San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I would appreciate something like that for blood elves and forsaken. Who have long wanted dark ranger options. I made two hunters just in case that happened lol.


Yeah I agree. I really wish they’d do more of those questlines-for-customization. I feel like it’s a super cool idea with both Greenfire and Night Warrior. It doesn’t even have to be that complicated. Tidbits of lore are tons of fun and earning customization for it is a huge bonus.


Yea maybe that’s how Neophytes happen and maybe you can rank up in like San’layn society to get more stuff via like a rep.

Idk. I think it would be nice to unlock options. The collector in me would like to collect skins. We got soulshaping lol.

Horde still haven’t gotten a night warrior like situation so that would be nice. Maybe alliance get a night warrior part 2 and get stuff like more body tattoos. And we get unlead vampire looks?


I’m against Covenant races being playable from a story perspective, because Afterlife races coming and hanging out with the Alliance and Horde on Azeroth just seems wrong to me.

That being said, I do like their lore and looks, and would probably play one if they were made playable.


Unfortunately, I’m like this with pretty much every race.

Need to have those mounts and heritage sets!


Yeah exploring San’layn society sounds like a ton of fun, I like that a lot and in fact have been wanting it for a while.

Yeah I wonder what Alliance would get? That’s a good question… I’m sure there’s plenty they would want to unlock storywise.

Yeah I really favor Stoneborne so if they add in the Venthyr, Night Fae, Kyrian, and whatever is from Maldraxxas, I would hope those would be on the table if they did end up saying the story perspective doesn’t matter. Agreed, it’d feel…odd. I know there’s many who have justification for it from what I’ve seen.


If they had to make them work I think they could. Like all the new souls we rescued from the maw want to fight to protect azeroth because we helped saved them. Or you are a member that died in the 4th war (like dks) and want to fight/get revenge and join a faction or something silly.

Or your character is like a dk and was sent from shadowlands as an embassador to help with whatever azeroth needs to defend itself since they consider you an ally now.

I think you can write it in without much problem. But I have doubts it would even happen because of how behind they are in schedule.

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Oh for sure. Writing it in well is another story.
Looks at void elves.


I guess it could work if they became a form of ‘undead’ on Azeroth itself, sort of like forsaken and, well… San’layn. We haven’t explored their status much on Azeroth. We just know Mawsworne have chilled here.


Yea it was nice to see this highmountain that died in the high mountain questing to be like a new soul in bastion. And we saw some other characters that died in the story end up being covenant members. Like Mankrik’s wife. I think the story should have explored some of that. Maybe discovering some of the people you are interacting with were people you knew before.


Yea lol… void elves are proof blizzard does what it wants. Which is why I keep supporting threads like these!


This is me as well.

I have at least 1 of every race, and have reached max characters because of that. Once the next batch of playable races roll around, I’m going to have some deleting to do. :frowning:

Really wish we could have a cap increase.


They could give Night Elves paladin maybe? Be a fun way to add it finally. ( I know class vs customization isn’t balanced. Just tossing it out there.)


This sounds neat for a general idea of adding class-race combos! Best of both worlds. I’m super against restrictions but I think the ‘but lore’ people would need to sit down with proper questlines showing ‘yes, this race can in fact be this class’ et cetra!


I will never give up on wanting Night Elf Paladin’s and I don’t even play any other classes except Warlock but it’s absurd they aren’t a playable race/class combo since Legion.

Plus I lowkey want to see a Paladin Nightsaber mount. :yum: :yum: :yum:


This is what I meant about having a night warrior part 2. Maybe night elf paladins could come with that.


Old God’s that would be amazing.

I could see that.

Could’ve seen it better if blizzard had kept tyrande with the Wrath of Elune but had her spread it out to others among the priesthood.

Adding that with San’layn to the Horde would be neat.


I mean just bundle the lore together. This guy made some class skin for it too.

I wouldn’t mind like a venthyr/ blood magic class skin to change up some classes spell effects and change there magic schools to shadow magic or make a new school for blood. I think class skins would enhance player fantasies alongside the customization.


Oh I’d love to see this quite a bit. I would prolly roll a night elf paladin, I don’t know. If lore required them to worship elune, pass, but I could fanagle a different backstory anyhow given our toons have free will and can worship whoever they want.


Side note, I don’t know how much this matters but our thread is in the top 20 of threads in Forever “All Time”. Might be a combo of replies, likes, and views, I have no idea how it works.

I do think there’s interest in San’layn, genuinely. I see them come up outside of the forums as a desire for many folks. I hope we get a big ol’ group of good stuff to make many people happy. Many vampire types including San’layn? Yes, that’d be great, and we can have our own ‘Vampire the Masquerade’ in a way going on.

TECHNICALLY SPEAKING if they justify “Afterlife Races” as ‘undead’ on Azeroth, Venthyr and San’layn would be under the same umbrella, and that whole ‘vampire’ as an Allied Race could work, where you could pick from San’layn to Venthyr and, again, maybe even a human vampyr.

If we want to get even MORE complicated, that could be a forsaken ‘subrace’ if they ever add the subrace system. Problem is… forsaken would have sooooo many subraces it’d be unreal. Not that I mind…