San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Happy December everyone!

Whatever plans everyone has for the month, I hope y’all have a safe and happy Winter Veil!

Speaking of, Winter Veil starts in-game on the 16th, I think. When that is up, I’ll be taking some festive screenshots to share for the race request megathreads. Always a fun time to take screenshots during such occasions! :camera:

I know I’ll hope to see several races myself appear underneath my Winter Veil tree!

:japanese_goblin: :japanese_ogre: :bat: :christmas_tree: :crocodile: :tiger2: :snake:


Ya I agree but the troll customization people would like troll beards as well but I haven’t seen those threads pop up in a while.


This, so much this!!! :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

I told you what you post is always hot, it’s why I love when you share it here and in our Discord. :fire: :fire: :fire:


tbf I think a lot of people want Troll beards.

Regardless of if they’re pulling majorly for Troll customizations or not. :stuck_out_tongue:

Still want San’layn AR though.


Since cooking gingerbread cookies is a common thing to celebrate the month, I came across a neat recipe for chocolate ginger bat biscuits (cookies).

Please note that UK measurements are used in this recipe, so you may need to convert some of the steps:

It has videos for a few of the steps and a template you can download and print out to help make bat shapes.

Speaking of bat shapes, if you happen to know how to make gingerbread cookies (or any type of cookie, really), you can find cookie cutters with bat shapes in them in some stores. It will making the cookies bat shaped a lot easier if you can find any.

I figure I would share it to inspire those who want to level up their cooking skills IRL. If I see any other neat recipes fitting for this megathread, I’ll be sure to share them! :wine_glass::bat:


It has been awhile since I last asked this, but I wanted to revisit this question: Assuming we’re lucky enough to get playable Horde San’layn, what class would you make your San’layn characters?

I have two characters in mind at present:

The first I have is a male San’layn Fire Mage. I was leaning towards mage, mostly thinking about how Dracula in the Castlevania games is designed. Fire mage seems the most fitting in that image to me, especially since I have a Horde Arcade and Frost Mage already.

The other I have in mind is a female San’layn, though I haven’t figured out what class I would have her. A lot depends on classes and specs I haven’t created on the Horde yet and what would be available. It’s something I need to think more on. I was considering either an Arms Warrior or Frost Death Knight at present.

So what San’layn characters would everyone make? I’m assuming Blood Death Knight would be very popular for obvious reasons. :wine_glass::bat:


I really like matching the thematic of a race to a class so I think I’d go with Blood Death Knight myself.

I have a slot saved now for one but I haven’t fully solidified my story for them or class but that’s what I’m leaning towards.


I would like to play numerous fantasies for San’layn/darkfallen.

  • Dark Ranger esque like Slyvannas, been wanting a dark ranger since I started.

  • Battle mage/elemantist. Shaman but with a battle mage feel. In Revendreth there is a bunch of sinstone elementals and ash elementals so I would borrow some of that into like a glyph for them. They could also use the blood moon for stuff like bloodlust (in my head canon). It would be fun to make every one bloodlust as a San’layn! Not to mention blood elves liked studying magics in life, so studying elementals related to death like sinstones and wind would be ideal.

  • Druid- just cause vampires often are shapeshifters in common media. And the Venthyr had a former night warrior I think they could work a story where they are friendly with some loa. Like the Blood Loa, and or have some teachings with the Venthyr former night warrior. Perhaps her teachings would allow them to used the stone form creatures like Gargoyles bear form and a gargoyle cat form. That would be an interesting fantasy to play out ingame.

  • Fire mage would be nice, if class skins ever became a thing I think blood mage would fit them thematically

  • I have a blood elf rogue that I use the orb of deception on to be a dranei/eredar rogue. But I would change him to be undead, there was a similar npc in The war of thorns that was blood elf but was risen to undeath, he enjoyed killing and gladly wanted to become darkfallen to keep killing. An evil trope, but loyalty to the horde I guess would be enough reason to want to be risen again if you enjoyed fighting.

My dk would Appreciate the Red eyes though!


It depends for me. Usually if a race/class combo is really really popular, I tend to avoid it for another combination. Not to be intentionally rare, but to be a bit different. Nothing wrong with those who play really popular race/class combos, of course. It’s just a weird thing about me.

Some examples I can think of are Vah Shir Beastlords in Everquest 1, both of which came out in the same expansion, and Pandaren Monks in WoW. Most of the time you’d see one of those races, they would almost always be of those classes to the point it was a bit of a turn off thinking of making that race/class combo.

It’s a bit hard to explain and it isn’t always the case for me whether I make an extremely popular race/class combo. I suppose I’m weird in that regard. Blood Death Knights is a fitting class and spec for San’layn, but I’d have to see how I’d feel if we did get playable Horde San’layn someday. :wine_glass::bat:


Commissioned a piece of Jinx from League of Legends (And Arcane. Awesome show) as a vampire because I can, and it fits here.

Figured I’d post it here. Hope folks like it.

This is by

Playable San’layn for the Horde please.


I do that with some races/classes.

My ogre for example is going to be a Monk which I expect will be a rarer race/class combination. :stuck_out_tongue:

I expect my San’layn class to be a moving target till they launch. (Unless I get a really nice story somewhere along the line.)


Yes queen, this, so much this!!! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

I look forward to eventually having or even maining a Horde San’layn Warlock. :heart: :heart: :heart:


Another new month, another round of in-game playable race suggestion feedback with references to their megathreads on here. San’layn, as always, are among those races. :vampire:

I know it has been a hard road, but I’m still marching in support for playable Horde San’layn as best as I can! :wine_glass::bat:

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I legit logged into the forums just to like this post since lately I’m spending less time here and more time either working on my alt Warlocks or chatting on Discord but I’m happy that you are still just as supportive as I am for San’layn because I really hope we see them soon, same with Dark Rangers both on the Horde side, Alliance can get something else I don’t care what but whatever it is I guess. :yum: :yum: :yum:

Also keeping this thread and the Dark Ranger one alive is a key to hopefully getting both races playable eventually in one way or another be it Allied Races or customizations, Allied Races being preferred but customizations being accepted. :blush: :blush: :blush:

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I confess. I actually laughed at that.
Imagining a San’layn like Jinx walking around Azeroth makes me chuckle nervously.


Ok after seeing the datamined Sylvanas cinematic all elves should have an option for regular looking eyes. The way she looked was so good.


Going to admit, they don’t interest me at all and I’m not a fan. But sure, if we get more fantasy eyes as well, why not. More options the better.

Doubt we’ll ever get playable Dark Rangers or San’layn given the implications of the cinematic were literally “all undead can only be evil grrr” but whatever. Not a happy camper in the slightest.

Also ‘yay high elves, totally what I want to see, not any development of actually thoughtful nuanced undead or anything’.

They left undead in the dust. I’m so tired of it.


I mean there’s nothing that says we can’t also have those eyes with red, is there?

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Long as we get the full glow red eyes, I find normal ‘human’ eyes incredibly boring unless the sclera are black. If it’s just those as red eyes, major pass. Just a preference thing and I really am not a fan myself.

Given the implications that undead are ‘only evil’ though, I think I’m done for good.


Yeah, that would be an amazing look too. Black and red.