the drained bodies could have been after the Alliance killed them and Drevan now bereft of allies pulled all the blood around him he could to fight back.

And either way show that they’re still willing to fight for a place in the Horde.

If Kael’thas assists somehow all the better.

Like you I don’t think Kael’thas should lead but becoming an ambassador for the San’layn? I could see that.



Void elves got their story so abruptly though. Literally Alleria was like the first void elf we saw and then unlocked eith a rep we barely associate with them. Only Slightly with Alleria. Meanwhile San’layn have basically had a trial period with the horde under slyvannas and have a history with the blood elves, and forsaken if thry had allies in lordaeron. I’d say from lore its certainly more set in the story especially compared to void elves.

Void elves showed us blizzard will add whatever they want and will justify it however they want. I would say it doesn’t take much to set them up now. With the return of a character like Kael’thas they don’t even have to add much for a recruitment scenario with the current story writing.

I can imagine an embassy quest from a dark ranger asking us to help them with a san’layn issue. Then kael’thas getting involved with the plot, reconnecting to his people and them wanting to join the horde and blood elf/forsaken allies.

I always wanted Slyvannas’ brother to get brought back as undead or san’layn too. That would be an interesting connection. If we brought him back as sanlayn we would have windrunners of every blood elf race, well besides felblood.


Void Elves were created because Blizzard chose to not give Alliance High Elves.

It’s correct, because, think about it: why spend the time to literally invent a version of Elf that did NOT already exist, with High Elves literally RIGHT there?

I guess… Nah, I’m biased. My birthday is Halloween. San’layn BELONG in game. And the Horde would accept them. The hoops to force the lore through for them to even optionally go either way would be … yeah, way too much.

Now, the funny part is, historically, Blizzard seems to choose to be lazy. And trust me, it shows. I have an idea for another thread, I’m going to hopefully hold off on…

What if, instead of Sylvanas in BFA, Blizzard sent Denathrius instead?

Imagine THAT hot mess!

And yes, I went there. Straight by the way. Deny is about as funny as Transformers: Beast Wars Megatron.


I think they are going to bring Denathrius back when the legion is back in the game. Probably if we ever have to visit a fel plane or the dreadlord world. I would like to explore how they became demons and demon lore. Next patch will explain more cosmic lore it seems. With the first ones.

Blizz mentioned they didn’t realize how much people would liked Denathrius so they changed the story in castle nathria a bit. Probably to be included in the future as maybe another threat.

Denathrius was one of the better characters of shadowlands.

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I’m their biggest cheerleader. YOU GOT THIS GUYS, BECOME RELEVANT, WOO!

I love new characters being given a chance so I support this wholeheartedly too!

This is a great question and she comes up so much too. Many people say she’s just an easter egg toward Wrath though in Violet Hold but… I like to hold out hope that she, and the other bosses involved, could mean something more.

Heck yeah! That introduced a potential ranking system I’d love for them to explore.

You speak my language and just have such great ideas, I love how enthusiastic your post makes me ^^ Yes, exactly this. And to tack onto it, they’re similar to Death Knights too, in story, so we could have that factor there. But you’re right, we could see such a strong connection between them, forsaken, & dark rangers. I’d love to see it, and the inner battles they have to face between their need to drink blood and still fight for Azeroth/be good.

Which can happen! Forsaken can do it (some do!) and DK do it too. San’layn could drink only from enemies or willing ‘victims’!


I just thoight of something funny. Like having a quest chain or dialogue where people are like gossiping about Arthas and how it was actually the Jailer they should hate and then they meet a venthyr and then just awkwardness.


If both Venthyr & San’layn were added, with lore, it would lead to some really interesting dynamics. Especially if the curse origin was Revendreth.


I wouldn’t mind having the san’layn over at ember courts with theotare lol.


Ironically given their nature, I feel like San’layn would fit into Maldraxxas much more readily, given they are merciless tacticians of the scourge! But yeah, them in those areas sound interesting as well, especially since San’layn & Venthyr have a similar aesthetic when looking at Revendreth & the blood halls.


Vashj is also over there in maldraxxis. I wonder how they will handle shadowlands after this patch. Will it be canon to be able to go back? Will it close up like the WoD timeline did before we got time magics tiorecruit the maghar. Will it stay open for tourist to explore the afterlife? I can see undead folks interested in doing that. Especially if they want to improve there death magics.

Next patch is a week away I guess.


I’ve liked Maldraxxus more than any other area in Shadowlands. There is just something old WoW about it.


This would only work if factions go the way of the dodo entirely. Silvermoon is Horde and should stay Horde. Sure, we see some high elves in Quel’Thalas, but only at the Sunwell. That’s a special exception because it’s like a holy site, and this exception isn’t extended to void elves after what happened with Alleria.

Blood elves and void elves can actually talk to each other right now. We just need to switch to Thalassian for the other to understand us.

Well, giving more options that resemble blood elves to the Alliance wouldn’t make the opposition happy, and personally, as a high elf fan I’m satisfied as is. I don’t need a title.

I would love some tattoos like Alleria for my void elves, and I also want tattoos for blood elves since Farstriders had them in Warcraft II (the upgraded units) and almost in Warcraft III (Ranger hero units from the beta, which were actually half-elves, but still). Beyond that though, no more sharing needs to occur, beyond maybe letting blood elves use void elf skin tones since they’d work pretty well as Dark Ranger options.

Granted, I imagine all of my Alliance high elf style characters as Alleria style void elves, and I realize that solution isn’t for everyone. But I don’t think anything more can be done to please both sides.


I do this all the time and no one is ever expecting it. (except on wra…) it’s really fun to freak out folk who haven’t had a use for the language feature before. Hehe.


No one expects the Thalassian Inquisition!

Nyuk nyuk nyuk!


As it happens, that’s my title for Fenelon in stories… Inquisitor.


Why not both?

Said lore, if done right, would only add to the game.

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Here is where I would insert some sweet, sweet Zoidberg, once upon a time…



Personally I think they need to make them FURTHER apart to stand out from each other now that you will see them in the same groups.

My current “working concept” a combo of Runic Tattoos in Glowing/Non-Glowing option and Dark Ranger Makeup/Facepaint for Blood Elves and Alleria type markings for Void Elves in Voided and None-Voided options.

Dark Ranger works surprisingly well for San’layn/Dark Ranger/Felblood concepts and can work in the Farstrider concept as well if they can be any color (And look almost identical) and can be mixed with the Runic Tattoos like Orcs have both Warpaint and Tattoos.

Runic Tattoos are a direct port over from Demon Hunters with more patterns and colors so they don’t need as much work.


Blood Elves could also get some things with a phoenix motif of some kind: tattoos, eyes, etc. Maybe some Sunwell based options as well.

Not to mention runic scarification, like the Blood Elf on the TBC box art would be great to see as well.

Someone made a wonderful mockup for the scarification, but I can’t recall their name off-hand.


Yeah, Lance suggested to me that void elf tattoos could be more angular like Alleria’s, while blood elves could get warpaint, since the WCII markings do look like warpaint.

That way, blood elves would have a warpaint tab, which would include WCII style Farstrider warpaint, and a tattoos tab containing BC style runic tattoos. I’m not sure if the Sylvanas style tear markings for Dark Rangers would count as warpaint or tattoos.