San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I honestly think so as well, and it isn’t just because I personally want them.

I do think the appearance of them in BfA helped to give interest. Moreso since the allied race system was introduced there, so it got people speculating and even hyped for it. I still remember a livestream Blizzard did for WoW news with people in the Twitch chat chanting for San’layn.

Vampires in general are fairly popular, and something like San’layn are something familiar from what people consider to be one of the best expansions for WoW. Being an elf race does also help, since they tend to be really popular, but it isn’t the sole reason for them being popular.

They’d be something that would bring some fresh air to the game and fit the Horde’s theme extremely well. Not only that, but they have a lot of great lore to work with and would be interesting to see them in potential storylines in the future.

As I’ve grumbled about before, it is a shame that their appearance in BfA started off with a bang, but then ended in a disappointing damp squib. I still maintain hope for them, and if Blizzard is taking fan requests with more serious consideration, then I hope playable Horde San’layn would be something we’ll eventually see. Preferably as their own race slot, of course.

Also congrats on this megathread making it in the top 20 of all time threads. Still goes to show how popular playable Horde San’layn are, and the support is still growing and marches onward! :wine_glass::bat:


It’s no secret a lot of folks are disappointed with this expansion. I see it beyond here. All of my friends, including me, have left for FFXIV. They’re going to need to do a lot to bring us back. They can start by actually listening to community requests like this. The fact that they’ve only listened to one community is frustrating.

Here’s to hoping they listen to BEYOND the community council. I’m not holding my breath, but we’ll see. Would be nice to see someone bring up the intricate customization threads like this one and pretty much everything else on my list on the second post in this thread, along with customization wishes for various races already implemented.


I would hope so. Breaking down the playerbase into a small section that they select as the only ones to listen to just feels…

Well, let’s just say it doesn’t feel very good.


Still perturbed that none of the Allied Race/Customization thread people got added.


To be honest, I never applied to begin with.

I wanted to see how it was handled to see if this was something that would be a long-term thing with results or if this was a short-term PR move. It’s still too early to say either way, in my opinion, but I didn’t quite trust it at first.

I also don’t think I qualified. I seem to recall talk of you needing to show off things you’d done outside the forums, in which case…I haven’t done anything and have no social media presence at all. Not sure if I would have had much of a chance as a result.

It may be as well, as I’m not sure how useful I’d be on there. I have some things in mind I could post about, but I feel like I wouldn’t really do well by myself in such topics. Especially if Blizzard doesn’t respond to them, which they don’t always do to every thread. It is something I’d take seriously as opposed to some prestige title, but I don’t know how well I’d honestly do in it. Not to mention a worry of having a target painted on my back for such a position.

I feel like there are people who’d do better in such a position, even if it is suppose to last for a year or so before they replace everyone with new applicants. Then again, it remains to be seen how well this will go, and I hope they look at feedback outside of there as well.

Much as I try to keep an open mind, I can’t help but be dubious until I see long-term results.



Someone from community council should at least link and compile a list of those threads and discuss these as something players want to play one day. And other features that increase personal character customization.


They are welcome to take my compiled list from my velf or Furbolg threads.

I don’t have all of them but I have many.


I wish blizz would at least acknowledge those threads and if anything is planned. The closest we get to knowing anything like a q and a after the next expansion trailer is show a few weeks down after the raids have been done and we find out the last patch story stuff.


I’ve often said that communication is a major issue with blizzard.

They don’t need to keep everything so hidden.

Give us a road map and at least engage with us and a lot of the frustrations players have would lessen.


But then we’d be able to copy their 11 herbs & spices!


Personally I think you’re beyond qualified for it but understandable not to apply. You would have been way better than especially some of their recent picks. It’s a shame they don’t apparently pay attention to obvious toxic behavior on the forums, otherwise certain individuals wouldn’t be selected. The fact that people like that get selected over those who have actually contributed to the forums well doesn’t give me much hope at all.

I applied but doubt I’ll get in. I don’t play the game anymore, haven’t since a year from now (I quit February 2021) and don’t plan on joining anytime soon because 9.2 looks aesthetically disgusting to me personally.

They should, but I doubt they will. Which is another reason why I’m bothered. It’ll be mostly pve stuff and not intricate details/lore ideas/customization ideas some of the community has been trying to share (and ignored) for years.

What little customization does make it on there will be riddled with bias toward alliance given their current roster.


I didn’t either but given some of the people that have made it on vs some that haven’t it’s been somewhat upsetting so I kind of wish that I would have applied that way if they would have picked me, I could have represented the type of players that I see in this thread and many others that I tend to frequent because so far no one on that council represents us and that’s discouraging because it feels like we are being completely overlooked in the representation department.


Yeah, exactly. I don’t even think there’s an outside-of-game qualifying factor much anymore. The certain individuals I’m implying haven’t contributed anything but toxic contrary nonsense on the forums from what I’ve seen, on top of having really questionable views toward important subject matter.

Who knows. Alls I know is that it’s plain to see, thus far, we’re not being heard and are screaming at a brick wall. I returned to the forums briefly but not really because I think they’ll listen, just more to show support for the community here that’s been going for years now and hopes for some change.


Thank you for the link. This is a great idea and I’ll do the same on mine.


Oh no problem at all! Glad to link important idea threads, there’s rich customization & lore discussions in yours, and I think it’s a wonderful thing.

I feel like we have a spiderweb of suggestions for customizations and AR ideas that are actually a lot of fun, I love what we got going there. So much great content I hope they look into sometime soon.

Yes I’m negative nancy sometimes but the communities built on expressing ideas for customization & lore are great.

Edit: Also people are free to poke me to add stuff to that if I’m missing an intricate customization thread.


Same here. I thought about it when it was first announced, but then I saw all the requirements and went nope! I doubt I would have been chosen anyway.

If only they would actually communicate with us on the normal forums…

Glad I’m not the only one.

The main reason I play this game is for cosmetics such as mounts, pets, and transmogs. I don’t care at all about Mythic+ or Raiding, so this next patch isn’t exciting for me at all.

Oh well. Guess I’ll just keep playing Kingdom Hearts for now.


I get like a Nier Automata/Destiny vibe from the patch which I don’t mind. Since its basically older then titans lore. But I do feel bad for those that don’t like scifi stuff.

Also getting vibes from like Arrival vibes from the patch which was one of my favorite movies. So I don’t mind the vibe, I feel sorry for those that hate it though : /


Yeah for sure, I wish. So frustrating that they don’t :frowning: I wonder if the big announcements were the 9.2 release date. Meaning we won’t know anything actually new until…well, who knows when. I haven’t seen people speculate anytime this week.

Big same here in terms of cosmetics. I play for collecting & roleplay, which according to some individuals, ‘isn’t really playing the game’ even though storybuilding in a ROLEPLAY GAME makes more sense than running on a mindless gear treadmill with pointless systems that aren’t fun. Blizzard likes to appeal to those who are obsessed over just high-end content though, which is frustrating. It’s evident when people pull the ‘no other content should be added but PvE because otherwise it would take away a raid tier’ :roll_eyes:

No worries, I’m just being blatantly honest that I despise everything about it. I’m sure it appeals to an audience that enjoys sci-fi, that’s just not something I like at all myself. Especially not as the origin of all life. Lore is pretty much destroyed forever for me.

All in all, I’m just being honest as to why I’m not touching this patch with a ten mile pole.

I have FFXIV anyhow, which I personally like waaaay better at the moment and has better customization/story. I’m only here on the forums at this point to cheer on those still playing in hopes they get what they want :sweat_smile: The things I want added to the game that would being me back won’t ever be.


I can and I will totally vouch that the character you have in FFXIV is adorable, I absolutely love it!!! :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Awww thanks! Haha my only gripe with the game is how alt-unfriendly it is. I LOVE alts and have so many characters, I wish they shared mounts and pets. Regardless, I have fun with my catgirls and dragonmen ^^