San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Yeah they should have had have had more interaction with him like we did with the Lich King throughout WOTLK. Or even Deathwing when he came around and one shotted people :laughing:


I still think this isn’t an end to the opportunity.

Drevan was one San’layn and was seemingly making more. There are probably other San’layn who would and could still ally the Horde through both the Blood Elves and Forsaken.

It would be easy for them to join up especially since, thanks to the Alliance, everyone on that boat was dead.

It would reflect more on the Alliance than the San’layn imo.


I’m sure there are other San’layn out there, aside from the missing Blood Prince. Seeing as the Horde offered a place for them before, I don’t see why that offer couldn’t still stand for any other San’layn.

It’s really unclear if any Horde members knew what happened on that boat and to Dreven. If people are still wary of them, then you could go into a storyline where the San’layn earn the Horde’s trust and you speak for them to join up afterwards.

I’ve gone into details about this several times throughout this megathread, but it’s still a good opportunity to do something cool with them and get a neat playable Horde race to go with it. :wine_glass::bat:


Yeah either Dreven came from one of the missing blood princes OR existed in Wrath and we never saw him OR came from another source we never saw in Wrath.

All of the above means there’s a completely unknown number of San’layn kinda chilling out there, not to mention those vampire Vry’kul, so the curse is still very much active.

Hopefully we actually see it addressed in lore someday.

The missing blood princes should be 2 ruling Blood Kings, in my opinion ^^


Maybe literally if they are some still on Northrend somewhere. :stuck_out_tongue:

I do think given their situation and trying to find survival, it makes sense for them to be open to working with the Horde if the opportunities presents itself. Something must’ve been done when Dreven’s group was found to initiate diplomacy, so I would think it’d be possible to do so with other San’layn groups. :wine_glass::bat:


It would be cool if they closed out Shadowlands with a follow-up event in Icecrown, taking us back to push back lingering scourge and mend the cracked sky and San’layn are awakened from their deep slumber to assist. They could even do some small cameo with Denathrius. :thinking:


Oh this sounds like a really fun idea, and I didn’t even think of a deep slumber idea. That’s super clever! All of that :smiley:


Yeah I imagine there are quite a few San’layn in underground lairs in Icecrown that are starting to get hungry :laughing:


I’ve kinda mentioned the idea of a deep slumber with regards to their curse giving them the “need to feed.” Where some San’layn are awake trying to find a way to sate that urge to drain blood from the nearest victim.

It could be part of their storyline, along with helping the Horde out to get assistance and help find a cure for at least that part of the curse. Afterwards, the San’layn would wake up those sleeping (our characters) and we start the beginning waking up, taking the thing that stops their constant feeding urges, and going from there.

It’s something I’ve been meaning to write as a scenario sometime in more detail, as I have some ideas about at least the beginning San’layn character scenario some. I may get back to that, as it has been awhile since I did writing in general. :wine_glass::bat:


Looking forward to it if you get there! Yeah I think I remember you mentioning that, it’s a really cool idea. The ones waking up are probably quite hungry indeed. Possibly dangerous. We could use the help of the active ones to figure out how to cover the issue.


I agree with the “deep slumber” idea.

It would be an incredibly easy thing for them to insert, while at the same time being completely justified given what we know about the lore in general.


I feel like Blizz could solve a bunch of problems at once while giving the players what they want. There are Vrykul in Icecrown as well… give the Alliance the Drust Human AR (skinny humans with death magic, wicker form druids rather than thornspeaker). They are basically necromancers that people have been asking for. Make San’layn the BE AR, keeping them exclusively Horde. Both factions get something that is equally cool and then both get Tinkers as well, possibly. :thinking:


Since Covenants will be gone, along with the powers, I feel like Door of Shadows would be a good San’layn racial :thinking:

*They could probably make 2 new classes for San’layn and Drust out of Venthyr and Necrolord abilities alone!


I like this idea. It reminds me of the Demon Hunter intro, and I found that one worked really well.

Yes. This is exactly what I liked about the Demon Hunter intro.


I absolutely love how active this thread has been the last few days due to all of us being back playing while also posting on the forums. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


I agree with that. Been real quiet without all of you.

Also its nice to run out of likes again.


If they look as good as the cinematic I would play maybe one or two. San’layn Dark Ranger though is something I have wanted since Wotlk. Either as customization (because I wouldnt mind that as a barbershop option and not have to grind gold for race changes).

I do wish they would add voice packs as customization for stuff like wildhammer or other similar tribes of races like grimtotem tauren. That would make them being customization options better imo if they aren’t an allied race.

If they fixed there faces and made some pretty/handsome/beautiful faces I think they would be well received. I am a fan of the cinematic models. The ingame models leave much to be desired.

Fan Art tends to pretty them up a ton. The ingame models wouldn’t be sufficient if they did add them. I also wouldn’t mind a pretty face in the afterlife. So I think they would have to fix there faces if they wanted to make them playable.


At that point they might as well be San’layn though, like seriously. San’layn cover that and have for a while, so it’s completely treading on something that already exists and better ><

It’d be a complete replacement for San’layn which I personally favor lorewise FAR more than anything to do with Venthyr.

If we got both, sure, but again… there’s nothing unique about venthyr at that point if you take away the nosferatu look because the San’layn encompass all of that AND actually drink blood.

I guess if it’s a green Orc & Mah’gar situation but those are the same exact species from different timelines. Not something like completely different from one another.


In a perfect world both would exist. I mean we basically both got high elves.

Covenant races seem like a perfect nuetral race to add with the crossfaction stuff. I highly doubt they would do that since blizz seem way behind in whatever schedule they had planned for this expansion. At most I can maybe see it as a last patch allied race. But I think that’s unlikely. Although I admit I would play kyrian and maybe a few others. Since I like angel lore, and scifi angels from star ocean.

I do agree I would rather have san’layn though. But I guess I would be open to covenant races if it was a bunch of them.

Like we got high elves on both sides, I am sure blizzard has cared less for double dipping on themes now. I hope that wouldn’t stop them from introducing both. Although I am still in favor of san’layn on horde!!! The customization option looks more appealing to me though.


That’s a solid point. I’m completely against just getting covenant races and nothing else, but if we got them and a bunch of other requests, I’m open to it, yeah.

They are indeed double dipping a LOT. And that’s a really good argument to toss at people who try to scream against one if one gets added.

In that case it’s not really a ‘rather’ situation, it’s a ‘when are we getting both of these’.

As for customization, yeah I see both sides on that issue. I really love AR and favor it, but not having to swap races on like… everyone would be nice, yeah.

It’s right there and can be done with a Night Warrior like questline. They could even tie San’layn & Venthyr together like people have been saying, where Blood Elves get that night warrior like questline for San’layn and get a Venthyr AR at the same time.

Everyone’s happy, everyone gets lore, we all toast to a variety of vampires.

And on THAT note, why not human vampires too, I’d advocate for those for forsaken as well (or humans, too, I mean why not.)